Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
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1// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include <cmath>
9#include <iomanip>
10#include <limits>
11#include <optional>
12#include <ostream>
13#include <utility>
23namespace impeller {
26/// @brief A 4x4 matrix using column-major storage.
28/// Utility methods that need to make assumptions about normalized
29/// device coordinates must use the following convention:
30/// * Left-handed coordinate system. Positive rotation is
31/// clockwise about axis of rotation.
32/// * Lower left corner is -1.0f, -1.0.
33/// * Upper right corner is 1.0f, 1.0.
34/// * Visible z-space is from 0.0 to 1.0.
35/// * This is NOT the same as OpenGL! Be careful.
36/// * NDC origin is at (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f).
37struct Matrix {
38 union {
39 Scalar m[16];
40 Scalar e[4][4];
42 };
44 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 /// Constructs a default identity matrix.
46 ///
47 constexpr Matrix()
48 // clang-format off
49 : vec{ Vector4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
50 Vector4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
51 Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f),
52 Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)} {}
53 // clang-format on
55 // clang-format off
56 constexpr Matrix(Scalar m0, Scalar m1, Scalar m2, Scalar m3,
57 Scalar m4, Scalar m5, Scalar m6, Scalar m7,
58 Scalar m8, Scalar m9, Scalar m10, Scalar m11,
59 Scalar m12, Scalar m13, Scalar m14, Scalar m15)
60 : vec{Vector4(m0, m1, m2, m3),
61 Vector4(m4, m5, m6, m7),
62 Vector4(m8, m9, m10, m11),
63 Vector4(m12, m13, m14, m15)} {}
64 // clang-format on
66 explicit Matrix(const MatrixDecomposition& decomposition);
68 // clang-format off
69 static constexpr Matrix MakeColumn(
70 Scalar m0, Scalar m1, Scalar m2, Scalar m3,
71 Scalar m4, Scalar m5, Scalar m6, Scalar m7,
72 Scalar m8, Scalar m9, Scalar m10, Scalar m11,
73 Scalar m12, Scalar m13, Scalar m14, Scalar m15){
74 return Matrix(m0, m1, m2, m3,
75 m4, m5, m6, m7,
76 m8, m9, m10, m11,
77 m12, m13, m14, m15);
79 }
80 // clang-format on
82 // clang-format off
83 static constexpr Matrix MakeRow(
84 Scalar m0, Scalar m1, Scalar m2, Scalar m3,
85 Scalar m4, Scalar m5, Scalar m6, Scalar m7,
86 Scalar m8, Scalar m9, Scalar m10, Scalar m11,
87 Scalar m12, Scalar m13, Scalar m14, Scalar m15){
88 return Matrix(m0, m4, m8, m12,
89 m1, m5, m9, m13,
90 m2, m6, m10, m14,
91 m3, m7, m11, m15);
92 }
93 // clang-format on
95 static constexpr Matrix MakeTranslation(const Vector3& t) {
96 // clang-format off
97 return Matrix(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
98 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
99 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
100 t.x, t.y, t.z, 1.0f);
101 // clang-format on
102 }
104 static constexpr Matrix MakeScale(const Vector3& s) {
105 // clang-format off
106 return Matrix(s.x, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
107 0.0f, s.y, 0.0f, 0.0f,
108 0.0f, 0.0f, s.z, 0.0f,
109 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
110 // clang-format on
111 }
113 static constexpr Matrix MakeScale(const Vector2& s) {
114 return MakeScale(Vector3(s.x, s.y, 1.0f));
115 }
117 static constexpr Matrix MakeSkew(Scalar sx, Scalar sy) {
118 // clang-format off
119 return Matrix(1.0f, sy , 0.0f, 0.0f,
120 sx , 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
121 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
122 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
123 // clang-format on
124 }
127 // clang-format off
128 return Matrix(
129 1.0f - 2.0f * q.y * q.y - 2.0f * q.z * q.z,
130 2.0f * q.x * q.y + 2.0f * q.z * q.w,
131 2.0f * q.x * q.z - 2.0f * q.y * q.w,
132 0.0f,
134 2.0f * q.x * q.y - 2.0f * q.z * q.w,
135 1.0f - 2.0f * q.x * q.x - 2.0f * q.z * q.z,
136 2.0f * q.y * q.z + 2.0f * q.x * q.w,
137 0.0f,
139 2.0f * q.x * q.z + 2.0f * q.y * q.w,
140 2.0f * q.y * q.z - 2.0f * q.x * q.w,
141 1.0f - 2.0f * q.x * q.x - 2.0f * q.y * q.y,
142 0.0f,
144 0.0f,
145 0.0f,
146 0.0f,
147 1.0f);
148 // clang-format on
149 }
151 static Matrix MakeRotation(Radians radians, const Vector4& r) {
152 const Vector4 v = r.Normalize();
154 const Vector2 cos_sin = CosSin(radians);
155 const Scalar cosine = cos_sin.x;
156 const Scalar cosp = 1.0f - cosine;
157 const Scalar sine = cos_sin.y;
159 // clang-format off
160 return Matrix(
161 cosine + cosp * v.x * v.x,
162 cosp * v.x * v.y + v.z * sine,
163 cosp * v.x * v.z - v.y * sine,
164 0.0f,
166 cosp * v.x * v.y - v.z * sine,
167 cosine + cosp * v.y * v.y,
168 cosp * v.y * v.z + v.x * sine,
169 0.0f,
171 cosp * v.x * v.z + v.y * sine,
172 cosp * v.y * v.z - v.x * sine,
173 cosine + cosp * v.z * v.z,
174 0.0f,
176 0.0f,
177 0.0f,
178 0.0f,
179 1.0f);
180 // clang-format on
181 }
184 const Vector2 cos_sin = CosSin(r);
185 const Scalar cosine = cos_sin.x;
186 const Scalar sine = cos_sin.y;
188 // clang-format off
189 return Matrix(
190 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
191 0.0f, cosine, sine, 0.0f,
192 0.0f, -sine, cosine, 0.0f,
193 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f
194 );
195 // clang-format on
196 }
199 const Vector2 cos_sin = CosSin(r);
200 const Scalar cosine = cos_sin.x;
201 const Scalar sine = cos_sin.y;
203 // clang-format off
204 return Matrix(
205 cosine, 0.0f, -sine, 0.0f,
206 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
207 sine, 0.0f, cosine, 0.0f,
208 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f
209 );
210 // clang-format on
211 }
214 const Vector2 cos_sin = CosSin(r);
215 const Scalar cosine = cos_sin.x;
216 const Scalar sine = cos_sin.y;
218 // clang-format off
219 return Matrix (
220 cosine, sine, 0.0f, 0.0f,
221 -sine, cosine, 0.0f, 0.0f,
222 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
223 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0
224 );
225 // clang-format on
226 }
228 /// The Matrix without its `w` components (without translation).
229 constexpr Matrix Basis() const {
230 // clang-format off
231 return Matrix(
232 m[0], m[1], m[2], 0.0f,
233 m[4], m[5], m[6], 0.0f,
234 m[8], m[9], m[10], 0.0f,
235 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0
236 );
237 // clang-format on
238 }
240 constexpr Matrix Translate(const Vector3& t) const {
241 // clang-format off
242 return Matrix(m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3],
243 m[4], m[5], m[6], m[7],
244 m[8], m[9], m[10], m[11],
245 m[0] * t.x + m[4] * t.y + m[8] * t.z + m[12],
246 m[1] * t.x + m[5] * t.y + m[9] * t.z + m[13],
247 m[2] * t.x + m[6] * t.y + m[10] * t.z + m[14],
248 m[15]);
249 // clang-format on
250 }
252 constexpr Matrix Scale(const Vector3& s) const {
253 // clang-format off
254 return Matrix(m[0] * s.x, m[1] * s.x, m[2] * s.x, m[3] * s.x,
255 m[4] * s.y, m[5] * s.y, m[6] * s.y, m[7] * s.y,
256 m[8] * s.z, m[9] * s.z, m[10] * s.z, m[11] * s.z,
257 m[12] , m[13] , m[14] , m[15] );
258 // clang-format on
259 }
261 constexpr Matrix Multiply(const Matrix& o) const {
262 // clang-format off
263 return Matrix(
264 m[0] * o.m[0] + m[4] * o.m[1] + m[8] * o.m[2] + m[12] * o.m[3],
265 m[1] * o.m[0] + m[5] * o.m[1] + m[9] * o.m[2] + m[13] * o.m[3],
266 m[2] * o.m[0] + m[6] * o.m[1] + m[10] * o.m[2] + m[14] * o.m[3],
267 m[3] * o.m[0] + m[7] * o.m[1] + m[11] * o.m[2] + m[15] * o.m[3],
268 m[0] * o.m[4] + m[4] * o.m[5] + m[8] * o.m[6] + m[12] * o.m[7],
269 m[1] * o.m[4] + m[5] * o.m[5] + m[9] * o.m[6] + m[13] * o.m[7],
270 m[2] * o.m[4] + m[6] * o.m[5] + m[10] * o.m[6] + m[14] * o.m[7],
271 m[3] * o.m[4] + m[7] * o.m[5] + m[11] * o.m[6] + m[15] * o.m[7],
272 m[0] * o.m[8] + m[4] * o.m[9] + m[8] * o.m[10] + m[12] * o.m[11],
273 m[1] * o.m[8] + m[5] * o.m[9] + m[9] * o.m[10] + m[13] * o.m[11],
274 m[2] * o.m[8] + m[6] * o.m[9] + m[10] * o.m[10] + m[14] * o.m[11],
275 m[3] * o.m[8] + m[7] * o.m[9] + m[11] * o.m[10] + m[15] * o.m[11],
276 m[0] * o.m[12] + m[4] * o.m[13] + m[8] * o.m[14] + m[12] * o.m[15],
277 m[1] * o.m[12] + m[5] * o.m[13] + m[9] * o.m[14] + m[13] * o.m[15],
278 m[2] * o.m[12] + m[6] * o.m[13] + m[10] * o.m[14] + m[14] * o.m[15],
279 m[3] * o.m[12] + m[7] * o.m[13] + m[11] * o.m[14] + m[15] * o.m[15]);
280 // clang-format on
281 }
283 constexpr Matrix Transpose() const {
284 // clang-format off
285 return {
286 m[0], m[4], m[8], m[12],
287 m[1], m[5], m[9], m[13],
288 m[2], m[6], m[10], m[14],
289 m[3], m[7], m[11], m[15],
290 };
291 // clang-format on
292 }
294 Matrix Invert() const;
296 Scalar GetDeterminant() const;
300 constexpr Scalar GetMaxBasisLengthXY() const {
301 return std::sqrt(std::max(e[0][0] * e[0][0] + e[0][1] * e[0][1],
302 e[1][0] * e[1][0] + e[1][1] * e[1][1]));
303 }
305 constexpr Vector3 GetBasisX() const { return Vector3(m[0], m[1], m[2]); }
307 constexpr Vector3 GetBasisY() const { return Vector3(m[4], m[5], m[6]); }
309 constexpr Vector3 GetBasisZ() const { return Vector3(m[8], m[9], m[10]); }
311 constexpr Vector3 GetScale() const {
312 return Vector3(GetBasisX().Length(), GetBasisY().Length(),
313 GetBasisZ().Length());
314 }
316 constexpr Scalar GetDirectionScale(Vector3 direction) const {
317 return 1.0f / (this->Basis().Invert() * direction.Normalize()).Length() *
318 direction.Length();
319 }
321 constexpr bool IsAffine() const {
322 return (m[2] == 0 && m[3] == 0 && m[6] == 0 && m[7] == 0 && m[8] == 0 &&
323 m[9] == 0 && m[10] == 1 && m[11] == 0 && m[14] == 0 && m[15] == 1);
324 }
326 constexpr bool HasPerspective2D() const {
327 return m[3] != 0 || m[7] != 0 || m[15] != 1;
328 }
330 constexpr bool HasPerspective() const {
331 return m[3] != 0 || m[7] != 0 || m[11] != 0 || m[15] != 1;
332 }
334 constexpr bool HasTranslation() const { return m[12] != 0 || m[13] != 0; }
336 constexpr bool IsAligned2D(Scalar tolerance = 0) const {
337 if (HasPerspective2D()) {
338 return false;
339 }
340 if (ScalarNearlyZero(m[1], tolerance) &&
341 ScalarNearlyZero(m[4], tolerance)) {
342 return true;
343 }
344 if (ScalarNearlyZero(m[0], tolerance) &&
345 ScalarNearlyZero(m[5], tolerance)) {
346 return true;
347 }
348 return false;
349 }
351 constexpr bool IsAligned(Scalar tolerance = 0) const {
352 if (HasPerspective()) {
353 return false;
354 }
355 int v[] = {!ScalarNearlyZero(m[0], tolerance), //
356 !ScalarNearlyZero(m[1], tolerance), //
357 !ScalarNearlyZero(m[2], tolerance), //
358 !ScalarNearlyZero(m[4], tolerance), //
359 !ScalarNearlyZero(m[5], tolerance), //
360 !ScalarNearlyZero(m[6], tolerance), //
361 !ScalarNearlyZero(m[8], tolerance), //
362 !ScalarNearlyZero(m[9], tolerance), //
363 !ScalarNearlyZero(m[10], tolerance)};
364 // Check if all three basis vectors are aligned to an axis.
365 if (v[0] + v[1] + v[2] != 1 || //
366 v[3] + v[4] + v[5] != 1 || //
367 v[6] + v[7] + v[8] != 1) {
368 return false;
369 }
370 // Ensure that none of the basis vectors overlap.
371 if (v[0] + v[3] + v[6] != 1 || //
372 v[1] + v[4] + v[7] != 1 || //
373 v[2] + v[5] + v[8] != 1) {
374 return false;
375 }
376 return true;
377 }
379 constexpr bool IsIdentity() const {
380 return (
381 // clang-format off
382 m[0] == 1.0f && m[1] == 0.0f && m[2] == 0.0f && m[3] == 0.0f &&
383 m[4] == 0.0f && m[5] == 1.0f && m[6] == 0.0f && m[7] == 0.0f &&
384 m[8] == 0.0f && m[9] == 0.0f && m[10] == 1.0f && m[11] == 0.0f &&
385 m[12] == 0.0f && m[13] == 0.0f && m[14] == 0.0f && m[15] == 1.0f
386 // clang-format on
387 );
388 }
390 /// @brief Returns true if the matrix has a scale-only basis and is
391 /// non-projective. Note that an identity matrix meets this criteria.
392 constexpr bool IsTranslationScaleOnly() const {
393 return (
394 // clang-format off
395 m[0] != 0.0 && m[1] == 0.0 && m[2] == 0.0 && m[3] == 0.0 &&
396 m[4] == 0.0 && m[5] != 0.0 && m[6] == 0.0 && m[7] == 0.0 &&
397 m[8] == 0.0 && m[9] == 0.0 && m[10] != 0.0 && m[11] == 0.0 &&
398 m[15] == 1.0
399 // clang-format on
400 );
401 }
403 std::optional<MatrixDecomposition> Decompose() const;
405 constexpr bool operator==(const Matrix& m) const {
406 // clang-format off
407 return vec[0] == m.vec[0]
408 && vec[1] == m.vec[1]
409 && vec[2] == m.vec[2]
410 && vec[3] == m.vec[3];
411 // clang-format on
412 }
414 constexpr bool operator!=(const Matrix& m) const {
415 // clang-format off
416 return vec[0] != m.vec[0]
417 || vec[1] != m.vec[1]
418 || vec[2] != m.vec[2]
419 || vec[3] != m.vec[3];
420 // clang-format on
421 }
423 Matrix operator+(const Vector3& t) const { return Translate(t); }
425 Matrix operator-(const Vector3& t) const { return Translate(-t); }
427 Matrix operator*(const Matrix& m) const { return Multiply(m); }
429 Matrix operator+(const Matrix& m) const;
431 constexpr Vector4 operator*(const Vector4& v) const {
432 return Vector4(v.x * m[0] + v.y * m[4] + v.z * m[8] + v.w * m[12],
433 v.x * m[1] + v.y * m[5] + v.z * m[9] + v.w * m[13],
434 v.x * m[2] + v.y * m[6] + v.z * m[10] + v.w * m[14],
435 v.x * m[3] + v.y * m[7] + v.z * m[11] + v.w * m[15]);
436 }
438 constexpr Vector3 operator*(const Vector3& v) const {
439 Scalar w = v.x * m[3] + v.y * m[7] + v.z * m[11] + m[15];
440 Vector3 result(v.x * m[0] + v.y * m[4] + v.z * m[8] + m[12],
441 v.x * m[1] + v.y * m[5] + v.z * m[9] + m[13],
442 v.x * m[2] + v.y * m[6] + v.z * m[10] + m[14]);
444 // This is Skia's behavior, but it may be reasonable to allow UB for the w=0
445 // case.
446 if (w) {
447 w = 1 / w;
448 }
449 return result * w;
450 }
452 constexpr Point operator*(const Point& v) const {
453 Scalar w = v.x * m[3] + v.y * m[7] + m[15];
454 Point result(v.x * m[0] + v.y * m[4] + m[12],
455 v.x * m[1] + v.y * m[5] + m[13]);
457 // This is Skia's behavior, but it may be reasonable to allow UB for the w=0
458 // case.
459 if (w) {
460 w = 1 / w;
461 }
462 return result * w;
463 }
465 constexpr Vector3 TransformHomogenous(const Point& v) const {
466 return Vector3(v.x * m[0] + v.y * m[4] + m[12],
467 v.x * m[1] + v.y * m[5] + m[13],
468 v.x * m[3] + v.y * m[7] + m[15]);
469 }
471 constexpr Vector4 TransformDirection(const Vector4& v) const {
472 return Vector4(v.x * m[0] + v.y * m[4] + v.z * m[8],
473 v.x * m[1] + v.y * m[5] + v.z * m[9],
474 v.x * m[2] + v.y * m[6] + v.z * m[10], v.w);
475 }
477 constexpr Vector3 TransformDirection(const Vector3& v) const {
478 return Vector3(v.x * m[0] + v.y * m[4] + v.z * m[8],
479 v.x * m[1] + v.y * m[5] + v.z * m[9],
480 v.x * m[2] + v.y * m[6] + v.z * m[10]);
481 }
483 constexpr Vector2 TransformDirection(const Vector2& v) const {
484 return Vector2(v.x * m[0] + v.y * m[4], v.x * m[1] + v.y * m[5]);
485 }
487 constexpr Quad Transform(const Quad& quad) const {
488 return {
489 *this * quad[0],
490 *this * quad[1],
491 *this * quad[2],
492 *this * quad[3],
493 };
494 }
496 template <class T>
498 // Per assumptions about NDC documented above.
499 const auto scale =
500 MakeScale({2.0f / static_cast<Scalar>(size.width),
501 -2.0f / static_cast<Scalar>(size.height), 0.0f});
502 const auto translate = MakeTranslation({-1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f});
503 return translate * scale;
504 }
506 static constexpr Matrix MakePerspective(Radians fov_y,
507 Scalar aspect_ratio,
508 Scalar z_near,
509 Scalar z_far) {
510 Scalar height = std::tan(fov_y.radians * 0.5f);
511 Scalar width = height * aspect_ratio;
513 // clang-format off
514 return {
515 1.0f / width, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
516 0.0f, 1.0f / height, 0.0f, 0.0f,
517 0.0f, 0.0f, z_far / (z_far - z_near), 1.0f,
518 0.0f, 0.0f, -(z_far * z_near) / (z_far - z_near), 0.0f,
519 };
520 // clang-format on
521 }
523 template <class T>
524 static constexpr Matrix MakePerspective(Radians fov_y,
526 Scalar z_near,
527 Scalar z_far) {
528 return MakePerspective(fov_y, static_cast<Scalar>(size.width) / size.height,
529 z_near, z_far);
530 }
532 static constexpr Matrix MakeLookAt(Vector3 position,
534 Vector3 up) {
535 Vector3 forward = (target - position).Normalize();
536 Vector3 right = up.Cross(forward);
537 up = forward.Cross(right);
539 // clang-format off
540 return {
541 right.x, up.x, forward.x, 0.0f,
542 right.y, up.y, forward.y, 0.0f,
543 right.z, up.z, forward.z, 0.0f,
544 -right.Dot(position), -up.Dot(position), -forward.Dot(position), 1.0f
545 };
546 // clang-format on
547 }
549 private:
550 static constexpr Vector2 CosSin(Radians radians) {
551 // The precision of a float around 1.0 is much lower than it is
552 // around 0.0, so we end up with cases on quadrant rotations where
553 // we get a +/-1.0 for one of the values and a non-zero value for
554 // the other. This happens around quadrant rotations which makes it
555 // especially common and results in unclean quadrant rotation
556 // matrices which do not return true from |IsAligned[2D]| even
557 // though that is exactly where you need them to exhibit that property.
558 // It also injects small floating point mantissa errors into the
559 // matrices whenever you concatenate them with a quadrant rotation.
560 //
561 // This issue is also exacerbated by the fact that, in radians, the
562 // angles for quadrant rotations are irrational numbers. The measuring
563 // error for representing 90 degree multiples is small enough that
564 // either sin or cos will return a value near +/-1.0, but not small
565 // enough that the other value will be a clean 0.0.
566 //
567 // Some geometry packages simply discard very small numbers from
568 // sin/cos, but the following approach specifically targets just the
569 // area around a quadrant rotation (where either the sin or cos are
570 // measuring as +/-1.0) for symmetry of precision.
572 Scalar sin = std::sin(radians.radians);
573 if (std::abs(sin) == 1.0f) {
574 // 90 or 270 degrees (mod 360)
575 return {0.0f, sin};
576 } else {
577 Scalar cos = std::cos(radians.radians);
578 if (std::abs(cos) == 1.0f) {
579 // 0 or 180 degrees (mod 360)
580 return {cos, 0.0f};
581 }
582 return {cos, sin};
583 }
584 }
587static_assert(sizeof(struct Matrix) == sizeof(Scalar) * 16,
588 "The matrix must be of consistent size.");
590} // namespace impeller
592namespace std {
593inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const impeller::Matrix& m) {
594 out << "(" << std::endl << std::fixed;
595 for (size_t i = 0; i < 4u; i++) {
596 for (size_t j = 0; j < 4u; j++) {
597 out << std::setw(15) << m.e[j][i] << ",";
598 }
599 out << std::endl;
600 }
601 out << ")";
602 return out;
605} // namespace std
struct MyStruct s
GAsyncResult * result
uint32_t * target
static float max(float r, float g, float b)
Definition: hsl.cpp:49
static void Normalize(char *s)
Definition: flags.cc:296
it will be possible to load the file into Perfetto s trace viewer disable asset Prevents usage of any non test fonts unless they were explicitly Loaded via prefetched default font Indicates whether the embedding started a prefetch of the default font manager before creating the engine run In non interactive keep the shell running after the Dart script has completed enable serial On low power devices with low core running concurrent GC tasks on threads can cause them to contend with the UI thread which could potentially lead to jank This option turns off all concurrent GC activities domain network JSON encoded network policy per domain This overrides the DisallowInsecureConnections switch Embedder can specify whether to allow or disallow insecure connections at a domain level old gen heap size
Definition: switches.h:259
Point Vector2
Definition: point.h:326
float Scalar
Definition: scalar.h:18
constexpr bool ScalarNearlyZero(Scalar x, Scalar tolerance=kEhCloseEnough)
Definition: scalar.h:25
std::array< Point, 4 > Quad
Definition: point.h:327
SK_API sk_sp< PrecompileColorFilter > Matrix()
SIN Vec< N, float > abs(const Vec< N, float > &x)
Definition: SkVx.h:707
SIN Vec< N, float > sqrt(const Vec< N, float > &x)
Definition: SkVx.h:706
Definition: ref_ptr.h:256
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const impeller::Color &c)
Definition: color.h:961
SkScalar w
int32_t height
int32_t width
const Scalar scale
A 4x4 matrix using column-major storage.
Definition: matrix.h:37
static constexpr Matrix MakeOrthographic(TSize< T > size)
Definition: matrix.h:497
constexpr Matrix Multiply(const Matrix &o) const
Definition: matrix.h:261
constexpr bool IsAffine() const
Definition: matrix.h:321
static constexpr Matrix MakeTranslation(const Vector3 &t)
Definition: matrix.h:95
constexpr Vector3 GetBasisY() const
Definition: matrix.h:307
constexpr Matrix()
Definition: matrix.h:47
constexpr bool IsIdentity() const
Definition: matrix.h:379
constexpr bool IsTranslationScaleOnly() const
Returns true if the matrix has a scale-only basis and is non-projective. Note that an identity matrix...
Definition: matrix.h:392
constexpr Scalar GetMaxBasisLengthXY() const
Definition: matrix.h:300
Scalar m[16]
Definition: matrix.h:39
constexpr bool HasTranslation() const
Definition: matrix.h:334
static constexpr Matrix MakePerspective(Radians fov_y, Scalar aspect_ratio, Scalar z_near, Scalar z_far)
Definition: matrix.h:506
constexpr Matrix Translate(const Vector3 &t) const
Definition: matrix.h:240
constexpr Vector3 GetScale() const
Definition: matrix.h:311
constexpr Vector2 TransformDirection(const Vector2 &v) const
Definition: matrix.h:483
static constexpr Matrix MakeScale(const Vector2 &s)
Definition: matrix.h:113
Matrix operator+(const Vector3 &t) const
Definition: matrix.h:423
constexpr Matrix Basis() const
The Matrix without its w components (without translation).
Definition: matrix.h:229
constexpr Matrix(Scalar m0, Scalar m1, Scalar m2, Scalar m3, Scalar m4, Scalar m5, Scalar m6, Scalar m7, Scalar m8, Scalar m9, Scalar m10, Scalar m11, Scalar m12, Scalar m13, Scalar m14, Scalar m15)
Definition: matrix.h:56
Matrix operator*(const Matrix &m) const
Definition: matrix.h:427
constexpr bool IsAligned(Scalar tolerance=0) const
Definition: matrix.h:351
Matrix Invert() const
Definition: matrix.cc:97
static constexpr Matrix MakeColumn(Scalar m0, Scalar m1, Scalar m2, Scalar m3, Scalar m4, Scalar m5, Scalar m6, Scalar m7, Scalar m8, Scalar m9, Scalar m10, Scalar m11, Scalar m12, Scalar m13, Scalar m14, Scalar m15)
Definition: matrix.h:69
static Matrix MakeRotationY(Radians r)
Definition: matrix.h:198
constexpr Vector3 GetBasisZ() const
Definition: matrix.h:309
Vector4 vec[4]
Definition: matrix.h:41
static constexpr Matrix MakeLookAt(Vector3 position, Vector3 target, Vector3 up)
Definition: matrix.h:532
std::optional< MatrixDecomposition > Decompose() const
Definition: matrix.cc:209
constexpr bool HasPerspective2D() const
Definition: matrix.h:326
Matrix operator-(const Vector3 &t) const
Definition: matrix.h:425
constexpr Scalar GetDirectionScale(Vector3 direction) const
Definition: matrix.h:316
constexpr Vector4 operator*(const Vector4 &v) const
Definition: matrix.h:431
constexpr bool operator!=(const Matrix &m) const
Definition: matrix.h:414
constexpr Point operator*(const Point &v) const
Definition: matrix.h:452
constexpr Vector3 operator*(const Vector3 &v) const
Definition: matrix.h:438
Scalar GetMaxBasisLength() const
Definition: matrix.cc:196
constexpr Vector3 TransformDirection(const Vector3 &v) const
Definition: matrix.h:477
static constexpr Matrix MakeRow(Scalar m0, Scalar m1, Scalar m2, Scalar m3, Scalar m4, Scalar m5, Scalar m6, Scalar m7, Scalar m8, Scalar m9, Scalar m10, Scalar m11, Scalar m12, Scalar m13, Scalar m14, Scalar m15)
Definition: matrix.h:83
static constexpr Matrix MakeSkew(Scalar sx, Scalar sy)
Definition: matrix.h:117
constexpr Quad Transform(const Quad &quad) const
Definition: matrix.h:487
constexpr bool operator==(const Matrix &m) const
Definition: matrix.h:405
constexpr Matrix Scale(const Vector3 &s) const
Definition: matrix.h:252
constexpr Vector3 TransformHomogenous(const Point &v) const
Definition: matrix.h:465
Scalar e[4][4]
Definition: matrix.h:40
static Matrix MakeRotationZ(Radians r)
Definition: matrix.h:213
static Matrix MakeRotation(Radians radians, const Vector4 &r)
Definition: matrix.h:151
static constexpr Matrix MakePerspective(Radians fov_y, TSize< T > size, Scalar z_near, Scalar z_far)
Definition: matrix.h:524
Scalar GetDeterminant() const
Definition: matrix.cc:162
constexpr bool HasPerspective() const
Definition: matrix.h:330
static constexpr Matrix MakeScale(const Vector3 &s)
Definition: matrix.h:104
constexpr Vector4 TransformDirection(const Vector4 &v) const
Definition: matrix.h:471
constexpr Vector3 GetBasisX() const
Definition: matrix.h:305
constexpr bool IsAligned2D(Scalar tolerance=0) const
Definition: matrix.h:336
static Matrix MakeRotation(Quaternion q)
Definition: matrix.h:126
constexpr Matrix Transpose() const
Definition: matrix.h:283
static Matrix MakeRotationX(Radians r)
Definition: matrix.h:183
Scalar radians
Definition: scalar.h:39
constexpr Vector3 Cross(const Vector3 &other) const
Definition: vector.h:62
constexpr Vector3 Normalize() const
Definition: vector.h:49
constexpr Scalar Length() const
Definition: vector.h:47
constexpr Scalar Dot(const Vector3 &other) const
Definition: vector.h:54
Vector4 Normalize() const
Definition: vector.h:258