Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
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ResourceCacheTest.cpp File Reference
#include "include/core/SkAlphaType.h"
#include "include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "include/core/SkColorType.h"
#include "include/core/SkData.h"
#include "include/core/SkImageInfo.h"
#include "include/core/SkPaint.h"
#include "include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/core/SkSize.h"
#include "include/core/SkString.h"
#include "include/core/SkSurface.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "include/gpu/GpuTypes.h"
#include "include/gpu/GrBackendSurface.h"
#include "include/gpu/GrDirectContext.h"
#include "include/gpu/GrRecordingContext.h"
#include "include/gpu/GrTypes.h"
#include "include/gpu/ganesh/SkSurfaceGanesh.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkDebug.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTDArray.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTo.h"
#include "include/private/gpu/ganesh/GrTypesPriv.h"
#include "src/base/SkRandom.h"
#include "src/core/SkMessageBus.h"
#include "src/gpu/GpuTypesPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/ResourceKey.h"
#include "src/gpu/SkBackingFit.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrCaps.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrDirectContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrGpu.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrGpuResource.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrGpuResourceCacheAccess.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrGpuResourcePriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrProxyProvider.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrRecordingContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrRenderTarget.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrResourceCache.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrResourceProvider.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrTexture.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrTextureProxy.h"
#include "tests/CtsEnforcement.h"
#include "tests/Test.h"
#include "tools/gpu/ContextType.h"
#include "tools/gpu/ManagedBackendTexture.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <memory>
#include <string_view>
#include <thread>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  TestResource
struct  Mock


 DEF_GANESH_TEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS (ResourceCacheCache, reporter, ctxInfo, CtsEnforcement::kApiLevel_T)
static bool is_rendering_and_not_angle_es3 (skgpu::ContextType type)
static GrAttachmentget_SB (GrRenderTarget *rt)
static sk_sp< GrRenderTargetcreate_RT_with_SB (GrResourceProvider *provider, int size, int sampleCount, skgpu::Budgeted budgeted)
 DEF_GANESH_TEST_FOR_CONTEXTS (ResourceCacheStencilBuffers, &is_rendering_and_not_angle_es3, reporter, ctxInfo, nullptr, CtsEnforcement::kApiLevel_T)
 DEF_GANESH_TEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS (ResourceCacheWrappedResources, reporter, ctxInfo, CtsEnforcement::kApiLevel_T)
static void test_no_key (skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
template<int >
static void make_unique_key (skgpu::UniqueKey *key, int data, const char *tag=nullptr)
static void test_purge_unlocked (skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_purge_command_buffer_usage (skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_budgeting (skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_unbudgeted (skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
void test_unbudgeted_to_scratch (skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_duplicate_scratch_key (skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_remove_scratch_key (skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_scratch_key_consistency (skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_duplicate_unique_key (skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_purge_invalidated (skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_cache_chained_purge (skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_timestamp_wrap (skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_time_purge (skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_partial_purge (skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_custom_data (skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_abandoned (skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_tags (skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_free_texture_messages (skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
 DEF_GANESH_TEST (ResourceCacheMisc, reporter,, CtsEnforcement::kApiLevel_T)
 DEF_GANESH_TEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS (ResourceMessagesAfterAbandon, reporter, ctxInfo, CtsEnforcement::kApiLevel_T)
static sk_sp< GrTexturemake_normal_texture (GrResourceProvider *provider, GrRenderable renderable, SkISize dims, int sampleCnt)
static sk_sp< GrTextureProxymake_mipmap_proxy (GrRecordingContext *rContext, GrRenderable renderable, SkISize dims, int sampleCnt)
 DEF_GANESH_TEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS (GPUMemorySize, reporter, ctxInfo, CtsEnforcement::kApiLevel_T)
 DEF_GANESH_TEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS (PurgeToMakeHeadroom, reporter, ctxInfo, CtsEnforcement::kApiLevel_T)


static const int gWidth = 640
static const int gHeight = 480

Function Documentation

◆ create_RT_with_SB()

static sk_sp< GrRenderTarget > create_RT_with_SB ( GrResourceProvider provider,
int  size,
int  sampleCount,
skgpu::Budgeted  budgeted 

Definition at line 129 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

132 {
133 auto format =
134 provider->caps()->getDefaultBackendFormat(GrColorType::kRGBA_8888, GrRenderable::kYes);
135 sk_sp<GrTexture> tex(provider->createTexture({size, size},
136 format,
138 GrRenderable::kYes,
139 sampleCount,
140 skgpu::Mipmapped::kNo,
141 budgeted,
142 GrProtected::kNo,
143 /*label=*/{}));
144 if (!tex || !tex->asRenderTarget()) {
145 return nullptr;
146 }
148 if (!provider->attachStencilAttachment(tex->asRenderTarget(), sampleCount > 1)) {
149 return nullptr;
150 }
151 SkASSERT(get_SB(tex->asRenderTarget()));
153 return sk_ref_sp(tex->asRenderTarget());
static GrAttachment * get_SB(GrRenderTarget *rt)
#define SkASSERT(cond)
Definition SkAssert.h:116
sk_sp< T > sk_ref_sp(T *obj)
Definition SkRefCnt.h:381
GrBackendFormat getDefaultBackendFormat(GrColorType, GrRenderable) const
Definition GrCaps.cpp:400
bool attachStencilAttachment(GrRenderTarget *rt, bool useMSAASurface)
sk_sp< GrTexture > createTexture(SkISize dimensions, const GrBackendFormat &format, GrTextureType textureType, skgpu::Renderable renderable, int renderTargetSampleCnt, skgpu::Mipmapped mipmapped, skgpu::Budgeted budgeted, skgpu::Protected isProtected, std::string_view label)
const GrCaps * caps() const
uint32_t uint32_t * format


DEF_GANESH_TEST ( ResourceCacheMisc  ,
reporter  ,

Definition at line 1669 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

1669 {
1670 // The below tests create their own mock contexts.
static void test_purge_unlocked(skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_free_texture_messages(skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_tags(skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_custom_data(skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_purge_command_buffer_usage(skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_time_purge(skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_abandoned(skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_timestamp_wrap(skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
void test_unbudgeted_to_scratch(skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_unbudgeted(skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_remove_scratch_key(skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_cache_chained_purge(skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_partial_purge(skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_no_key(skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_scratch_key_consistency(skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_budgeting(skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_purge_invalidated(skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_duplicate_unique_key(skiatest::Reporter *reporter)
static void test_duplicate_scratch_key(skiatest::Reporter *reporter)


DEF_GANESH_TEST_FOR_CONTEXTS ( ResourceCacheStencilBuffers  ,
reporter  ,
ctxInfo  ,
nullptr  ,

Definition at line 157 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

162 {
163 auto context = ctxInfo.directContext();
164 const GrCaps* caps = context->priv().caps();
166 if (caps->avoidStencilBuffers()) {
167 return;
168 }
170 GrResourceProvider* resourceProvider = context->priv().resourceProvider();
173 GrBackendFormat format = caps->getDefaultBackendFormat(grColorType, GrRenderable::kYes);
175 sk_sp<GrRenderTarget> smallRT0 =
176 create_RT_with_SB(resourceProvider, 4, 1, skgpu::Budgeted::kYes);
177 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, smallRT0);
179 {
180 // Two budgeted RTs with the same desc should share a stencil buffer.
181 sk_sp<GrRenderTarget> smallRT1 =
182 create_RT_with_SB(resourceProvider, 4, 1, skgpu::Budgeted::kYes);
183 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, smallRT1);
185 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, get_SB(smallRT0.get()) == get_SB(smallRT1.get()));
186 }
188 {
189 // An unbudgeted RT with the same desc should also share.
190 sk_sp<GrRenderTarget> smallRT2 =
191 create_RT_with_SB(resourceProvider, 4, 1, skgpu::Budgeted::kNo);
192 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, smallRT2);
194 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, get_SB(smallRT0.get()) == get_SB(smallRT2.get()));
195 }
197 {
198 // An RT with a much larger size should not share.
200 create_RT_with_SB(resourceProvider, 400, 1, skgpu::Budgeted::kNo);
203 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, get_SB(smallRT0.get()) != get_SB(bigRT.get()));
204 }
206 int smallSampleCount =
207 context->priv().caps()->getRenderTargetSampleCount(2, format);
208 if (smallSampleCount > 1) {
209 // An RT with a different sample count should not share.
210 sk_sp<GrRenderTarget> smallMSAART0 =
211 create_RT_with_SB(resourceProvider, 4, smallSampleCount, skgpu::Budgeted::kNo);
212 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, smallMSAART0);
214 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, get_SB(smallRT0.get()) != get_SB(smallMSAART0.get()));
216 {
217 // A second MSAA RT should share with the first MSAA RT.
218 sk_sp<GrRenderTarget> smallMSAART1 =
219 create_RT_with_SB(resourceProvider, 4, smallSampleCount, skgpu::Budgeted::kNo);
220 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, smallMSAART1);
222 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, get_SB(smallMSAART0.get()) == get_SB(smallMSAART1.get()));
223 }
225 // But one with a larger sample count should not. (Also check that the two requests didn't
226 // rounded up to the same actual sample count or else they could share.).
227 int bigSampleCount = context->priv().caps()->getRenderTargetSampleCount(5, format);
228 if (bigSampleCount > 0 && bigSampleCount != smallSampleCount) {
229 sk_sp<GrRenderTarget> smallMSAART2 =
230 create_RT_with_SB(resourceProvider, 4, bigSampleCount, skgpu::Budgeted::kNo);
231 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, smallMSAART2);
233 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, get_SB(smallMSAART0.get()) != get_SB(smallMSAART2.get()));
234 }
235 }
static sk_sp< GrRenderTarget > create_RT_with_SB(GrResourceProvider *provider, int size, int sampleCount, skgpu::Budgeted budgeted)
#define REPORTER_ASSERT(r, cond,...)
Definition Test.h:286
bool avoidStencilBuffers() const
Definition GrCaps.h:139
GrResourceProviderPriv priv()
T * get() const
Definition SkRefCnt.h:303


reporter  ,
ctxInfo  ,

Definition at line 1781 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

1784 {
1785 auto context = ctxInfo.directContext();
1786 GrResourceProvider* resourceProvider = context->priv().resourceProvider();
1787 const GrCaps* caps = context->priv().caps();
1789 static constexpr SkISize kSize = {64, 64};
1790 static constexpr auto kArea = kSize.area();
1792 // Normal versions
1793 {
1794 sk_sp<GrTexture> tex;
1796 tex = make_normal_texture(resourceProvider, GrRenderable::kYes, kSize, 1);
1797 size_t size = tex->gpuMemorySize();
1798 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, kArea*4 == size);
1800 size_t sampleCount = (size_t)caps->getRenderTargetSampleCount(4, tex->backendFormat());
1801 if (sampleCount >= 4) {
1802 tex = make_normal_texture(resourceProvider, GrRenderable::kYes, kSize, sampleCount);
1803 size = tex->gpuMemorySize();
1805 kArea*4 == size || // msaa4 failed
1806 kArea*4*sampleCount == size || // auto-resolving
1807 kArea*4*(sampleCount+1) == size); // explicit resolve buffer
1808 }
1810 tex = make_normal_texture(resourceProvider, GrRenderable::kNo, kSize, 1);
1811 size = tex->gpuMemorySize();
1812 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, kArea*4 == size);
1813 }
1815 // Mipmapped versions
1816 if (caps->mipmapSupport()) {
1819 proxy = make_mipmap_proxy(context, GrRenderable::kYes, kSize, 1);
1820 size_t size = proxy->gpuMemorySize();
1821 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, kArea*4 + (kArea*4)/3 == size);
1823 size_t sampleCount = (size_t)caps->getRenderTargetSampleCount(4, proxy->backendFormat());
1824 if (sampleCount >= 4) {
1825 proxy = make_mipmap_proxy(context, GrRenderable::kYes, kSize, sampleCount);
1826 size = proxy->gpuMemorySize();
1828 kArea*4 + (kArea*4)/3 == size || // msaa4 failed
1829 kArea*4*sampleCount + (kArea*4)/3 == size || // auto-resolving
1830 kArea*4*(sampleCount+1) + (kArea*4)/3 == size); // explicit resolve buffer
1831 }
1833 proxy = make_mipmap_proxy(context, GrRenderable::kNo, kSize, 1);
1834 size = proxy->gpuMemorySize();
1835 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, kArea*4 + (kArea*4)/3 == size);
1836 }
static sk_sp< GrTexture > make_normal_texture(GrResourceProvider *provider, GrRenderable renderable, SkISize dims, int sampleCnt)
static sk_sp< GrTextureProxy > make_mipmap_proxy(GrRecordingContext *rContext, GrRenderable renderable, SkISize dims, int sampleCnt)
bool mipmapSupport() const
Definition GrCaps.h:72
virtual int getRenderTargetSampleCount(int requestedCount, const GrBackendFormat &) const =0
static constexpr int kSize
it will be possible to load the file into Perfetto s trace viewer disable asset Prevents usage of any non test fonts unless they were explicitly Loaded via prefetched default font Indicates whether the embedding started a prefetch of the default font manager before creating the engine run In non interactive keep the shell running after the Dart script has completed enable serial On low power devices with low core running concurrent GC tasks on threads can cause them to contend with the UI thread which could potentially lead to jank This option turns off all concurrent GC activities domain network JSON encoded network policy per domain This overrides the DisallowInsecureConnections switch Embedder can specify whether to allow or disallow insecure connections at a domain level old gen heap size
Definition switches.h:259
constexpr int64_t area() const
Definition SkSize.h:39


reporter  ,
ctxInfo  ,

Definition at line 1839 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

1842 {
1843 constexpr size_t kTexSize = 16 * 16 * 4;
1845 auto dContext = ctxInfo.directContext();
1846 dContext->setResourceCacheLimit(2 * kTexSize);
1847 auto resourceProvider = dContext->priv().resourceProvider();
1848 auto resourceCache = dContext->priv().getResourceCache();
1849 for (bool success : { true, false }) {
1850 reporter->push(SkString(success ? "success" : "failure"));
1852 resourceCache->releaseAll();
1853 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, resourceCache->getBudgetedResourceBytes() == 0);
1855 // Make one unpurgeable texture and one purgeable texture.
1856 auto lockedTex = make_normal_texture(resourceProvider, GrRenderable::kNo, {16, 16}, 1);
1857 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, lockedTex->gpuMemorySize() == kTexSize);
1859 // N.b. this surface is renderable so "reuseScratchTextures = false" won't mess us up.
1860 auto purgeableTex = make_normal_texture(resourceProvider, GrRenderable::kYes, {16, 16}, 1);
1861 if (success) {
1862 purgeableTex = nullptr;
1863 }
1865 size_t expectedPurgeable = success ? kTexSize : 0;
1866 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, expectedPurgeable == resourceCache->getPurgeableBytes(),
1867 "%zu vs %zu", expectedPurgeable, resourceCache->getPurgeableBytes());
1868 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, success == resourceCache->purgeToMakeHeadroom(kTexSize));
1869 size_t expectedBudgeted = success ? kTexSize : (2 * kTexSize);
1870 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, expectedBudgeted == resourceCache->getBudgetedResourceBytes(),
1871 "%zu vs %zu", expectedBudgeted, resourceCache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
1872 reporter->pop();
1873 }


reporter  ,
ctxInfo  ,

Definition at line 72 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

75 {
76 auto context = ctxInfo.directContext();
79 SkCanvas* canvas = surface->getCanvas();
84 src.allocN32Pixels(size.width(), size.height());
85 src.eraseColor(SK_ColorBLACK);
86 size_t srcSize = src.computeByteSize();
88 size_t initialCacheSize;
89 context->getResourceCacheUsage(nullptr, &initialCacheSize);
91 size_t oldMaxBytes = context->getResourceCacheLimit();
93 // Set the cache limits so we can fit 10 "src" images and the
94 // max number of textures doesn't matter
95 size_t maxCacheSize = initialCacheSize + 10*srcSize;
96 context->setResourceCacheLimit(maxCacheSize);
99 readback.allocN32Pixels(size.width(), size.height());
101 for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
102 canvas->drawImage(src.asImage(), 0, 0);
103 surface->readPixels(readback, 0, 0);
105 // "modify" the src texture
106 src.notifyPixelsChanged();
108 size_t curCacheSize;
109 context->getResourceCacheUsage(nullptr, &curCacheSize);
111 // we should never go over the size limit
112 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, curCacheSize <= maxCacheSize);
113 }
115 context->setResourceCacheLimit(oldMaxBytes);
static void readback(const SkBitmap &src, int *result, int resultCount)
Definition BlurTest.cpp:264
static void info(const char *fmt,...) SK_PRINTF_LIKE(1
Definition DM.cpp:213
static const int gWidth
static const int gHeight
constexpr SkColor SK_ColorBLACK
Definition SkColor.h:103
void allocN32Pixels(int width, int height, bool isOpaque=false)
Definition SkBitmap.cpp:232
void drawImage(const SkImage *image, SkScalar left, SkScalar top)
Definition SkCanvas.h:1528
VkSurfaceKHR surface
Definition main.cc:49
SK_API sk_sp< SkSurface > RenderTarget(GrRecordingContext *context, skgpu::Budgeted budgeted, const SkImageInfo &imageInfo, int sampleCount, GrSurfaceOrigin surfaceOrigin, const SkSurfaceProps *surfaceProps, bool shouldCreateWithMips=false, bool isProtected=false)
static constexpr SkIRect MakeWH(int32_t w, int32_t h)
Definition SkRect.h:56
static SkImageInfo MakeN32Premul(int width, int height)


reporter  ,
ctxInfo  ,

Definition at line 238 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

241 {
242 auto context = ctxInfo.directContext();
243 GrResourceProvider* resourceProvider = context->priv().resourceProvider();
244 GrGpu* gpu = context->priv().getGpu();
245 // this test is only valid for GL
246 if (!gpu || !gpu->glContextForTesting()) {
247 return;
248 }
250 static const int kW = 100;
251 static const int kH = 100;
253 auto mbet = sk_gpu_test::ManagedBackendTexture::MakeWithoutData(
254 context, kW, kH, kRGBA_8888_SkColorType, skgpu::Mipmapped::kNo, GrRenderable::kNo);
255 GrBackendTexture unmbet = context->createBackendTexture(
256 kW, kH, kRGBA_8888_SkColorType, skgpu::Mipmapped::kNo, GrRenderable::kNo);
257 if (!mbet || !unmbet.isValid()) {
258 ERRORF(reporter, "Could not create backend texture.");
259 return;
260 }
262 context->resetContext();
264 sk_sp<GrTexture> borrowed(resourceProvider->wrapBackendTexture(
267 sk_sp<GrTexture> adopted(resourceProvider->wrapBackendTexture(
270 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, borrowed != nullptr && adopted != nullptr);
271 if (!borrowed || !adopted) {
272 return;
273 }
275 borrowed.reset();
276 adopted.reset();
278 context->flushAndSubmit(GrSyncCpu::kYes);
280 bool borrowedIsAlive = gpu->isTestingOnlyBackendTexture(mbet->texture());
281 bool adoptedIsAlive = gpu->isTestingOnlyBackendTexture(unmbet);
283 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, borrowedIsAlive);
284 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !adoptedIsAlive);
286 if (adoptedIsAlive) {
287 context->deleteBackendTexture(unmbet);
288 }
290 context->resetContext();
@ kRead_GrIOType
@ kAdopt_GrWrapOwnership
Definition GrTypesPriv.h:81
@ kBorrow_GrWrapOwnership
Definition GrTypesPriv.h:78
@ kRGBA_8888_SkColorType
pixel with 8 bits for red, green, blue, alpha; in 32-bit word
Definition SkColorType.h:24
#define ERRORF(r,...)
Definition Test.h:293
constexpr int kH
constexpr int kW
Definition GrGpu.h:62
sk_sp< GrTexture > wrapBackendTexture(const GrBackendTexture &tex, GrWrapOwnership, GrWrapCacheable, GrIOType)


reporter  ,
ctxInfo  ,

Definition at line 1694 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

1697 {
1698 using namespace skgpu;
1700 auto dContext = ctxInfo.directContext();
1701 GrGpu* gpu = dContext->priv().getGpu();
1703 Protected isProtected = Protected(dContext->priv().caps()->supportsProtectedContent());
1705 GrBackendTexture backend = dContext->createBackendTexture(
1706 16, 16, SkColorType::kRGBA_8888_SkColorType, skgpu::Mipmapped::kNo, GrRenderable::kNo,
1707 isProtected);
1708 sk_sp<GrTexture> tex = gpu->wrapBackendTexture(backend,
1713 auto releaseProc = [](void* ctx) {
1714 int* index = (int*) ctx;
1715 *index = 1;
1716 };
1718 int freed = 0;
1720 tex->setRelease(releaseProc, &freed);
1722 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == freed);
1724 // We must delete the backend texture before abandoning the context in vulkan. We just do it
1725 // for all the backends for consistency.
1726 dContext->deleteBackendTexture(backend);
1727 dContext->abandonContext();
1729 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == freed);
1731 // In the past, creating this message could cause an exception due to
1732 // an un-safe pointer upcast from GrTexture* to GrGpuResource* through virtual inheritance
1733 // after deletion of tex.
1734 GrResourceCache::ReturnResourceFromThread(std::move(tex), dContext->directContextID());
1736 // This doesn't actually do anything but it does trigger us to read messages
1737 dContext->purgeUnlockedResources(GrPurgeResourceOptions::kAllResources);
const char * backend
skgpu::Protected Protected
static void releaseProc(const void *ptr, void *context)
sk_sp< GrTexture > wrapBackendTexture(const GrBackendTexture &, GrWrapOwnership, GrWrapCacheable, GrIOType)
Definition GrGpu.cpp:297
static std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< GrGpuResource, T >, void > ReturnResourceFromThread(sk_sp< T > &&resource, GrDirectContext::DirectContextID id)
Definition GpuTypes.h:61

◆ get_SB()

static GrAttachment * get_SB ( GrRenderTarget rt)

Definition at line 127 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

127{ return rt->getStencilAttachment(); }
GrAttachment * getStencilAttachment(bool useMSAASurface) const

◆ is_rendering_and_not_angle_es3()

static bool is_rendering_and_not_angle_es3 ( skgpu::ContextType  type)

Definition at line 118 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

118 {
119 if (type == skgpu::ContextType::kANGLE_D3D11_ES3 ||
120 type == skgpu::ContextType::kANGLE_GL_ES3 ||
121 type == skgpu::ContextType::kANGLE_Metal_ES3) {
122 return false;
123 }
bool IsRenderingContext(skgpu::ContextType type)

◆ make_mipmap_proxy()

static sk_sp< GrTextureProxy > make_mipmap_proxy ( GrRecordingContext rContext,
GrRenderable  renderable,
SkISize  dims,
int  sampleCnt 

Definition at line 1757 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

1760 {
1761 GrProxyProvider* proxyProvider = rContext->priv().proxyProvider();
1762 const GrCaps* caps = rContext->priv().caps();
1766 GrRenderable::kNo);
1768 return proxyProvider->createProxy(format,
1769 dims,
1770 renderable,
1771 sampleCnt,
1772 skgpu::Mipmapped::kYes,
1775 GrProtected::kNo,
1776 /*label=*/{});
const GrCaps * caps() const
sk_sp< GrTextureProxy > createProxy(const GrBackendFormat &, SkISize dimensions, GrRenderable, int renderTargetSampleCnt, skgpu::Mipmapped, SkBackingFit, skgpu::Budgeted, GrProtected, std::string_view label, GrInternalSurfaceFlags=GrInternalSurfaceFlags::kNone, UseAllocator useAllocator=UseAllocator::kYes)
GrProxyProvider * proxyProvider()
GrRecordingContextPriv priv()

◆ make_normal_texture()

static sk_sp< GrTexture > make_normal_texture ( GrResourceProvider provider,
GrRenderable  renderable,
SkISize  dims,
int  sampleCnt 

Definition at line 1741 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

1744 {
1745 auto format = provider->caps()->getDefaultBackendFormat(GrColorType::kRGBA_8888, renderable);
1746 return provider->createTexture(dims,
1747 format,
1749 renderable,
1750 sampleCnt,
1751 skgpu::Mipmapped::kNo,
1753 GrProtected::kNo,
1754 /*label=*/{});

◆ make_unique_key()

template<int >
static void make_unique_key ( skgpu::UniqueKey key,
int  data,
const char *  tag = nullptr 

Definition at line 466 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

466 {
469 builder[0] = data;
static Domain GenerateDomain()
Definition main.cc:19
DEF_SWITCHES_START aot vmservice shared library Name of the *so containing AOT compiled Dart assets for launching the service isolate vm snapshot data
Definition switches.h:41

◆ test_abandoned()

static void test_abandoned ( skiatest::Reporter reporter)

Definition at line 1544 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

1544 {
1545 Mock mock(300);
1546 auto dContext = mock.dContext();
1547 GrGpu* gpu = mock.gpu();
1549 sk_sp<GrGpuResource> resource(new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{}));
1550 dContext->abandonContext();
1552 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, resource->wasDestroyed());
1554 // Call all the public methods on resource in the abandoned state. They shouldn't crash.
1556 resource->uniqueID();
1557 resource->getUniqueKey();
1558 resource->wasDestroyed();
1559 resource->gpuMemorySize();
1560 resource->getContext();
1562 resource->resourcePriv().getScratchKey();
1563 resource->resourcePriv().budgetedType();
1564 resource->resourcePriv().makeBudgeted();
1565 resource->resourcePriv().makeUnbudgeted();
1566 resource->resourcePriv().removeScratchKey();
1568 make_unique_key<0>(&key, 1);
1569 resource->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(key);
1570 resource->resourcePriv().removeUniqueKey();

◆ test_budgeting()

static void test_budgeting ( skiatest::Reporter reporter)

Definition at line 603 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

603 {
604 Mock mock(300);
605 GrResourceCache* cache = mock.cache();
606 GrGpu* gpu = mock.gpu();
608 skgpu::UniqueKey uniqueKey;
609 make_unique_key<0>(&uniqueKey, 0);
611 // Create a scratch, a unique, and a wrapped resource
614 TestResource* unique = new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{}, skgpu::Budgeted::kYes, 11);
615 unique->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(uniqueKey);
617 TestResource* wrappedUncacheable = TestResource::CreateWrapped(gpu, GrWrapCacheable::kNo, 13);
618 TestResource* unbudgeted = new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{}, skgpu::Budgeted::kNo, 14);
620 // Make sure we can add a unique key to the wrapped resources
621 skgpu::UniqueKey uniqueKey2;
622 make_unique_key<0>(&uniqueKey2, 1);
623 skgpu::UniqueKey uniqueKey3;
624 make_unique_key<0>(&uniqueKey3, 2);
625 wrappedCacheable->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(uniqueKey2);
626 wrappedUncacheable->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(uniqueKey3);
627 GrGpuResource* wrappedCacheableViaKey = cache->findAndRefUniqueResource(uniqueKey2);
628 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, wrappedCacheableViaKey);
629 GrGpuResource* wrappedUncacheableViaKey = cache->findAndRefUniqueResource(uniqueKey3);
630 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, wrappedUncacheableViaKey);
632 // Remove the extra refs we just added.
633 SkSafeUnref(wrappedCacheableViaKey);
634 SkSafeUnref(wrappedUncacheableViaKey);
636 // Make sure sizes are as we expect
637 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 5 == cache->getResourceCount());
638 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, scratch->gpuMemorySize() + unique->gpuMemorySize() +
639 wrappedCacheable->gpuMemorySize() +
640 wrappedUncacheable->gpuMemorySize() +
641 unbudgeted->gpuMemorySize() ==
642 cache->getResourceBytes());
643 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
644 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, scratch->gpuMemorySize() + unique->gpuMemorySize() ==
645 cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
646 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
648 // Our refs mean that the resources are non purgeable.
649 cache->purgeUnlockedResources(GrPurgeResourceOptions::kAllResources);
650 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 5 == cache->getResourceCount());
651 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, scratch->gpuMemorySize() + unique->gpuMemorySize() +
652 wrappedCacheable->gpuMemorySize() +
653 wrappedUncacheable->gpuMemorySize() +
654 unbudgeted->gpuMemorySize() ==
655 cache->getResourceBytes());
656 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
657 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, scratch->gpuMemorySize() + unique->gpuMemorySize() ==
658 cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
659 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
661 // Unreffing the cacheable wrapped resource with a unique key shouldn't free it right away.
662 // However, unreffing the uncacheable wrapped resource should free it.
663 wrappedCacheable->unref();
664 wrappedUncacheable->unref();
665 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 4 == cache->getResourceCount());
666 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, scratch->gpuMemorySize() + unique->gpuMemorySize() +
667 wrappedCacheable->gpuMemorySize() +
668 unbudgeted->gpuMemorySize() ==
669 cache->getResourceBytes());
670 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
672 // Now try freeing the budgeted resources first
673 wrappedUncacheable = TestResource::CreateWrapped(gpu, GrWrapCacheable::kNo);
674 unique->unref();
675 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 11 == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
676 // This will free 'unique' but not wrappedCacheable which has a key. That requires the key to be
677 // removed to be freed.
678 cache->purgeUnlockedResources(GrPurgeResourceOptions::kAllResources);
679 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 4 == cache->getResourceCount());
681 wrappedCacheableViaKey = cache->findAndRefUniqueResource(uniqueKey2);
682 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, wrappedCacheableViaKey);
683 if (wrappedCacheableViaKey) {
684 wrappedCacheableViaKey->resourcePriv().removeUniqueKey();
685 wrappedCacheable->unref();
686 }
687 // We shouldn't have to call purgeAllUnlocked as removing the key on a wrapped cacheable
688 // resource should immediately delete it.
689 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 3 == cache->getResourceCount());
691 wrappedCacheable = TestResource::CreateWrapped(gpu, GrWrapCacheable::kYes);
692 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, scratch->gpuMemorySize() + wrappedCacheable->gpuMemorySize() +
693 wrappedUncacheable->gpuMemorySize() +
694 unbudgeted->gpuMemorySize() ==
695 cache->getResourceBytes());
696 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
697 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, scratch->gpuMemorySize() == cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
698 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
700 scratch->unref();
701 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 10 == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
702 cache->purgeUnlockedResources(GrPurgeResourceOptions::kAllResources);
703 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 3 == cache->getResourceCount());
704 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, unbudgeted->gpuMemorySize() + wrappedCacheable->gpuMemorySize() +
705 wrappedUncacheable->gpuMemorySize() ==
706 cache->getResourceBytes());
707 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
708 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
709 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
711 // Unreffing the wrapped resources (with no unique key) should free them right away.
712 wrappedUncacheable->unref();
713 wrappedCacheable->unref();
714 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache->getResourceCount());
715 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, unbudgeted->gpuMemorySize() == cache->getResourceBytes());
716 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
717 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
718 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
720 unbudgeted->unref();
721 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getResourceCount());
722 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getResourceBytes());
723 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
724 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
725 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
static void SkSafeUnref(T *obj)
Definition SkRefCnt.h:149
void setUniqueKey(const skgpu::UniqueKey &key)
size_t gpuMemorySize() const
ResourcePriv resourcePriv()
void unref() const
static TestResource * CreateScratch(GrGpu *gpu, skgpu::Budgeted budgeted, SimulatedProperty property, size_t size=kDefaultSize)
static TestResource * CreateWrapped(GrGpu *gpu, GrWrapCacheable cacheable, size_t size=kDefaultSize)
DEF_SWITCHES_START aot vmservice shared library Name of the *so containing AOT compiled Dart assets for launching the service isolate vm snapshot The VM snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present isolate snapshot The isolate snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present cache dir Path to the cache directory This is different from the persistent_cache_path in embedder which is used for Skia shader cache icu native lib Path to the library file that exports the ICU data vm service The hostname IP address on which the Dart VM Service should be served If not defaults to or::depending on whether ipv6 is specified vm service A custom Dart VM Service port The default is to pick a randomly available open port disable vm Disable the Dart VM Service The Dart VM Service is never available in release mode disable vm service Disable mDNS Dart VM Service publication Bind to the IPv6 localhost address for the Dart VM Service Ignored if vm service host is set endless trace Enable an endless trace buffer The default is a ring buffer This is useful when very old events need to viewed For during application launch Memory usage will continue to grow indefinitely however Start app with an specific route defined on the framework flutter assets Path to the Flutter assets directory enable service port Allow the VM service to fallback to automatic port selection if binding to a specified port fails trace Trace early application lifecycle Automatically switches to an endless trace buffer trace skia Filters out all Skia trace event categories except those that are specified in this comma separated list dump skp on shader Automatically dump the skp that triggers new shader compilations This is useful for writing custom ShaderWarmUp to reduce jank By this is not enabled to reduce the overhead purge persistent cache
Definition switches.h:191

◆ test_cache_chained_purge()

static void test_cache_chained_purge ( skiatest::Reporter reporter)

Definition at line 1189 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

1189 {
1190 Mock mock(30000);
1191 GrResourceCache* cache = mock.cache();
1192 GrGpu* gpu = mock.gpu();
1194 skgpu::UniqueKey key1, key2;
1195 make_unique_key<0>(&key1, 1);
1196 make_unique_key<0>(&key2, 2);
1198 sk_sp<TestResource> a(new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{}));
1199 sk_sp<TestResource> b(new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{}));
1200 a->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(key1);
1201 b->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(key2);
1203 // Make a cycle
1204 a->setUnrefWhenDestroyed(b);
1205 b->setUnrefWhenDestroyed(a);
1209 TestResource* unownedA = a.release();
1210 unownedA->unref();
1211 b.reset();
1215 cache->purgeUnlockedResources(GrPurgeResourceOptions::kAllResources);
1218 // Break the cycle
1219 unownedA->setUnrefWhenDestroyed(nullptr);
1222 cache->purgeUnlockedResources(GrPurgeResourceOptions::kAllResources);
static int NumAlive()
void setUnrefWhenDestroyed(sk_sp< TestResource > resource)
static bool b
struct MyStruct a[10]

◆ test_custom_data()

static void test_custom_data ( skiatest::Reporter reporter)

Definition at line 1530 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

1530 {
1531 skgpu::UniqueKey key1, key2;
1532 make_unique_key<0>(&key1, 1);
1533 make_unique_key<0>(&key2, 2);
1534 int foo = 4132;
1535 key1.setCustomData(SkData::MakeWithCopy(&foo, sizeof(foo)));
1536 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, *(const int*) key1.getCustomData()->data() == 4132);
1537 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, key2.getCustomData() == nullptr);
1539 // Test that copying a key also takes a ref on its custom data.
1540 skgpu::UniqueKey key3 = key1;
1541 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, *(const int*) key3.getCustomData()->data() == 4132);
const void * data() const
Definition SkData.h:37
static sk_sp< SkData > MakeWithCopy(const void *data, size_t length)
Definition SkData.cpp:111
SkData * getCustomData() const
void setCustomData(sk_sp< SkData > data)

◆ test_duplicate_scratch_key()

static void test_duplicate_scratch_key ( skiatest::Reporter reporter)

Definition at line 866 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

866 {
867 Mock mock(30000);
868 GrResourceCache* cache = mock.cache();
869 GrGpu* gpu = mock.gpu();
871 // Create two resources that have the same scratch key.
876 skgpu::ScratchKey scratchKey1;
878 // Check for negative case consistency. (leaks upon test failure.)
879 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !cache->findAndRefScratchResource(scratchKey1));
881 skgpu::ScratchKey scratchKey;
884 // Scratch resources are registered with GrResourceCache just by existing. There are 2.
886 // As long as there are outstanding refs on the resources they will not be in the scratch map
887 SkDEBUGCODE(REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->countScratchEntriesForKey(scratchKey));)
888 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache->getResourceCount());
889 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a->gpuMemorySize() + b->gpuMemorySize() ==
890 cache->getResourceBytes());
892 // Our refs mean that the resources are non purgeable.
893 cache->purgeUnlockedResources(GrPurgeResourceOptions::kAllResources);
895 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache->getResourceCount());
897 // Unref but don't purge
898 a->unref();
899 b->unref();
901 // Since we removed the refs to the resources they will now be in the scratch map
902 SkDEBUGCODE(REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache->countScratchEntriesForKey(scratchKey));)
904 // Purge again. This time resources should be purgeable.
905 cache->purgeUnlockedResources(GrPurgeResourceOptions::kAllResources);
907 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getResourceCount());
908 SkDEBUGCODE(REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->countScratchEntriesForKey(scratchKey));)
#define SkDEBUGCODE(...)
Definition SkDebug.h:23
static void ComputeScratchKey(SimulatedProperty property, skgpu::ScratchKey *key)

◆ test_duplicate_unique_key()

static void test_duplicate_unique_key ( skiatest::Reporter reporter)

Definition at line 1028 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

1028 {
1029 Mock mock(30000);
1030 GrResourceCache* cache = mock.cache();
1031 GrGpu* gpu = mock.gpu();
1034 make_unique_key<0>(&key, 0);
1036 // Create two resources that we will attempt to register with the same unique key.
1037 TestResource* a = new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{}, skgpu::Budgeted::kYes, 11);
1039 // Set key on resource a.
1040 a->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(key);
1041 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a == cache->findAndRefUniqueResource(key));
1042 a->unref();
1044 // Make sure that redundantly setting a's key works.
1045 a->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(key);
1046 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a == cache->findAndRefUniqueResource(key));
1047 a->unref();
1048 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache->getResourceCount());
1049 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a->gpuMemorySize() == cache->getResourceBytes());
1052 // Create resource b and set the same key. It should replace a's unique key cache entry.
1053 TestResource* b = new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{}, skgpu::Budgeted::kYes, 12);
1055 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, b == cache->findAndRefUniqueResource(key));
1056 b->unref();
1058 // Still have two resources because a is still reffed.
1059 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache->getResourceCount());
1060 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a->gpuMemorySize() + b->gpuMemorySize() == cache->getResourceBytes());
1063 a->unref();
1064 // Now a should be gone.
1065 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache->getResourceCount());
1066 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, b->gpuMemorySize() == cache->getResourceBytes());
1069 // Now replace b with c, but make sure c can start with one unique key and change it to b's key.
1070 // Also make b be unreffed when replacement occurs.
1071 b->unref();
1072 TestResource* c = new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{}, skgpu::Budgeted::kYes, 13);
1073 skgpu::UniqueKey differentKey;
1074 make_unique_key<0>(&differentKey, 1);
1075 c->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(differentKey);
1076 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache->getResourceCount());
1077 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, b->gpuMemorySize() + c->gpuMemorySize() == cache->getResourceBytes());
1079 // c replaces b and b should be immediately purged.
1081 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache->getResourceCount());
1082 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, c->gpuMemorySize() == cache->getResourceBytes());
1085 // c shouldn't be purged because it is ref'ed.
1086 cache->purgeUnlockedResources(GrPurgeResourceOptions::kAllResources);
1087 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache->getResourceCount());
1088 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, c->gpuMemorySize() == cache->getResourceBytes());
1091 // Drop the ref on c, it should be kept alive because it has a unique key.
1092 c->unref();
1093 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache->getResourceCount());
1094 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, c->gpuMemorySize() == cache->getResourceBytes());
1097 // Verify that we can find c, then remove its unique key. It should get purged immediately.
1098 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, c == cache->findAndRefUniqueResource(key));
1100 c->unref();
1101 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getResourceCount());
1102 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getResourceBytes());
1105 {
1106 skgpu::UniqueKey key2;
1107 make_unique_key<0>(&key2, 0);
1108 sk_sp<TestResource> d(new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{}));
1109 int foo = 4132;
1110 key2.setCustomData(SkData::MakeWithCopy(&foo, sizeof(foo)));
1111 d->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(key2);
1112 }
1114 skgpu::UniqueKey key3;
1115 make_unique_key<0>(&key3, 0);
1116 sk_sp<GrGpuResource> d2(cache->findAndRefUniqueResource(key3));
1117 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, *(const int*) d2->getUniqueKey().getCustomData()->data() == 4132);

◆ test_free_texture_messages()

static void test_free_texture_messages ( skiatest::Reporter reporter)

Definition at line 1614 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

1614 {
1615 Mock mock(30000);
1616 auto dContext = mock.dContext();
1617 GrResourceCache* cache = mock.cache();
1618 GrGpu* gpu = mock.gpu();
1622 int freed[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
1624 auto releaseProc = [](void* ctx) {
1625 int* index = (int*) ctx;
1626 *index = 1;
1627 };
1629 for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
1630 backends[i] = dContext->createBackendTexture(16,
1631 16,
1633 skgpu::Mipmapped::kNo,
1634 GrRenderable::kNo);
1635 wrapped[i] = gpu->wrapBackendTexture(backends[i],
1639 wrapped[i]->setRelease(releaseProc, &freed[i]);
1640 }
1642 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == (freed[0] + freed[1] + freed[2]));
1644 // This should free nothing since no messages were sent.
1645 cache->purgeAsNeeded();
1647 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == (freed[0] + freed[1] + freed[2]));
1649 // Send message to free the first resource
1650 GrResourceCache::ReturnResourceFromThread(std::move(wrapped[0]), dContext->directContextID());
1651 cache->purgeAsNeeded();
1653 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == (freed[0] + freed[1] + freed[2]));
1654 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == freed[0]);
1656 GrResourceCache::ReturnResourceFromThread(std::move(wrapped[2]), dContext->directContextID());
1657 cache->purgeAsNeeded();
1659 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == (freed[0] + freed[1] + freed[2]));
1660 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == freed[1]);
1662 wrapped[1].reset();
1664 mock.reset();
1666 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 3 == (freed[0] + freed[1] + freed[2]));
static sk_sp< GrTextureProxy > wrapped(skiatest::Reporter *reporter, GrRecordingContext *rContext, GrProxyProvider *proxyProvider, SkBackingFit fit)
void reset(T *ptr=nullptr)
Definition SkRefCnt.h:310
it will be possible to load the file into Perfetto s trace viewer disable asset Prevents usage of any non test fonts unless they were explicitly Loaded via prefetched default font Indicates whether the embedding started a prefetch of the default font manager before creating the engine run In non interactive keep the shell running after the Dart script has completed enable serial On low power devices with low core running concurrent GC tasks on threads can cause them to contend with the UI thread which could potentially lead to jank This option turns off all concurrent GC activities domain network JSON encoded network policy per domain This overrides the DisallowInsecureConnections switch Embedder can specify whether to allow or disallow insecure connections at a domain level old gen heap The size limit in megabytes for the Dart VM old gen heap space enable Enable the Impeller renderer on supported platforms Ignored if Impeller is not supported on the platform enable vulkan Enable loading Vulkan validation layers The layers must be available to the application and loadable On non Vulkan backends
Definition switches.h:276

◆ test_no_key()

static void test_no_key ( skiatest::Reporter reporter)

Definition at line 419 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

419 {
420 Mock mock(30000);
421 GrResourceCache* cache = mock.cache();
422 GrGpu* gpu = mock.gpu();
424 // Create a bunch of resources with no keys
425 TestResource* a = new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{}, skgpu::Budgeted::kYes, 11);
426 TestResource* b = new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{}, skgpu::Budgeted::kYes, 12);
427 TestResource* c = new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{}, skgpu::Budgeted::kYes, 13);
428 TestResource* d = new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{}, skgpu::Budgeted::kYes, 14);
431 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 4 == cache->getResourceCount());
432 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a->gpuMemorySize() + b->gpuMemorySize() + c->gpuMemorySize() +
433 d->gpuMemorySize() == cache->getResourceBytes());
435 // Should be safe to purge without deleting the resources since we still have refs.
436 cache->purgeUnlockedResources(GrPurgeResourceOptions::kAllResources);
439 // Since the resources have neither unique nor scratch keys, delete immediately upon unref.
441 a->unref();
443 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 3 == cache->getResourceCount());
444 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, b->gpuMemorySize() + c->gpuMemorySize() + d->gpuMemorySize() ==
445 cache->getResourceBytes());
447 c->unref();
449 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache->getResourceCount());
450 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, b->gpuMemorySize() + d->gpuMemorySize() ==
451 cache->getResourceBytes());
453 d->unref();
455 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache->getResourceCount());
456 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, b->gpuMemorySize() == cache->getResourceBytes());
458 b->unref();
460 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getResourceCount());
461 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getResourceBytes());

◆ test_partial_purge()

static void test_partial_purge ( skiatest::Reporter reporter)

Definition at line 1427 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

1427 {
1428 Mock mock(100);
1429 auto dContext = mock.dContext();
1430 GrResourceCache* cache = mock.cache();
1431 GrGpu* gpu = mock.gpu();
1433 enum TestsCase {
1434 kOnlyScratch_TestCase = 0,
1435 kPartialScratch_TestCase = 1,
1436 kAllScratch_TestCase = 2,
1437 kPartial_TestCase = 3,
1438 kAll_TestCase = 4,
1439 kNone_TestCase = 5,
1440 kEndTests_TestCase = kNone_TestCase + 1
1441 };
1443 for (int testCase = 0; testCase < kEndTests_TestCase; testCase++) {
1445 skgpu::UniqueKey key1, key2, key3;
1446 make_unique_key<0>(&key1, 1);
1447 make_unique_key<0>(&key2, 2);
1448 make_unique_key<0>(&key3, 3);
1450 // Add three unique resources to the cache.
1451 TestResource* unique1 = new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{}, skgpu::Budgeted::kYes, 10);
1452 TestResource* unique2 = new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{}, skgpu::Budgeted::kYes, 11);
1453 TestResource* unique3 = new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{}, skgpu::Budgeted::kYes, 12);
1455 unique1->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(key1);
1456 unique2->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(key2);
1457 unique3->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(key3);
1459 // Add two scratch resources to the cache.
1465 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 5 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
1466 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 60 == cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
1467 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
1469 // Add resources to the purgeable queue
1470 unique1->unref();
1471 scratch1->unref();
1472 unique2->unref();
1473 scratch2->unref();
1474 unique3->unref();
1476 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 5 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
1477 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 60 == cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
1478 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 60 == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
1480 switch(testCase) {
1481 case kOnlyScratch_TestCase: {
1482 dContext->purgeUnlockedResources(14, true);
1483 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 3 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
1484 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 33 == cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
1485 break;
1486 }
1487 case kPartialScratch_TestCase: {
1488 dContext->purgeUnlockedResources(3, true);
1489 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 4 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
1490 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 47 == cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
1491 break;
1492 }
1493 case kAllScratch_TestCase: {
1494 dContext->purgeUnlockedResources(50, true);
1495 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
1496 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
1497 break;
1498 }
1499 case kPartial_TestCase: {
1500 dContext->purgeUnlockedResources(13, false);
1501 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 3 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
1502 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 37 == cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
1503 break;
1504 }
1505 case kAll_TestCase: {
1506 dContext->purgeUnlockedResources(50, false);
1507 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
1508 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
1509 break;
1510 }
1511 case kNone_TestCase: {
1512 dContext->purgeUnlockedResources(0, true);
1513 dContext->purgeUnlockedResources(0, false);
1514 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 5 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
1515 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 60 == cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
1516 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 60 == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
1517 break;
1518 }
1519 }
1521 // ensure all are purged before the next
1522 dContext->priv().getResourceCache()->purgeUnlockedResources(
1524 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
1525 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
1527 }

◆ test_purge_command_buffer_usage()

static void test_purge_command_buffer_usage ( skiatest::Reporter reporter)

Definition at line 535 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

535 {
536 Mock mock(30000);
537 GrResourceCache* cache = mock.cache();
538 GrGpu* gpu = mock.gpu();
540 // Create two resource w/ scratch keys.
548 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache->getResourceCount());
549 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a->gpuMemorySize() + b->gpuMemorySize() == cache->getResourceBytes());
551 // Should be safe to purge without deleting the resources since we still have refs.
555 // Add command buffer usages to all resources
556 a->refCommandBuffer();
557 b->refCommandBuffer();
559 // Should be safe to purge without deleting the resources since we still have refs and command
560 // buffer usages.
564 // Unref the first resource
565 a->unref();
567 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache->getResourceCount());
568 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a->gpuMemorySize() + b->gpuMemorySize() == cache->getResourceBytes());
570 // Should be safe to purge without deleting the resources since we still have command buffer
571 // usages and the second still has a ref.
575 // Remove command buffer usages
576 a->unrefCommandBuffer();
577 b->unrefCommandBuffer();
579 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache->getResourceCount());
580 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a->gpuMemorySize() + b->gpuMemorySize() == cache->getResourceBytes());
582 // Purge this time should remove the first resources since it no longer has any refs or command
583 // buffer usages.
586 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache->getResourceCount());
587 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, b->gpuMemorySize() == cache->getResourceBytes());
589 // Unref the second resource
590 b->unref();
592 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache->getResourceCount());
593 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, b->gpuMemorySize() == cache->getResourceBytes());
595 // Purge the last resource
596 cache->purgeUnlockedResources(GrPurgeResourceOptions::kAllResources);
599 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getResourceCount());
600 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getResourceBytes());

◆ test_purge_invalidated()

static void test_purge_invalidated ( skiatest::Reporter reporter)

Definition at line 1120 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

1120 {
1121 Mock mock(30000);
1122 auto dContext = mock.dContext();
1123 GrResourceCache* cache = mock.cache();
1124 GrGpu* gpu = mock.gpu();
1126 skgpu::UniqueKey key1, key2, key3;
1127 make_unique_key<0>(&key1, 1);
1128 make_unique_key<0>(&key2, 2);
1129 make_unique_key<0>(&key3, 3);
1131 // Add three resources to the cache. Only c is usable as scratch.
1132 TestResource* a = new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{});
1133 TestResource* b = new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{});
1136 a->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(key1);
1137 b->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(key2);
1138 c->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(key3);
1139 a->unref();
1140 // hold b until *after* the message is sent.
1141 c->unref();
1143 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, cache->hasUniqueKey(key1));
1144 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, cache->hasUniqueKey(key2));
1145 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, cache->hasUniqueKey(key3));
1149 typedef SkMessageBus<Msg, uint32_t> Bus;
1151 // Invalidate two of the three, they should be purged and no longer accessible via their keys.
1152 Bus::Post(Msg(key1, dContext->priv().contextID()));
1153 Bus::Post(Msg(key2, dContext->priv().contextID()));
1154 cache->purgeAsNeeded();
1155 // a should be deleted now, but we still have a ref on b.
1156 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !cache->hasUniqueKey(key1));
1157 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !cache->hasUniqueKey(key2));
1159 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, cache->hasUniqueKey(key3));
1161 // Invalidate the third.
1162 Bus::Post(Msg(key3, dContext->priv().contextID()));
1163 cache->purgeAsNeeded();
1164 // we still have a ref on b, c should be recycled as scratch.
1166 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !cache->hasUniqueKey(key3));
1168 // make b purgeable. It should be immediately deleted since it has no key.
1169 b->unref();
1172 // Make sure we actually get to c via it's scratch key, before we say goodbye.
1173 skgpu::ScratchKey scratchKey;
1175 GrGpuResource* scratch = cache->findAndRefScratchResource(scratchKey);
1176 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, scratch == c);
1177 SkSafeUnref(scratch);
1179 // Get rid of c.
1180 cache->purgeUnlockedResources(GrPurgeResourceOptions::kAllResources);
1181 scratch = cache->findAndRefScratchResource(scratchKey);
1183 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getResourceCount());
1184 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getResourceBytes());
1185 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !scratch);
1186 SkSafeUnref(scratch);

◆ test_purge_unlocked()

static void test_purge_unlocked ( skiatest::Reporter reporter)

Definition at line 472 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

472 {
473 Mock mock(30000);
474 GrResourceCache* cache = mock.cache();
475 GrGpu* gpu = mock.gpu();
477 // Create two resource w/ a unique key and two w/o but all of which have scratch keys.
481 skgpu::UniqueKey uniqueKey;
482 make_unique_key<0>(&uniqueKey, 0);
486 b->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(uniqueKey);
491 skgpu::UniqueKey uniqueKey2;
492 make_unique_key<0>(&uniqueKey2, 1);
496 d->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(uniqueKey2);
500 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 4 == cache->getResourceCount());
501 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a->gpuMemorySize() + b->gpuMemorySize() + c->gpuMemorySize() +
502 d->gpuMemorySize() == cache->getResourceBytes());
504 // Should be safe to purge without deleting the resources since we still have refs.
505 cache->purgeUnlockedResources(GrPurgeResourceOptions::kAllResources);
508 // Unref them all. Since they all have keys they should remain in the cache.
510 a->unref();
511 b->unref();
512 c->unref();
513 d->unref();
515 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 4 == cache->getResourceCount());
516 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a->gpuMemorySize() + b->gpuMemorySize() + c->gpuMemorySize() +
517 d->gpuMemorySize() == cache->getResourceBytes());
519 // Purge only the two scratch resources
523 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache->getResourceCount());
524 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, b->gpuMemorySize() + d->gpuMemorySize() ==
525 cache->getResourceBytes());
527 // Purge the uniquely keyed resources
528 cache->purgeUnlockedResources(GrPurgeResourceOptions::kAllResources);
531 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getResourceCount());
532 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getResourceBytes());

◆ test_remove_scratch_key()

static void test_remove_scratch_key ( skiatest::Reporter reporter)

Definition at line 911 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

911 {
912 Mock mock(30000);
913 GrResourceCache* cache = mock.cache();
914 GrGpu* gpu = mock.gpu();
916 // Create two resources that have the same scratch key.
921 a->unref();
922 b->unref();
924 skgpu::ScratchKey scratchKey;
925 // Ensure that scratch key lookup is correct for negative case.
927 // (following leaks upon test failure).
928 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !cache->findAndRefScratchResource(scratchKey));
930 // Scratch resources are registered with GrResourceCache just by existing. There are 2.
933 SkDEBUGCODE(REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache->countScratchEntriesForKey(scratchKey));)
934 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache->getResourceCount());
936 // Find the first resource and remove its scratch key
937 GrGpuResource* find = cache->findAndRefScratchResource(scratchKey);
938 find->resourcePriv().removeScratchKey();
939 // It's still alive, but not cached by scratch key anymore
941 SkDEBUGCODE(REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache->countScratchEntriesForKey(scratchKey));)
942 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache->getResourceCount());
944 // The cache should immediately delete it when it's unrefed since it isn't accessible.
945 find->unref();
947 SkDEBUGCODE(REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache->countScratchEntriesForKey(scratchKey));)
948 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache->getResourceCount());
950 // Repeat for the second resource.
951 find = cache->findAndRefScratchResource(scratchKey);
952 find->resourcePriv().removeScratchKey();
954 SkDEBUGCODE(REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->countScratchEntriesForKey(scratchKey));)
955 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache->getResourceCount());
957 // Should be able to call this multiple times with no problem.
958 find->resourcePriv().removeScratchKey();
960 SkDEBUGCODE(REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->countScratchEntriesForKey(scratchKey));)
961 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache->getResourceCount());
963 find->unref();
965 SkDEBUGCODE(REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->countScratchEntriesForKey(scratchKey));)
966 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getResourceCount());
int find(T *array, int N, T item)

◆ test_scratch_key_consistency()

static void test_scratch_key_consistency ( skiatest::Reporter reporter)

Definition at line 969 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

969 {
970 Mock mock(30000);
971 GrResourceCache* cache = mock.cache();
972 GrGpu* gpu = mock.gpu();
974 // Create two resources that have the same scratch key.
979 a->unref();
980 b->unref();
982 skgpu::ScratchKey scratchKey;
983 // Ensure that scratch key comparison and assignment is consistent.
984 skgpu::ScratchKey scratchKey1;
986 skgpu::ScratchKey scratchKey2;
989 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, scratchKey1 != scratchKey2);
990 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, scratchKey2 != scratchKey1);
991 scratchKey = scratchKey1;
993 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, scratchKey1 == scratchKey);
994 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, scratchKey == scratchKey1);
995 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, scratchKey2 != scratchKey);
996 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, scratchKey != scratchKey2);
997 scratchKey = scratchKey2;
999 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, scratchKey1 != scratchKey);
1000 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, scratchKey != scratchKey1);
1001 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, scratchKey2 == scratchKey);
1002 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, scratchKey == scratchKey2);
1004 // Ensure that scratch key lookup is correct for negative case.
1006 // (following leaks upon test failure).
1007 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !cache->findAndRefScratchResource(scratchKey));
1009 // Find the first resource with a scratch key and a copy of a scratch key.
1011 GrGpuResource* find = cache->findAndRefScratchResource(scratchKey);
1012 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, find != nullptr);
1013 find->unref();
1015 scratchKey2 = scratchKey;
1016 find = cache->findAndRefScratchResource(scratchKey2);
1017 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, find != nullptr);
1018 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, find == a || find == b);
1020 GrGpuResource* find2 = cache->findAndRefScratchResource(scratchKey2);
1021 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, find2 != nullptr);
1022 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, find2 == a || find2 == b);
1023 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, find2 != find);
1024 find2->unref();
1025 find->unref();
static size_t ExpectedScratchKeySize()
size_t size() const
Definition ResourceKey.h:42

◆ test_tags()

static void test_tags ( skiatest::Reporter reporter)

Definition at line 1573 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

1573 {
1574#ifdef SK_DEBUG
1575 // We will insert 1 resource with tag "tag1", 2 with "tag2", and so on, up through kLastTagIdx.
1576 static constexpr int kLastTagIdx = 10;
1577 static constexpr int kNumResources = kLastTagIdx * (kLastTagIdx + 1) / 2;
1579 Mock mock(kNumResources * TestResource::kDefaultSize);
1580 GrResourceCache* cache = mock.cache();
1581 GrGpu* gpu = mock.gpu();
1583 // tag strings are expected to be long lived
1584 std::vector<SkString> tagStrings;
1586 SkString tagStr;
1587 int tagIdx = 0;
1588 int currTagCnt = 0;
1590 for (int i = 0; i < kNumResources; ++i, ++currTagCnt) {
1592 sk_sp<GrGpuResource> resource(new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{}));
1594 if (currTagCnt == tagIdx) {
1595 tagIdx += 1;
1596 currTagCnt = 0;
1597 tagStr.printf("tag%d", tagIdx);
1598 tagStrings.emplace_back(tagStr);
1599 }
1600 make_unique_key<1>(&key, i, tagStrings.back().c_str());
1601 resource->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(key);
1602 }
1603 SkASSERT(kLastTagIdx == tagIdx);
1604 SkASSERT(currTagCnt == kLastTagIdx);
1606 // Test i = 0 to exercise unused tag string.
1607 for (int i = 0; i <= kLastTagIdx; ++i) {
1608 tagStr.printf("tag%d", i);
1609 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, cache->countUniqueKeysWithTag(tagStr.c_str()) == i);
1610 }
void printf(const char format[],...) SK_PRINTF_LIKE(2
Definition SkString.cpp:534
const char * c_str() const
Definition SkString.h:133
static const size_t kDefaultSize

◆ test_time_purge()

static void test_time_purge ( skiatest::Reporter reporter)

Definition at line 1290 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

1290 {
1291 Mock mock(1000000);
1292 auto dContext = mock.dContext();
1293 GrResourceCache* cache = mock.cache();
1294 GrGpu* gpu = mock.gpu();
1296 static constexpr int kCnts[] = {1, 10, 1024};
1297 auto nowish = []() {
1298 // We sleep so that we ensure we get a value that is greater than the last call to
1299 // GrStdSteadyClock::now().
1300 std::this_thread::sleep_for(skgpu::StdSteadyClock::duration(5));
1301 auto result = skgpu::StdSteadyClock::now();
1302 // Also sleep afterwards so we don't get this value again.
1303 std::this_thread::sleep_for(skgpu::StdSteadyClock::duration(5));
1304 return result;
1305 };
1307 for (int cnt : kCnts) {
1308 std::unique_ptr<skgpu::StdSteadyClock::time_point[]> timeStamps(
1309 new skgpu::StdSteadyClock::time_point[cnt]);
1310 {
1311 // Insert resources and get time points between each addition.
1312 for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
1313 TestResource* r = new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{});
1315 make_unique_key<1>(&k, i);
1316 r->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(k);
1317 r->unref();
1318 timeStamps.get()[i] = nowish();
1319 }
1321 // Purge based on the time points between resource additions. Each purge should remove
1322 // the oldest resource.
1323 for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
1324 cache->purgeResourcesNotUsedSince(timeStamps[i],
1326 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, cnt - i - 1 == cache->getResourceCount());
1327 for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
1329 make_unique_key<1>(&k, j);
1330 GrGpuResource* r = cache->findAndRefUniqueResource(k);
1332 SkSafeUnref(r);
1333 }
1334 }
1336 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getResourceCount());
1337 cache->purgeUnlockedResources(GrPurgeResourceOptions::kAllResources);
1338 }
1340 // Do a similar test but where we leave refs on some resources to prevent them from being
1341 // purged.
1342 {
1343 std::unique_ptr<GrGpuResource* []> refedResources(new GrGpuResource*[cnt / 2]);
1344 for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
1345 TestResource* r = new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{});
1347 make_unique_key<1>(&k, i);
1348 r->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(k);
1349 // Leave a ref on every other resource, beginning with the first.
1350 if (SkToBool(i & 0x1)) {
1351 refedResources.get()[i / 2] = r;
1352 } else {
1353 r->unref();
1354 }
1355 timeStamps.get()[i] = nowish();
1356 }
1358 for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
1359 // Should get a resource purged every other frame.
1360 cache->purgeResourcesNotUsedSince(timeStamps[i],
1362 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, cnt - i / 2 - 1 == cache->getResourceCount());
1363 }
1365 // Unref all the resources that we kept refs on in the first loop.
1366 for (int i = 0; i < (cnt / 2); ++i) {
1367 refedResources.get()[i]->unref();
1368 cache->purgeResourcesNotUsedSince(nowish(), GrPurgeResourceOptions::kAllResources);
1369 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, cnt / 2 - i - 1 == cache->getResourceCount());
1370 }
1372 cache->purgeUnlockedResources(GrPurgeResourceOptions::kAllResources);
1373 }
1375 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getResourceCount());
1377 // Do a similar test where we alternate adding scratch and uniquely keyed resources, but
1378 // then purge old scratch resources.
1379 {
1380 for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
1381 const bool isScratch = (i % 2 == 0);
1382 const skgpu::Budgeted budgeted = skgpu::Budgeted::kYes;
1384 TestResource* r = isScratch
1385 ? TestResource::CreateScratch(gpu, budgeted, property)
1386 : new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{}, budgeted, property);
1387 if (!isScratch) {
1389 make_unique_key<1>(&k, i);
1390 r->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(k);
1391 }
1392 r->unref();
1393 timeStamps.get()[i] = nowish();
1394 }
1396 for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
1397 // Should get a resource purged every other frame, since the uniquely keyed
1398 // resources will not be considered.
1399 cache->purgeResourcesNotUsedSince(timeStamps[i],
1401 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, cnt - i / 2 - 1 == cache->getResourceCount());
1402 }
1403 // Unref remaining resources
1404 cache->purgeResourcesNotUsedSince(nowish(), GrPurgeResourceOptions::kAllResources);
1405 }
1407 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getResourceCount());
1409 // Verify that calling flush() on a context with nothing to do will not trigger resource
1410 // eviction
1411 dContext->flushAndSubmit();
1412 for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
1413 TestResource* r = new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{});
1415 make_unique_key<1>(&k, i);
1416 r->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(k);
1417 r->unref();
1418 }
1419 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 10 == cache->getResourceCount());
1420 dContext->flushAndSubmit();
1421 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 10 == cache->getResourceCount());
1422 cache->purgeResourcesNotUsedSince(nowish(), GrPurgeResourceOptions::kAllResources);
1423 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getResourceCount());
1424 }
static constexpr bool SkToBool(const T &x)
Definition SkTo.h:35
GAsyncResult * result
Definition GpuTypes.h:35

◆ test_timestamp_wrap()

static void test_timestamp_wrap ( skiatest::Reporter reporter)

Definition at line 1226 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

1226 {
1227 static const int kCount = 50;
1228 static const int kLockedFreq = 8;
1229 static const int kBudgetSize = 0; // always over budget
1231 SkRandom random;
1233 // Run the test 2*kCount times;
1234 for (int i = 0; i < 2 * kCount; ++i ) {
1235 Mock mock(kBudgetSize);
1236 GrResourceCache* cache = mock.cache();
1237 GrGpu* gpu = mock.gpu();
1239 // Pick a random number of resources to add before the timestamp will wrap.
1240 cache->changeTimestamp(UINT32_MAX - random.nextULessThan(kCount + 1));
1242 static const int kNumToPurge = kCount;
1244 SkTDArray<int> shouldPurgeIdxs;
1245 int purgeableCnt = 0;
1246 SkTDArray<GrGpuResource*> resourcesToUnref;
1248 // Add kCount resources, holding onto resources at random so we have a mix of purgeable and
1249 // unpurgeable resources.
1250 for (int j = 0; j < kCount; ++j) {
1252 make_unique_key<0>(&key, j);
1254 TestResource* r = new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{});
1256 if (random.nextU() % kLockedFreq) {
1257 // Make this is purgeable.
1258 r->unref();
1259 ++purgeableCnt;
1260 if (purgeableCnt <= kNumToPurge) {
1261 *shouldPurgeIdxs.append() = j;
1262 }
1263 } else {
1264 *resourcesToUnref.append() = r;
1265 }
1266 }
1268 // Verify that the correct resources were purged.
1269 int currShouldPurgeIdx = 0;
1270 for (int j = 0; j < kCount; ++j) {
1272 make_unique_key<0>(&key, j);
1273 GrGpuResource* res = cache->findAndRefUniqueResource(key);
1274 if (currShouldPurgeIdx < shouldPurgeIdxs.size() &&
1275 shouldPurgeIdxs[currShouldPurgeIdx] == j) {
1276 ++currShouldPurgeIdx;
1277 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, nullptr == res);
1278 } else {
1279 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, nullptr != res);
1280 }
1281 SkSafeUnref(res);
1282 }
1284 for (int j = 0; j < resourcesToUnref.size(); ++j) {
1285 resourcesToUnref[j]->unref();
1286 }
1287 }
uint32_t nextU()
Definition SkRandom.h:42
uint32_t nextULessThan(uint32_t count)
Definition SkRandom.h:93
int size() const
Definition SkTDArray.h:138
T * append()
Definition SkTDArray.h:191

◆ test_unbudgeted()

static void test_unbudgeted ( skiatest::Reporter reporter)

Definition at line 728 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

728 {
729 Mock mock(30000);
730 GrResourceCache* cache = mock.cache();
731 GrGpu* gpu = mock.gpu();
733 skgpu::UniqueKey uniqueKey;
734 make_unique_key<0>(&uniqueKey, 0);
736 TestResource* scratch;
737 TestResource* unique;
739 TestResource* unbudgeted;
741 // A large uncached or wrapped resource shouldn't evict anything.
745 scratch->unref();
746 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache->getResourceCount());
747 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 10 == cache->getResourceBytes());
748 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
749 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 10 == cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
750 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 10 == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
752 unique = new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{}, skgpu::Budgeted::kYes, 11);
753 unique->resourcePriv().setUniqueKey(uniqueKey);
754 unique->unref();
755 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache->getResourceCount());
756 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 21 == cache->getResourceBytes());
757 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
758 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 21 == cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
759 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 21 == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
761 size_t large = 2 * cache->getResourceBytes();
762 unbudgeted = new TestResource(gpu, /*label=*/{}, skgpu::Budgeted::kNo, large);
763 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 3 == cache->getResourceCount());
764 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 21 + large == cache->getResourceBytes());
765 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
766 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 21 == cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
767 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 21 == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
769 unbudgeted->unref();
770 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache->getResourceCount());
771 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 21 == cache->getResourceBytes());
772 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
773 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 21 == cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
774 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 21 == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
777 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 3 == cache->getResourceCount());
778 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 21 + large == cache->getResourceBytes());
779 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
780 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 21 == cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
781 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 21 == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
783 wrapped->unref();
784 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache->getResourceCount());
785 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 21 == cache->getResourceBytes());
786 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
787 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 21 == cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
788 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 21 == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
790 cache->purgeUnlockedResources(GrPurgeResourceOptions::kAllResources);
791 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getResourceCount());
792 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getResourceBytes());
793 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
794 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
795 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
void unref() const
Definition SkRefCnt.h:177

◆ test_unbudgeted_to_scratch()

void test_unbudgeted_to_scratch ( skiatest::Reporter reporter)

Definition at line 800 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

800 {
801 Mock mock(300);
802 GrResourceCache* cache = mock.cache();
803 GrGpu* gpu = mock.gpu();
810 size_t size = resource->gpuMemorySize();
811 for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
812 // Since this resource is unbudgeted, it should not be reachable as scratch.
814 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !resource->cacheAccess().isScratch());
816 resource->resourcePriv().budgetedType());
817 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !cache->findAndRefScratchResource(key));
818 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache->getResourceCount());
819 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, size == cache->getResourceBytes());
820 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
821 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
822 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
824 // Once it is unrefed, it should become available as scratch.
825 resource->unref();
826 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache->getResourceCount());
827 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, size == cache->getResourceBytes());
828 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
829 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, size == cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
830 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, size == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
831 resource = static_cast<TestResource*>(cache->findAndRefScratchResource(key));
832 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, resource);
834 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, resource->cacheAccess().isScratch());
838 if (0 == i) {
839 // If made unbudgeted, it should return to original state: ref'ed and unbudgeted. Try
840 // the above tests again.
841 resource->resourcePriv().makeUnbudgeted();
842 } else {
843 // After the second time around, try removing the scratch key
844 resource->resourcePriv().removeScratchKey();
845 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache->getResourceCount());
846 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, size == cache->getResourceBytes());
847 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
848 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, size == cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
849 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
851 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !resource->cacheAccess().isScratch());
855 // now when it is unrefed it should die since it has no key.
856 resource->unref();
857 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getResourceCount());
858 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getResourceBytes());
859 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getBudgetedResourceCount());
860 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getBudgetedResourceBytes());
861 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache->getPurgeableBytes());
862 }
863 }
const skgpu::ScratchKey & getScratchKey() const
GrBudgetedType budgetedType() const
bool isValid() const
Definition ResourceKey.h:55

Variable Documentation

◆ gHeight

const int gHeight = 480

Definition at line 69 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.

◆ gWidth

const int gWidth = 640

Definition at line 68 of file ResourceCacheTest.cpp.