Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * Copyright 2020 Google Inc.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
8#include "imgui.h"
11#include "include/core/SkPath.h"
15#include "src/core/SkGeometry.h"
18#include <stack>
19#include <vector>
21namespace {
25constexpr inline SkPoint rotate90(const SkPoint& p) { return {p.fY, -p.fX}; }
26inline SkPoint rotate180(const SkPoint& p) { return p * -1; }
27inline bool isClockwise(const SkPoint& a, const SkPoint& b) { return a.cross(b) > 0; }
29static SkPoint checkSetLength(SkPoint p, float len, const char* file, int line) {
30 if (!p.setLength(len)) {
31 SkDebugf("%s:%d: Failed to set point length\n", file, line);
32 }
33 return p;
36/** Version of setLength that prints debug msg on failure to help catch edge cases */
37#define setLength(p, len) checkSetLength(p, len, __FILE__, __LINE__)
39constexpr uint64_t choose(uint64_t n, uint64_t k) {
40 SkASSERT(n >= k);
41 uint64_t result = 1;
42 for (uint64_t i = 1; i <= k; i++) {
43 result *= (n + 1 - i);
44 result /= i;
45 }
46 return result;
52 * A scalar (float-valued weights) Bezier curve of arbitrary degree.
53 */
54class ScalarBezCurve {
56 inline static constexpr int kDegreeInvalid = -1;
58 /** Creates an empty curve with invalid degree. */
59 ScalarBezCurve() : fDegree(kDegreeInvalid) {}
61 /** Creates a curve of the specified degree with weights initialized to 0. */
62 explicit ScalarBezCurve(int degree) : fDegree(degree) {
63 SkASSERT(degree >= 0);
64 fWeights.resize(degree + 1, {0});
65 }
67 /** Creates a curve of specified degree with the given weights. */
68 ScalarBezCurve(int degree, const std::vector<float>& weights) : ScalarBezCurve(degree) {
69 SkASSERT(degree >= 0);
70 SkASSERT(weights.size() == (size_t)degree + 1);
71 fWeights.insert(fWeights.begin(), weights.begin(), weights.end());
72 }
74 /** Returns the extreme-valued weight */
75 float extremumWeight() const {
76 float f = 0;
77 int sign = 1;
78 for (float w : fWeights) {
79 if (std::abs(w) > f) {
80 f = std::abs(w);
81 sign = w >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
82 }
83 }
84 return sign * f;
85 }
87 /** Evaluates the curve at t */
88 float eval(float t) const { return Eval(*this, t); }
90 /** Evaluates the curve at t */
91 static float Eval(const ScalarBezCurve& curve, float t) {
92 // Set up starting point of recursion (k=0)
93 ScalarBezCurve result = curve;
95 for (int k = 1; k <= curve.fDegree; k++) {
96 // k is level of recursion, k-1 has previous level's values.
97 for (int i = curve.fDegree; i >= k; i--) {
98 result.fWeights[i] = result.fWeights[i - 1] * (1 - t) + result.fWeights[i] * t;
99 }
100 }
102 return result.fWeights[curve.fDegree];
103 }
105 /** Splits this curve at t into two halves (of the same degree) */
106 void split(float t, ScalarBezCurve* left, ScalarBezCurve* right) const {
107 Split(*this, t, left, right);
108 }
110 /** Splits this curve into the subinterval [tmin,tmax]. */
111 void split(float tmin, float tmax, ScalarBezCurve* result) const {
112 // TODO: I believe there's a more efficient algorithm for this
113 const float tRel = tmin / tmax;
114 ScalarBezCurve ll, rl, rr;
115 this->split(tmax, &rl, &rr);
116 rl.split(tRel, &ll, result);
117 }
119 /** Splits the curve at t into two halves (of the same degree) */
120 static void Split(const ScalarBezCurve& curve,
121 float t,
122 ScalarBezCurve* left,
123 ScalarBezCurve* right) {
124 // Set up starting point of recursion (k=0)
125 const int degree = curve.fDegree;
126 ScalarBezCurve result = curve;
127 *left = ScalarBezCurve(degree);
128 *right = ScalarBezCurve(degree);
129 left->fWeights[0] = curve.fWeights[0];
130 right->fWeights[degree] = curve.fWeights[degree];
132 for (int k = 1; k <= degree; k++) {
133 // k is level of recursion, k-1 has previous level's values.
134 for (int i = degree; i >= k; i--) {
135 result.fWeights[i] = result.fWeights[i - 1] * (1 - t) + result.fWeights[i] * t;
136 }
138 left->fWeights[k] = result.fWeights[k];
139 right->fWeights[degree - k] = result.fWeights[degree];
140 }
141 }
143 /**
144 * Increases the degree of the curve to the given degree. Has no effect if the
145 * degree is already equal to the given degree.
146 *
147 * This process is always exact (NB the reverse, degree reduction, is not exact).
148 */
149 void elevateDegree(int newDegree) {
150 if (newDegree == fDegree) {
151 return;
152 }
154 fWeights = ElevateDegree(*this, newDegree).fWeights;
155 fDegree = newDegree;
156 }
158 /**
159 * Increases the degree of the curve to the given degree. Has no effect if the
160 * degree is already equal to the given degree.
161 *
162 * This process is always exact (NB the reverse, degree reduction, is not exact).
163 */
164 static ScalarBezCurve ElevateDegree(const ScalarBezCurve& curve, int newDegree) {
165 SkASSERT(newDegree >= curve.degree());
166 if (newDegree == curve.degree()) {
167 return curve;
168 }
170 // From Farouki, Rajan, "Algorithms for polynomials in Bernstein form" 1988.
171 ScalarBezCurve elevated(newDegree);
172 const int r = newDegree - curve.fDegree;
173 const int n = curve.fDegree;
175 for (int i = 0; i <= n + r; i++) {
176 elevated.fWeights[i] = 0;
177 for (int j = std::max(0, i - r); j <= std::min(n, i); j++) {
178 const float f =
179 (choose(n, j) * choose(r, i - j)) / static_cast<float>(choose(n + r, i));
180 elevated.fWeights[i] += curve.fWeights[j] * f;
181 }
182 }
184 return elevated;
185 }
187 /**
188 * Returns the zero-set of this curve, which is a list of t values where the curve crosses 0.
189 */
190 std::vector<float> zeroSet() const { return ZeroSet(*this); }
192 /**
193 * Returns the zero-set of the curve, which is a list of t values where the curve crosses 0.
194 */
195 static std::vector<float> ZeroSet(const ScalarBezCurve& curve) {
196 constexpr float kTol = 0.001f;
197 std::vector<float> result;
198 ZeroSetRec(curve, 0, 1, kTol, &result);
199 return result;
200 }
202 /** Multiplies the curve's weights by a constant value */
203 static ScalarBezCurve Mul(const ScalarBezCurve& curve, float f) {
204 ScalarBezCurve result = curve;
205 for (int k = 0; k <= curve.fDegree; k++) {
206 result.fWeights[k] *= f;
207 }
208 return result;
209 }
211 /**
212 * Multiplies the two curves and returns the result.
213 *
214 * Degree of resulting curve is the sum of the degrees of the input curves.
215 */
216 static ScalarBezCurve Mul(const ScalarBezCurve& a, const ScalarBezCurve& b) {
217 // From G. Elber, "Free form surface analysis using a hybrid of symbolic and numeric
218 // computation". PhD thesis, 1992. p.11.
219 const int n = a.degree(), m = b.degree();
220 const int newDegree = n + m;
221 ScalarBezCurve result(newDegree);
223 for (int k = 0; k <= newDegree; k++) {
224 result.fWeights[k] = 0;
225 for (int i = std::max(0, k - n); i <= std::min(k, m); i++) {
226 const float f =
227 (choose(m, i) * choose(n, k - i)) / static_cast<float>(choose(m + n, k));
228 result.fWeights[k] += a.fWeights[i] * b.fWeights[k - i] * f;
229 }
230 }
232 return result;
233 }
235 /** Returns a^2 + b^2. This is a specialized method because the loops are easily fused. */
236 static ScalarBezCurve AddSquares(const ScalarBezCurve& a, const ScalarBezCurve& b) {
237 const int n = a.degree(), m = b.degree();
238 const int newDegree = n + m;
239 ScalarBezCurve result(newDegree);
241 for (int k = 0; k <= newDegree; k++) {
242 float aSq = 0, bSq = 0;
243 for (int i = std::max(0, k - n); i <= std::min(k, m); i++) {
244 const float f =
245 (choose(m, i) * choose(n, k - i)) / static_cast<float>(choose(m + n, k));
246 aSq += a.fWeights[i] * a.fWeights[k - i] * f;
247 bSq += b.fWeights[i] * b.fWeights[k - i] * f;
248 }
249 result.fWeights[k] = aSq + bSq;
250 }
252 return result;
253 }
255 /** Returns a - b. */
256 static ScalarBezCurve Sub(const ScalarBezCurve& a, const ScalarBezCurve& b) {
257 ScalarBezCurve result = a;
258 result.sub(b);
259 return result;
260 }
262 /** Subtracts the other curve from this curve */
263 void sub(const ScalarBezCurve& other) {
264 SkASSERT(other.fDegree == fDegree);
265 for (int k = 0; k <= fDegree; k++) {
266 fWeights[k] -= other.fWeights[k];
267 }
268 }
270 /** Subtracts a constant from this curve */
271 void sub(float f) {
272 for (int k = 0; k <= fDegree; k++) {
273 fWeights[k] -= f;
274 }
275 }
277 /** Returns the curve degree */
278 int degree() const { return fDegree; }
280 /** Returns the curve weights */
281 const std::vector<float>& weights() const { return fWeights; }
283 float operator[](size_t i) const { return fWeights[i]; }
284 float& operator[](size_t i) { return fWeights[i]; }
287 /** Recursive helper for ZeroSet */
288 static void ZeroSetRec(const ScalarBezCurve& curve,
289 float tmin,
290 float tmax,
291 float tol,
292 std::vector<float>* result) {
293 float lenP = 0;
294 bool allPos = curve.fWeights[0] >= 0, allNeg = curve.fWeights[0] < 0;
295 for (int i = 1; i <= curve.fDegree; i++) {
296 lenP += std::abs(curve.fWeights[i] - curve.fWeights[i - 1]);
297 allPos &= curve.fWeights[i] >= 0;
298 allNeg &= curve.fWeights[i] < 0;
299 }
300 if (lenP <= tol) {
301 result->push_back((tmin + tmax) * 0.5);
302 return;
303 } else if (allPos || allNeg) {
304 // No zero crossings possible if the coefficients don't change sign (convex hull
305 // property)
306 return;
307 } else if (SkScalarNearlyZero(tmax - tmin)) {
308 return;
309 } else {
310 ScalarBezCurve left(curve.fDegree), right(curve.fDegree);
311 Split(curve, 0.5f, &left, &right);
313 const float tmid = (tmin + tmax) * 0.5;
314 ZeroSetRec(left, tmin, tmid, tol, result);
315 ZeroSetRec(right, tmid, tmax, tol, result);
316 }
317 }
319 int fDegree;
320 std::vector<float> fWeights;
325/** Helper class that measures per-verb path lengths. */
326class PathVerbMeasure {
328 explicit PathVerbMeasure(const SkPath& path) : fPath(path), fIter(path, false) { nextVerb(); }
330 SkScalar totalLength() const;
332 SkScalar currentVerbLength() { return fMeas.getLength(); }
334 void nextVerb();
337 const SkPath& fPath;
338 SkPoint fFirstPointInContour;
339 SkPoint fPreviousPoint;
340 SkPath fCurrVerb;
342 SkPathMeasure fMeas;
345SkScalar PathVerbMeasure::totalLength() const {
346 SkPathMeasure meas(fPath, false);
347 return meas.getLength();
350void PathVerbMeasure::nextVerb() {
351 SkPoint pts[4];
352 SkPath::Verb verb = fIter.next(pts);
354 while (verb == SkPath::kMove_Verb || verb == SkPath::kClose_Verb) {
355 if (verb == SkPath::kMove_Verb) {
356 fFirstPointInContour = pts[0];
357 fPreviousPoint = fFirstPointInContour;
358 }
359 verb = fIter.next(pts);
360 }
362 fCurrVerb.rewind();
363 fCurrVerb.moveTo(fPreviousPoint);
364 switch (verb) {
366 fCurrVerb.lineTo(pts[1]);
367 break;
369 fCurrVerb.quadTo(pts[1], pts[2]);
370 break;
372 fCurrVerb.cubicTo(pts[1], pts[2], pts[3]);
373 break;
375 fCurrVerb.conicTo(pts[1], pts[2], fIter.conicWeight());
376 break;
378 break;
381 SkASSERT(false);
382 break;
383 }
385 fCurrVerb.getLastPt(&fPreviousPoint);
386 fMeas.setPath(&fCurrVerb, false);
391// Several debug-only visualization helpers
392namespace viz {
393std::unique_ptr<ScalarBezCurve> outerErr;
394SkPath outerFirstApprox;
395} // namespace viz
398 * Prototype variable-width path stroker.
399 *
400 * Takes as input a path to be stroked, and two distance functions (inside and outside).
401 * Produces a fill path with the stroked path geometry.
402 *
403 * The algorithms in use here are from:
404 *
405 * G. Elber, E. Cohen. "Error bounded variable distance offset operator for free form curves and
406 * surfaces." International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 1, no. 01 (1991)
407 *
408 * G. Elber. "Free form surface analysis using a hybrid of symbolic and numeric computation."
409 * PhD diss., Dept. of Computer Science, University of Utah, 1992.
410 */
411class SkVarWidthStroker {
413 /** Metric to use for interpolation of distance function across path segments. */
414 enum class LengthMetric {
415 /** Each path segment gets an equal interval of t in [0,1] */
416 kNumSegments,
417 /** Each path segment gets t interval equal to its percent of the total path length */
418 kPathLength,
419 };
421 /**
422 * Strokes the path with a fixed-width distance function. This produces a traditional stroked
423 * path.
424 */
425 SkPath getFillPath(const SkPath& path, const SkPaint& paint) {
426 return getFillPath(path, paint, identityVarWidth(paint.getStrokeWidth()),
427 identityVarWidth(paint.getStrokeWidth()));
428 }
430 /**
431 * Strokes the given path using the two given distance functions for inner and outer offsets.
432 */
433 SkPath getFillPath(const SkPath& path,
434 const SkPaint& paint,
435 const ScalarBezCurve& varWidth,
436 const ScalarBezCurve& varWidthInner,
437 LengthMetric lengthMetric = LengthMetric::kNumSegments);
440 /** Helper struct referring to a single segment of an SkPath */
441 struct PathSegment {
442 SkPath::Verb fVerb;
443 std::array<SkPoint, 4> fPoints;
444 };
446 struct OffsetSegments {
447 std::vector<PathSegment> fInner;
448 std::vector<PathSegment> fOuter;
449 };
451 /** Initialize stroker state */
452 void initForPath(const SkPath& path, const SkPaint& paint);
454 /** Strokes a path segment */
455 OffsetSegments strokeSegment(const PathSegment& segment,
456 const ScalarBezCurve& varWidth,
457 const ScalarBezCurve& varWidthInner,
458 bool needsMove);
460 /**
461 * Strokes the given segment using the given distance function.
462 *
463 * Returns a list of quad segments that approximate the offset curve.
464 * TODO: no reason this needs to return a vector of quads, can just append to the path
465 */
466 std::vector<PathSegment> strokeSegment(const PathSegment& seg,
467 const ScalarBezCurve& distanceFunc) const;
469 /** Adds an endcap to fOuter */
470 enum class CapLocation { Start, End };
471 void endcap(CapLocation loc);
473 /** Adds a join between the two segments */
474 void join(const SkPoint& common,
475 float innerRadius,
476 float outerRadius,
477 const OffsetSegments& prev,
478 const OffsetSegments& curr);
480 /** Appends path in reverse to result */
481 static void appendPathReversed(const SkPath& path, SkPath* result);
483 /** Returns the segment unit normal and unit tangent if not nullptr */
484 static SkPoint unitNormal(const PathSegment& seg, float t, SkPoint* tangentOut);
486 /** Returns the degree of a segment curve */
487 static int segmentDegree(const PathSegment& seg);
489 /** Splits a path segment at t */
490 static void splitSegment(const PathSegment& seg, float t, PathSegment* segA, PathSegment* segB);
492 /**
493 * Returns a quadratic segment that approximates the given segment using the given distance
494 * function.
495 */
496 static void approximateSegment(const PathSegment& seg,
497 const ScalarBezCurve& distFnc,
498 PathSegment* approxQuad);
500 /** Returns a constant (deg 0) distance function for the given stroke width */
501 static ScalarBezCurve identityVarWidth(float strokeWidth) {
502 return ScalarBezCurve(0, {strokeWidth / 2.0f});
503 }
505 float fRadius;
506 SkPaint::Cap fCap;
508 SkPath fInner, fOuter;
509 ScalarBezCurve fVarWidth, fVarWidthInner;
510 float fCurrT;
513void SkVarWidthStroker::initForPath(const SkPath& path, const SkPaint& paint) {
514 fRadius = paint.getStrokeWidth() / 2;
515 fCap = paint.getStrokeCap();
516 fJoin = paint.getStrokeJoin();
517 fInner.rewind();
518 fOuter.rewind();
519 fCurrT = 0;
522SkPath SkVarWidthStroker::getFillPath(const SkPath& path,
523 const SkPaint& paint,
524 const ScalarBezCurve& varWidth,
525 const ScalarBezCurve& varWidthInner,
526 LengthMetric lengthMetric) {
527 const auto appendStrokes = [this](const OffsetSegments& strokes, bool needsMove) {
528 if (needsMove) {
529 fOuter.moveTo(strokes.fOuter.front().fPoints[0]);
530 fInner.moveTo(strokes.fInner.front().fPoints[0]);
531 }
533 for (const PathSegment& seg : strokes.fOuter) {
534 fOuter.quadTo(seg.fPoints[1], seg.fPoints[2]);
535 }
537 for (const PathSegment& seg : strokes.fInner) {
538 fInner.quadTo(seg.fPoints[1], seg.fPoints[2]);
539 }
540 };
542 initForPath(path, paint);
543 fVarWidth = varWidth;
544 fVarWidthInner = varWidthInner;
546 // TODO: this assumes one contour:
547 PathVerbMeasure meas(path);
548 const float totalPathLength = lengthMetric == LengthMetric::kPathLength
549 ? meas.totalLength()
550 : (path.countVerbs() - 1);
552 // Trace the inner and outer paths simultaneously. Inner will therefore be
553 // recorded in reverse from how we trace the outline.
554 SkPath::Iter it(path, false);
555 PathSegment segment, prevSegment;
556 OffsetSegments offsetSegs, prevOffsetSegs;
557 bool firstSegment = true, prevWasFirst = false;
559 float lenTraveled = 0;
560 while ((segment.fVerb = it.next(&segment.fPoints[0])) != SkPath::kDone_Verb) {
561 const float verbLength = lengthMetric == LengthMetric::kPathLength
562 ? (meas.currentVerbLength() / totalPathLength)
563 : (1.0f / totalPathLength);
564 const float tmin = lenTraveled;
565 const float tmax = lenTraveled + verbLength;
567 // Subset the distance function for the current interval.
568 ScalarBezCurve partVarWidth, partVarWidthInner;
569 fVarWidth.split(tmin, tmax, &partVarWidth);
570 fVarWidthInner.split(tmin, tmax, &partVarWidthInner);
571 partVarWidthInner = ScalarBezCurve::Mul(partVarWidthInner, -1);
573 // Stroke the current segment
574 switch (segment.fVerb) {
578 offsetSegs = strokeSegment(segment, partVarWidth, partVarWidthInner, firstSegment);
579 break;
581 // Don't care about multiple contours currently
582 continue;
583 default:
584 SkDebugf("Unhandled path verb %d\n", segment.fVerb);
585 SkASSERT(false);
586 break;
587 }
589 // Join to the previous segment
590 if (!firstSegment) {
591 // Append prev inner and outer strokes
592 appendStrokes(prevOffsetSegs, prevWasFirst);
594 // Append the join
595 const float innerRadius = varWidthInner.eval(tmin);
596 const float outerRadius = varWidth.eval(tmin);
597 join(segment.fPoints[0], innerRadius, outerRadius, prevOffsetSegs, offsetSegs);
598 }
600 std::swap(segment, prevSegment);
601 std::swap(offsetSegs, prevOffsetSegs);
602 prevWasFirst = firstSegment;
603 firstSegment = false;
604 lenTraveled += verbLength;
605 meas.nextVerb();
606 }
608 // Finish appending final offset segments
609 appendStrokes(prevOffsetSegs, prevWasFirst);
611 // Open contour => endcap at the end
612 const bool isClosed = path.isLastContourClosed();
613 if (isClosed) {
614 SkDebugf("Unhandled closed contour\n");
615 SkASSERT(false);
616 } else {
617 endcap(CapLocation::End);
618 }
620 // Walk inner path in reverse, appending to result
621 appendPathReversed(fInner, &fOuter);
622 endcap(CapLocation::Start);
624 return fOuter;
627SkVarWidthStroker::OffsetSegments SkVarWidthStroker::strokeSegment(
628 const PathSegment& segment,
629 const ScalarBezCurve& varWidth,
630 const ScalarBezCurve& varWidthInner,
631 bool needsMove) {
632 viz::outerErr.reset(nullptr);
634 std::vector<PathSegment> outer = strokeSegment(segment, varWidth);
635 std::vector<PathSegment> inner = strokeSegment(segment, varWidthInner);
636 return {inner, outer};
639std::vector<SkVarWidthStroker::PathSegment> SkVarWidthStroker::strokeSegment(
640 const PathSegment& seg, const ScalarBezCurve& distanceFunc) const {
641 // Work item for the recursive splitting stack.
642 struct Item {
643 PathSegment fSeg;
644 ScalarBezCurve fDistFnc, fDistFncSqd;
645 ScalarBezCurve fSegX, fSegY;
647 Item(const PathSegment& seg,
648 const ScalarBezCurve& distFnc,
649 const ScalarBezCurve& distFncSqd)
650 : fSeg(seg), fDistFnc(distFnc), fDistFncSqd(distFncSqd) {
651 const int segDegree = segmentDegree(seg);
652 fSegX = ScalarBezCurve(segDegree);
653 fSegY = ScalarBezCurve(segDegree);
654 for (int i = 0; i <= segDegree; i++) {
655 fSegX[i] = seg.fPoints[i].fX;
656 fSegY[i] = seg.fPoints[i].fY;
657 }
658 }
659 };
661 // Push the initial segment and distance function
662 std::stack<Item> stack;
663 stack.push(Item(seg, distanceFunc, ScalarBezCurve::Mul(distanceFunc, distanceFunc)));
665 std::vector<PathSegment> result;
666 constexpr int kMaxIters = 5000; /** TODO: this is completely arbitrary */
667 int iter = 0;
668 while (!stack.empty()) {
669 if (iter++ >= kMaxIters) break;
670 const Item item = stack.top();
671 stack.pop();
673 const ScalarBezCurve& distFnc = item.fDistFnc;
674 ScalarBezCurve distFncSqd = item.fDistFncSqd;
675 const float kTol = std::abs(0.5f * distFnc.extremumWeight());
677 // Compute a quad that approximates stroke outline
678 PathSegment quadApprox;
679 approximateSegment(item.fSeg, distFnc, &quadApprox);
680 ScalarBezCurve quadApproxX(2), quadApproxY(2);
681 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
682 quadApproxX[i] = quadApprox.fPoints[i].fX;
683 quadApproxY[i] = quadApprox.fPoints[i].fY;
684 }
686 // Compute control polygon for the delta(t) curve. First must elevate to a common degree.
687 const int deltaDegree = std::max(quadApproxX.degree(), item.fSegX.degree());
688 ScalarBezCurve segX = item.fSegX, segY = item.fSegY;
689 segX.elevateDegree(deltaDegree);
690 segY.elevateDegree(deltaDegree);
691 quadApproxX.elevateDegree(deltaDegree);
692 quadApproxY.elevateDegree(deltaDegree);
694 ScalarBezCurve deltaX = ScalarBezCurve::Sub(quadApproxX, segX);
695 ScalarBezCurve deltaY = ScalarBezCurve::Sub(quadApproxY, segY);
697 // Compute psi(t) = delta_x(t)^2 + delta_y(t)^2.
698 ScalarBezCurve E = ScalarBezCurve::AddSquares(deltaX, deltaY);
700 // Promote E and d(t)^2 to a common degree.
701 const int commonDeg = std::max(distFncSqd.degree(), E.degree());
702 distFncSqd.elevateDegree(commonDeg);
703 E.elevateDegree(commonDeg);
705 // Subtract dist squared curve from E, resulting in:
706 // eps(t) = delta_x(t)^2 + delta_y(t)^2 - d(t)^2
707 E.sub(distFncSqd);
709 // Purely for debugging/testing, save the first approximation and error function:
710 if (viz::outerErr == nullptr) {
711 using namespace viz;
712 outerErr = std::make_unique<ScalarBezCurve>(E);
713 outerFirstApprox.rewind();
714 outerFirstApprox.moveTo(quadApprox.fPoints[0]);
715 outerFirstApprox.quadTo(quadApprox.fPoints[1], quadApprox.fPoints[2]);
716 }
718 // Compute maxErr, which is just the max coefficient of eps (using convex hull property
719 // of bez curves)
720 float maxAbsErr = std::abs(E.extremumWeight());
722 if (maxAbsErr > kTol) {
724 splitSegment(item.fSeg, 0.5f, &left, &right);
726 ScalarBezCurve distFncL, distFncR;
727 distFnc.split(0.5f, &distFncL, &distFncR);
729 ScalarBezCurve distFncSqdL, distFncSqdR;
730 distFncSqd.split(0.5f, &distFncSqdL, &distFncSqdR);
732 stack.push(Item(right, distFncR, distFncSqdR));
733 stack.push(Item(left, distFncL, distFncSqdL));
734 } else {
735 // Approximation is good enough.
736 quadApprox.fVerb = SkPath::kQuad_Verb;
737 result.push_back(quadApprox);
738 }
739 }
740 SkASSERT(!result.empty());
741 return result;
744void SkVarWidthStroker::endcap(CapLocation loc) {
745 const auto buttCap = [this](CapLocation loc) {
746 if (loc == CapLocation::Start) {
747 // Back at the start of the path: just close the stroked outline
748 fOuter.close();
749 } else {
750 // Inner last pt == first pt when appending in reverse
751 SkPoint innerLastPt;
752 fInner.getLastPt(&innerLastPt);
753 fOuter.lineTo(innerLastPt);
754 }
755 };
757 switch (fCap) {
759 buttCap(loc);
760 break;
761 default:
762 SkDebugf("Unhandled endcap %d\n", fCap);
763 buttCap(loc);
764 break;
765 }
769 float innerRadius,
770 float outerRadius,
771 const OffsetSegments& prev,
772 const OffsetSegments& curr) {
773 const auto miterJoin = [this](const SkPoint& common,
774 float leftRadius,
775 float rightRadius,
776 const OffsetSegments& prev,
777 const OffsetSegments& curr) {
778 // With variable-width stroke you can actually have a situation where both sides
779 // need an "inner" or an "outer" join. So we call the two sides "left" and
780 // "right" and they can each independently get an inner or outer join.
781 const auto makeJoin = [this, &common, &prev, &curr](bool left, float radius) {
782 SkPath* path = left ? &fOuter : &fInner;
783 const auto& prevSegs = left ? prev.fOuter : prev.fInner;
784 const auto& currSegs = left ? curr.fOuter : curr.fInner;
785 SkASSERT(!prevSegs.empty());
786 SkASSERT(!currSegs.empty());
787 const SkPoint afterEndpt = currSegs.front().fPoints[0];
788 SkPoint before = unitNormal(prevSegs.back(), 1, nullptr);
789 SkPoint after = unitNormal(currSegs.front(), 0, nullptr);
791 // Don't create any join geometry if the normals are nearly identical.
792 const float cosTheta = before.dot(after);
793 if (!SkScalarNearlyZero(1 - cosTheta)) {
794 bool outerJoin;
795 if (left) {
796 outerJoin = isClockwise(before, after);
797 } else {
798 before = rotate180(before);
799 after = rotate180(after);
800 outerJoin = !isClockwise(before, after);
801 }
803 if (outerJoin) {
804 // Before and after have the same origin and magnitude, so before+after is the
805 // diagonal of their rhombus. Origin of this vector is the midpoint of the miter
806 // line.
807 SkPoint miterVec = before + after;
809 // Note the relationship (draw a right triangle with the miter line as its
810 // hypoteneuse):
811 // sin(theta/2) = strokeWidth / miterLength
812 // so miterLength = strokeWidth / sin(theta/2)
813 // where miterLength is the length of the miter from outer point to inner
814 // corner. miterVec's origin is the midpoint of the miter line, so we use
815 // strokeWidth/2. Sqrt is just an application of half-angle identities.
816 const float sinHalfTheta = sqrtf(0.5 * (1 + cosTheta));
817 const float halfMiterLength = radius / sinHalfTheta;
818 // TODO: miter length limit
819 miterVec = setLength(miterVec, halfMiterLength);
821 // Outer join: connect to the miter point, and then to t=0 of next segment.
822 path->lineTo(common + miterVec);
823 path->lineTo(afterEndpt);
824 } else {
825 // Connect to the miter midpoint (common path endpoint of the two segments),
826 // and then to t=0 of the next segment. This adds an interior "loop"
827 // of geometry that handles edge cases where segment lengths are shorter than
828 // the stroke width.
829 path->lineTo(common);
830 path->lineTo(afterEndpt);
831 }
832 }
833 };
835 makeJoin(true, leftRadius);
836 makeJoin(false, rightRadius);
837 };
839 switch (fJoin) {
841 miterJoin(common, innerRadius, outerRadius, prev, curr);
842 break;
843 default:
844 SkDebugf("Unhandled join %d\n", fJoin);
845 miterJoin(common, innerRadius, outerRadius, prev, curr);
846 break;
847 }
850void SkVarWidthStroker::appendPathReversed(const SkPath& path, SkPath* result) {
851 const int numVerbs = path.countVerbs();
852 const int numPoints = path.countPoints();
853 std::vector<uint8_t> verbs;
854 std::vector<SkPoint> points;
855 verbs.resize(numVerbs);
856 points.resize(numPoints);
857 path.getVerbs(verbs.data(), numVerbs);
858 path.getPoints(points.data(), numPoints);
860 for (int i = numVerbs - 1, j = numPoints; i >= 0; i--) {
861 auto verb = static_cast<SkPath::Verb>(verbs[i]);
862 switch (verb) {
863 case SkPath::kLine_Verb: {
864 j -= 1;
865 SkASSERT(j >= 1);
866 result->lineTo(points[j - 1]);
867 break;
868 }
869 case SkPath::kQuad_Verb: {
870 j -= 1;
871 SkASSERT(j >= 2);
872 result->quadTo(points[j - 1], points[j - 2]);
873 j -= 1;
874 break;
875 }
877 // Ignore
878 break;
879 default:
880 SkASSERT(false);
881 break;
882 }
883 }
886int SkVarWidthStroker::segmentDegree(const PathSegment& seg) {
887 static constexpr int lut[] = {
888 -1, // move,
889 1, // line
890 2, // quad
891 -1, // conic
892 3, // cubic
893 -1 // done
894 };
895 const int deg = lut[static_cast<uint8_t>(seg.fVerb)];
896 SkASSERT(deg > 0);
897 return deg;
900void SkVarWidthStroker::splitSegment(const PathSegment& seg,
901 float t,
902 PathSegment* segA,
903 PathSegment* segB) {
904 // TODO: although general, this is a pretty slow way to do this
905 const int degree = segmentDegree(seg);
906 ScalarBezCurve x(degree), y(degree);
907 for (int i = 0; i <= degree; i++) {
908 x[i] = seg.fPoints[i].fX;
909 y[i] = seg.fPoints[i].fY;
910 }
912 ScalarBezCurve leftX(degree), rightX(degree), leftY(degree), rightY(degree);
913 x.split(t, &leftX, &rightX);
914 y.split(t, &leftY, &rightY);
916 segA->fVerb = segB->fVerb = seg.fVerb;
917 for (int i = 0; i <= degree; i++) {
918 segA->fPoints[i] = {leftX[i], leftY[i]};
919 segB->fPoints[i] = {rightX[i], rightY[i]};
920 }
923void SkVarWidthStroker::approximateSegment(const PathSegment& seg,
924 const ScalarBezCurve& distFnc,
925 PathSegment* approxQuad) {
926 // This is a simple control polygon transformation.
927 // From F. Yzerman. "Precise offsetting of quadratic Bezier curves". 2019.
928 // TODO: detect and handle more degenerate cases (e.g. linear)
929 // TODO: Tiller-Hanson works better in many cases but does not generalize well
930 SkPoint tangentStart, tangentEnd;
931 SkPoint offsetStart = unitNormal(seg, 0, &tangentStart);
932 SkPoint offsetEnd = unitNormal(seg, 1, &tangentEnd);
933 SkPoint offsetMid = offsetStart + offsetEnd;
935 const float radiusStart = distFnc.eval(0);
936 const float radiusMid = distFnc.eval(0.5f);
937 const float radiusEnd = distFnc.eval(1);
939 offsetStart = radiusStart == 0 ? SkPoint::Make(0, 0) : setLength(offsetStart, radiusStart);
940 offsetMid = radiusMid == 0 ? SkPoint::Make(0, 0) : setLength(offsetMid, radiusMid);
941 offsetEnd = radiusEnd == 0 ? SkPoint::Make(0, 0) : setLength(offsetEnd, radiusEnd);
943 SkPoint start, mid, end;
944 switch (segmentDegree(seg)) {
945 case 1:
946 start = seg.fPoints[0];
947 end = seg.fPoints[1];
948 mid = (start + end) * 0.5f;
949 break;
950 case 2:
951 start = seg.fPoints[0];
952 mid = seg.fPoints[1];
953 end = seg.fPoints[2];
954 break;
955 case 3:
956 start = seg.fPoints[0];
957 mid = (seg.fPoints[1] + seg.fPoints[2]) * 0.5f;
958 end = seg.fPoints[3];
959 break;
960 default:
961 SkDebugf("Unhandled degree for segment approximation");
962 SkASSERT(false);
963 break;
964 }
966 approxQuad->fPoints[0] = start + offsetStart;
967 approxQuad->fPoints[1] = mid + offsetMid;
968 approxQuad->fPoints[2] = end + offsetEnd;
971SkPoint SkVarWidthStroker::unitNormal(const PathSegment& seg, float t, SkPoint* tangentOut) {
972 switch (seg.fVerb) {
973 case SkPath::kLine_Verb: {
974 const SkPoint tangent = setLength(seg.fPoints[1] - seg.fPoints[0], 1);
975 const SkPoint normal = rotate90(tangent);
976 if (tangentOut) {
977 *tangentOut = tangent;
978 }
979 return normal;
980 }
981 case SkPath::kQuad_Verb: {
982 SkPoint tangent;
983 if (t == 0) {
984 tangent = seg.fPoints[1] - seg.fPoints[0];
985 } else if (t == 1) {
986 tangent = seg.fPoints[2] - seg.fPoints[1];
987 } else {
988 tangent = ((seg.fPoints[1] - seg.fPoints[0]) * (1 - t) +
989 (seg.fPoints[2] - seg.fPoints[1]) * t) *
990 2;
991 }
992 if (!tangent.normalize()) {
993 SkDebugf("Failed to normalize quad tangent\n");
994 SkASSERT(false);
995 }
996 if (tangentOut) {
997 *tangentOut = tangent;
998 }
999 return rotate90(tangent);
1000 }
1001 case SkPath::kCubic_Verb: {
1002 SkPoint tangent;
1003 SkEvalCubicAt(seg.fPoints.data(), t, nullptr, &tangent, nullptr);
1004 if (!tangent.normalize()) {
1005 SkDebugf("Failed to normalize cubic tangent\n");
1006 SkASSERT(false);
1007 }
1008 if (tangentOut) {
1009 *tangentOut = tangent;
1010 }
1011 return rotate90(tangent);
1012 }
1013 default:
1014 SkDebugf("Unhandled verb for unit normal %d\n", seg.fVerb);
1015 SkASSERT(false);
1016 return {};
1017 }
1020} // namespace
1027 : fShowHidden(true)
1028 , fShowSkeleton(true)
1029 , fShowStrokePoints(false)
1030 , fShowUI(false)
1031 , fDifferentInnerFunc(false)
1032 , fShowErrorCurve(false) {
1033 resetToDefaults();
1035 fPtsPaint.setAntiAlias(true);
1036 fPtsPaint.setStrokeWidth(10);
1039 fStrokePointsPaint.setAntiAlias(true);
1040 fStrokePointsPaint.setStrokeWidth(5);
1041 fStrokePointsPaint.setStrokeCap(SkPaint::kRound_Cap);
1043 fStrokePaint.setAntiAlias(true);
1044 fStrokePaint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
1045 fStrokePaint.setColor(0x80FF0000);
1047 fNewFillPaint.setAntiAlias(true);
1048 fNewFillPaint.setColor(0x8000FF00);
1050 fHiddenPaint.setAntiAlias(true);
1051 fHiddenPaint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
1052 fHiddenPaint.setColor(0xFF0000FF);
1054 fSkeletonPaint.setAntiAlias(true);
1055 fSkeletonPaint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
1056 fSkeletonPaint.setColor(SK_ColorRED);
1058 fName = "VariableWidthStroker";
1059 }
1061 void load(SkScalar w, SkScalar h) override { fWinSize = {w, h}; }
1063 void resize(SkScalar w, SkScalar h) override { fWinSize = {w, h}; }
1065 bool onChar(SkUnichar uni) override {
1066 switch (uni) {
1067 case '0':
1068 this->toggle(fShowUI);
1069 return true;
1070 case '1':
1071 this->toggle(fShowSkeleton);
1072 return true;
1073 case '2':
1074 this->toggle(fShowHidden);
1075 return true;
1076 case '3':
1077 this->toggle(fShowStrokePoints);
1078 return true;
1079 case '4':
1080 this->toggle(fShowErrorCurve);
1081 return true;
1082 case '5':
1083 this->toggle(fLengthMetric);
1084 return true;
1085 case 'x':
1086 resetToDefaults();
1087 return true;
1088 case '-':
1089 fWidth -= 5;
1090 return true;
1091 case '=':
1092 fWidth += 5;
1093 return true;
1094 default:
1095 break;
1096 }
1097 return false;
1098 }
1100 void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) override {
1101 canvas->drawColor(0xFFEEEEEE);
1103 SkPath path;
1104 this->makePath(&path);
1106 fStrokePaint.setStrokeWidth(fWidth);
1108 // Elber-Cohen stroker result
1109 ScalarBezCurve distFnc = makeDistFnc(fDistFncs, fWidth);
1110 ScalarBezCurve distFncInner =
1111 fDifferentInnerFunc ? makeDistFnc(fDistFncsInner, fWidth) : distFnc;
1112 SkVarWidthStroker stroker;
1113 SkPath fillPath =
1114 stroker.getFillPath(path, fStrokePaint, distFnc, distFncInner, fLengthMetric);
1116 canvas->drawPath(fillPath, fNewFillPaint);
1118 if (fShowHidden) {
1119 canvas->drawPath(fillPath, fHiddenPaint);
1120 }
1122 if (fShowSkeleton) {
1123 canvas->drawPath(path, fSkeletonPaint);
1124 canvas->drawPoints(SkCanvas::kPoints_PointMode, fPathPts.size(), fPathPts.data(),
1125 fPtsPaint);
1126 }
1128 if (fShowStrokePoints) {
1129 drawStrokePoints(canvas, fillPath);
1130 }
1132 if (fShowUI) {
1133 drawUI();
1134 }
1136 if (fShowErrorCurve && viz::outerErr != nullptr) {
1137 SkPaint firstApproxPaint;
1138 firstApproxPaint.setStrokeWidth(4);
1139 firstApproxPaint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
1140 firstApproxPaint.setColor(SK_ColorRED);
1141 canvas->drawPath(viz::outerFirstApprox, firstApproxPaint);
1142 drawErrorCurve(canvas, *viz::outerErr);
1143 }
1144 }
1148 const SkScalar tol = 4;
1149 const SkRect r = SkRect::MakeXYWH(x - tol, y - tol, tol * 2, tol * 2);
1150 for (size_t i = 0; i < fPathPts.size(); ++i) {
1151 if (r.intersects(SkRect::MakeXYWH(fPathPts[i].fX, fPathPts[i].fY, 1, 1))) {
1152 return new Click([this, i](Click* c) {
1153 fPathPts[i] = c->fCurr;
1154 return true;
1155 });
1156 }
1157 }
1158 return nullptr;
1159 }
1161 bool onClick(ClickHandlerSlide::Click *) override { return false; }
1164 /** Selectable menu item for choosing distance functions */
1165 struct DistFncMenuItem {
1166 std::string fName;
1167 int fDegree;
1168 bool fSelected;
1169 std::vector<float> fWeights;
1171 DistFncMenuItem(const std::string& name, int degree, bool selected) {
1172 fName = name;
1173 fDegree = degree;
1174 fSelected = selected;
1175 fWeights.resize(degree + 1, 1.0f);
1176 }
1177 };
1179 void toggle(bool& value) { value = !value; }
1180 void toggle(SkVarWidthStroker::LengthMetric& value) {
1181 value = value == SkVarWidthStroker::LengthMetric::kPathLength
1182 ? SkVarWidthStroker::LengthMetric::kNumSegments
1183 : SkVarWidthStroker::LengthMetric::kPathLength;
1184 }
1186 void resetToDefaults() {
1187 fPathPts[0] = {300, 400};
1188 fPathPts[1] = {500, 400};
1189 fPathPts[2] = {700, 400};
1190 fPathPts[3] = {900, 400};
1191 fPathPts[4] = {1100, 400};
1193 fWidth = 175;
1195 fLengthMetric = SkVarWidthStroker::LengthMetric::kPathLength;
1196 fDistFncs = fDefaultsDistFncs;
1197 fDistFncsInner = fDefaultsDistFncs;
1198 }
1200 void makePath(SkPath* path) {
1201 path->moveTo(fPathPts[0]);
1202 path->quadTo(fPathPts[1], fPathPts[2]);
1203 path->quadTo(fPathPts[3], fPathPts[4]);
1204 }
1206 static ScalarBezCurve makeDistFnc(const std::vector<DistFncMenuItem>& fncs, float strokeWidth) {
1207 const float radius = strokeWidth / 2;
1208 for (const auto& df : fncs) {
1209 if (df.fSelected) {
1210 return ScalarBezCurve::Mul(ScalarBezCurve(df.fDegree, df.fWeights), radius);
1211 }
1212 }
1213 SkASSERT(false);
1214 return ScalarBezCurve(0, {radius});
1215 }
1217 void drawStrokePoints(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkPath& fillPath) {
1218 SkPath::Iter it(fillPath, false);
1219 SkPoint points[4];
1220 SkPath::Verb verb;
1221 std::vector<SkPoint> pointsVec, ctrlPts;
1222 while ((verb = it.next(&points[0])) != SkPath::kDone_Verb) {
1223 switch (verb) {
1224 case SkPath::kLine_Verb:
1225 pointsVec.push_back(points[1]);
1226 break;
1227 case SkPath::kQuad_Verb:
1228 ctrlPts.push_back(points[1]);
1229 pointsVec.push_back(points[2]);
1230 break;
1231 case SkPath::kMove_Verb:
1232 pointsVec.push_back(points[0]);
1233 break;
1235 break;
1236 default:
1237 SkDebugf("Unhandled path verb %d for stroke points\n", verb);
1238 SkASSERT(false);
1239 break;
1240 }
1241 }
1243 canvas->drawPoints(SkCanvas::kPoints_PointMode, pointsVec.size(), pointsVec.data(),
1244 fStrokePointsPaint);
1245 fStrokePointsPaint.setColor(SK_ColorBLUE);
1246 fStrokePointsPaint.setStrokeWidth(3);
1247 canvas->drawPoints(SkCanvas::kPoints_PointMode, ctrlPts.size(), ctrlPts.data(),
1248 fStrokePointsPaint);
1249 fStrokePointsPaint.setColor(SK_ColorBLACK);
1250 fStrokePointsPaint.setStrokeWidth(5);
1251 }
1253 void drawErrorCurve(SkCanvas* canvas, const ScalarBezCurve& E) {
1254 const float winW = fWinSize.width() * 0.75f, winH = fWinSize.height() * 0.25f;
1255 const float padding = 25;
1256 const SkRect box = SkRect::MakeXYWH(padding, fWinSize.height() - winH - padding,
1257 winW - 2 * padding, winH);
1258 constexpr int nsegs = 100;
1259 constexpr float dt = 1.0f / nsegs;
1260 constexpr float dx = 10.0f;
1261 const int deg = E.degree();
1262 SkPath path;
1263 for (int i = 0; i < nsegs; i++) {
1264 const float tmin = i * dt, tmax = (i + 1) * dt;
1265 ScalarBezCurve left(deg), right(deg);
1266 E.split(tmax, &left, &right);
1267 const float tRel = tmin / tmax;
1268 ScalarBezCurve rl(deg), rr(deg);
1269 left.split(tRel, &rl, &rr);
1271 const float x = i * dx;
1272 if (i == 0) {
1273 path.moveTo(x, -rr[0]);
1274 }
1275 path.lineTo(x + dx, -rr[deg]);
1276 }
1278 SkPaint paint;
1279 paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
1280 paint.setAntiAlias(true);
1281 paint.setStrokeWidth(0);
1282 paint.setColor(SK_ColorRED);
1283 const SkRect pathBounds = path.computeTightBounds();
1284 constexpr float yAxisMax = 8000;
1285 const float sx = box.width() / pathBounds.width();
1286 const float sy = box.height() / (2 * yAxisMax);
1287 canvas->save();
1288 canvas->translate(box.left(), box.top() + box.height() / 2);
1289 canvas->scale(sx, sy);
1290 canvas->drawPath(path, paint);
1292 SkPath axes;
1293 axes.moveTo(0, 0);
1294 axes.lineTo(pathBounds.width(), 0);
1295 axes.moveTo(0, -yAxisMax);
1296 axes.lineTo(0, yAxisMax);
1297 paint.setColor(SK_ColorBLACK);
1298 paint.setAntiAlias(false);
1299 canvas->drawPath(axes, paint);
1301 canvas->restore();
1302 }
1304 void drawUI() {
1305 static constexpr auto kUIOpacity = 0.35f;
1306 static constexpr float kUIWidth = 200.0f, kUIHeight = 400.0f;
1307 ImGui::SetNextWindowBgAlpha(kUIOpacity);
1308 if (ImGui::Begin("E-C Controls", nullptr,
1309 ImGuiWindowFlags_NoDecoration | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize |
1310 ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings |
1311 ImGuiWindowFlags_NoFocusOnAppearing | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNav)) {
1312 const SkRect uiArea = SkRect::MakeXYWH(10, 10, kUIWidth, kUIHeight);
1313 ImGui::SetWindowPos(ImVec2(uiArea.x(), uiArea.y()));
1314 ImGui::SetWindowSize(ImVec2(uiArea.width(), uiArea.height()));
1316 const auto drawControls = [](std::vector<DistFncMenuItem>& distFncs,
1317 const std::string& menuPfx,
1318 const std::string& ptPfx) {
1319 std::string degreeMenuLabel = menuPfx + ": ";
1320 for (const auto& df : distFncs) {
1321 if (df.fSelected) {
1322 degreeMenuLabel += df.fName;
1323 break;
1324 }
1325 }
1326 if (ImGui::BeginMenu(degreeMenuLabel.c_str())) {
1327 for (size_t i = 0; i < distFncs.size(); i++) {
1328 if (ImGui::MenuItem(distFncs[i].fName.c_str(), nullptr,
1329 distFncs[i].fSelected)) {
1330 for (size_t j = 0; j < distFncs.size(); j++) {
1331 distFncs[j].fSelected = j == i;
1332 }
1333 }
1334 }
1335 ImGui::EndMenu();
1336 }
1338 for (auto& df : distFncs) {
1339 if (df.fSelected) {
1340 for (int i = 0; i <= df.fDegree; i++) {
1341 const std::string label = ptPfx + std::to_string(i);
1342 ImGui::SliderFloat(label.c_str(), &(df.fWeights[i]), 0, 1);
1343 }
1344 }
1345 }
1346 };
1348 const std::array<std::pair<std::string, SkVarWidthStroker::LengthMetric>, 2> metrics = {
1349 std::make_pair("% path length", SkVarWidthStroker::LengthMetric::kPathLength),
1350 std::make_pair("% segment count",
1351 SkVarWidthStroker::LengthMetric::kNumSegments),
1352 };
1353 if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Interpolation metric:")) {
1354 for (const auto& metric : metrics) {
1355 if (ImGui::MenuItem(metric.first.c_str(), nullptr,
1356 fLengthMetric == metric.second)) {
1357 fLengthMetric = metric.second;
1358 }
1359 }
1360 ImGui::EndMenu();
1361 }
1363 drawControls(fDistFncs, "Degree", "P");
1365 if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Inner stroke", true)) {
1366 fDifferentInnerFunc = true;
1367 drawControls(fDistFncsInner, "Degree (inner)", "Q");
1368 } else {
1369 fDifferentInnerFunc = false;
1370 }
1371 }
1372 ImGui::End();
1373 }
1375 bool fShowHidden, fShowSkeleton, fShowStrokePoints, fShowUI, fDifferentInnerFunc,
1376 fShowErrorCurve;
1377 float fWidth = 175;
1378 SkPaint fPtsPaint, fStrokePaint, fNewFillPaint, fHiddenPaint, fSkeletonPaint,
1379 fStrokePointsPaint;
1380 inline static constexpr int kNPts = 5;
1381 std::array<SkPoint, kNPts> fPathPts;
1382 SkSize fWinSize;
1383 SkVarWidthStroker::LengthMetric fLengthMetric;
1384 const std::vector<DistFncMenuItem> fDefaultsDistFncs = {
1385 DistFncMenuItem("Linear", 1, true), DistFncMenuItem("Quadratic", 2, false),
1386 DistFncMenuItem("Cubic", 3, false), DistFncMenuItem("One Louder (11)", 11, false),
1387 DistFncMenuItem("30?!", 30, false)};
1388 std::vector<DistFncMenuItem> fDistFncs = fDefaultsDistFncs;
1389 std::vector<DistFncMenuItem> fDistFncsInner = fDefaultsDistFncs;
SkPath fPath
SkPaint::Join fJoin
static const int strokeWidth
Definition: BlurTest.cpp:60
static const int points[]
std::unique_ptr< SkLatticeIter > fIter
Definition: LatticeOp.cpp:380
static float prev(float f)
#define SkASSERT(cond)
Definition: SkAssert.h:116
constexpr SkColor SK_ColorBLUE
Definition: SkColor.h:135
constexpr SkColor SK_ColorRED
Definition: SkColor.h:126
constexpr SkColor SK_ColorBLACK
Definition: SkColor.h:103
void SK_SPI SkDebugf(const char format[],...) SK_PRINTF_LIKE(1
void SkEvalCubicAt(const SkPoint src[4], SkScalar t, SkPoint *loc, SkVector *tangent, SkVector *curvature)
Definition: SkGeometry.cpp:418
static int sign(SkScalar x)
Definition: SkPath.cpp:2205
static bool left(const SkPoint &p0, const SkPoint &p1)
static bool right(const SkPoint &p0, const SkPoint &p1)
void swap(sk_sp< T > &a, sk_sp< T > &b)
Definition: SkRefCnt.h:341
static bool SkScalarNearlyZero(SkScalar x, SkScalar tolerance=SK_ScalarNearlyZero)
Definition: SkScalar.h:101
int32_t SkUnichar
Definition: SkTypes.h:175
#define DEF_SLIDE(code)
Definition: Slide.h:25
#define setLength(p, len)
void drawPoints(PointMode mode, size_t count, const SkPoint pts[], const SkPaint &paint)
Definition: SkCanvas.cpp:1710
void restore()
Definition: SkCanvas.cpp:461
void translate(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy)
Definition: SkCanvas.cpp:1278
void drawColor(SkColor color, SkBlendMode mode=SkBlendMode::kSrcOver)
Definition: SkCanvas.h:1182
int save()
Definition: SkCanvas.cpp:447
void drawPath(const SkPath &path, const SkPaint &paint)
Definition: SkCanvas.cpp:1747
void scale(SkScalar sx, SkScalar sy)
Definition: SkCanvas.cpp:1289
@ kPoints_PointMode
draw each point separately
Definition: SkCanvas.h:1241
@ kRound_Cap
adds circle
Definition: SkPaint.h:335
@ kButt_Cap
no stroke extension
Definition: SkPaint.h:334
void setStyle(Style style)
Definition: SkPaint.cpp:105
void setColor(SkColor color)
Definition: SkPaint.cpp:119
void setAntiAlias(bool aa)
Definition: SkPaint.h:170
void setStrokeCap(Cap cap)
Definition: SkPaint.cpp:179
@ kStroke_Style
set to stroke geometry
Definition: SkPaint.h:194
@ kMiter_Join
extends to miter limit
Definition: SkPaint.h:359
void setStrokeWidth(SkScalar width)
Definition: SkPaint.cpp:159
Definition: SkPath.h:59
SkPath & moveTo(SkScalar x, SkScalar y)
Definition: SkPath.cpp:688
void setFillType(SkPathFillType ft)
Definition: SkPath.h:235
SkPath & lineTo(SkScalar x, SkScalar y)
Definition: SkPath.cpp:728
SkPath & quadTo(SkScalar x1, SkScalar y1, SkScalar x2, SkScalar y2)
Definition: SkPath.cpp:746
@ kClose_Verb
Definition: SkPath.h:1471
@ kMove_Verb
Definition: SkPath.h:1466
@ kConic_Verb
Definition: SkPath.h:1469
@ kDone_Verb
Definition: SkPath.h:1472
@ kCubic_Verb
Definition: SkPath.h:1470
@ kQuad_Verb
Definition: SkPath.h:1468
@ kLine_Verb
Definition: SkPath.h:1467
const char * c_str() const
Definition: SkString.h:133
SkString fName
Definition: Slide.h:54
void resize(SkScalar w, SkScalar h) override
Click * onFindClickHandler(SkScalar x, SkScalar y, skui::ModifierKey modi) override
bool onChar(SkUnichar uni) override
bool onClick(ClickHandlerSlide::Click *) override
void draw(SkCanvas *canvas) override
void load(SkScalar w, SkScalar h) override
const Paint & paint
Definition: color_source.cc:38
float SkScalar
Definition: extension.cpp:12
static bool b
struct MyStruct a[10]
glong glong end
uint8_t value
GAsyncResult * result
static float max(float r, float g, float b)
Definition: hsl.cpp:49
static float min(float r, float g, float b)
Definition: hsl.cpp:48
double y
double x
skia_private::AutoTArray< sk_sp< SkImageFilter > > filters TypedMatrix matrix TypedMatrix matrix SkScalar dx
Definition: SkRecords.h:208
Definition: common.py:1
static ArrayPtr Eval(Dart_Handle lib, const char *expr)
Definition: service_test.cc:81
DEF_SWITCHES_START aot vmservice shared library Name of the *so containing AOT compiled Dart assets for launching the service isolate vm snapshot The VM snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present isolate snapshot The isolate snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present cache dir path
Definition: switches.h:57
DEF_SWITCHES_START aot vmservice shared library name
Definition: switches.h:32
Definition: ModifierKey.h:9
SIN Vec< N, float > abs(const Vec< N, float > &x)
Definition: SkVx.h:707
static SkString to_string(int n)
Definition: nanobench.cpp:119
SkScalar w
SkScalar h
static SkString join(const CommandLineFlags::StringArray &)
Definition: skpbench.cpp:741
float dot(const SkVector &vec) const
Definition: SkPoint_impl.h:554
static constexpr SkPoint Make(float x, float y)
Definition: SkPoint_impl.h:173
bool normalize()
Definition: SkPoint.cpp:22
constexpr float left() const
Definition: SkRect.h:734
constexpr float top() const
Definition: SkRect.h:741
constexpr float x() const
Definition: SkRect.h:720
constexpr float y() const
Definition: SkRect.h:727
static constexpr SkRect MakeXYWH(float x, float y, float w, float h)
Definition: SkRect.h:659
bool intersects(const SkRect &r) const
Definition: SkRect.h:1121
constexpr float height() const
Definition: SkRect.h:769
constexpr float width() const
Definition: SkRect.h:762
Definition: SkSize.h:52
SkScalar width() const
Definition: SkSize.h:76
SkScalar height() const
Definition: SkSize.h:77