Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * Copyright 2019 Google Inc.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
15#include "include/core/SkRect.h"
20#include "include/core/SkSize.h"
34#include <algorithm>
35#include <cmath>
36#include <cstddef>
37#include <utility>
38#include <vector>
40namespace skjson {
41class ArrayValue;
43namespace sksg {
44class InvalidationController;
47namespace skottie {
48namespace internal {
50namespace {
52// AE motion tile effect semantics
53// (https://helpx.adobe.com/after-effects/using/stylize-effects.html#motion_tile_effect):
55// - the full content of the layer is mapped to a tile: tile_center, tile_width, tile_height
57// - tiles are repeated in both dimensions to fill the output area: output_width, output_height
59// - tiling mode is either kRepeat (default) or kMirror (when mirror_edges == true)
61// - for a non-zero phase, alternating vertical columns (every other column) are offset by
62// the specified amount
64// - when horizontal_phase is true, the phase is applied to horizontal rows instead of columns
66class TileRenderNode final : public sksg::CustomRenderNode {
68 TileRenderNode(const SkSize& size, sk_sp<sksg::RenderNode> layer)
69 : INHERITED({std::move(layer)})
70 , fLayerSize(size) {}
72 SG_ATTRIBUTE(TileCenter , SkPoint , fTileCenter )
73 SG_ATTRIBUTE(TileWidth , SkScalar, fTileW )
74 SG_ATTRIBUTE(TileHeight , SkScalar, fTileH )
75 SG_ATTRIBUTE(OutputWidth , SkScalar, fOutputW )
76 SG_ATTRIBUTE(OutputHeight , SkScalar, fOutputH )
77 SG_ATTRIBUTE(Phase , SkScalar, fPhase )
78 SG_ATTRIBUTE(MirrorEdges , bool , fMirrorEdges )
79 SG_ATTRIBUTE(HorizontalPhase, bool , fHorizontalPhase)
82 const RenderNode* onNodeAt(const SkPoint&) const override { return nullptr; } // no hit-testing
84 SkRect onRevalidate(sksg::InvalidationController* ic, const SkMatrix& ctm) override {
85 // Re-record the layer picture if needed.
86 if (!fLayerPicture || this->hasChildrenInval()) {
87 SkASSERT(this->children().size() == 1ul);
88 const auto& layer = this->children()[0];
90 layer->revalidate(ic, ctm);
92 SkPictureRecorder recorder;
93 layer->render(recorder.beginRecording(fLayerSize.width(), fLayerSize.height()));
94 fLayerPicture = recorder.finishRecordingAsPicture();
95 }
97 // tileW and tileH use layer size percentage units.
98 const auto tileW = SkTPin(fTileW, 0.0f, 100.0f) * 0.01f * fLayerSize.width(),
99 tileH = SkTPin(fTileH, 0.0f, 100.0f) * 0.01f * fLayerSize.height();
100 const auto tile_size = SkSize::Make(std::max(tileW, 1.0f),
101 std::max(tileH, 1.0f));
102 const auto tile = SkRect::MakeXYWH(fTileCenter.fX - 0.5f * tile_size.width(),
103 fTileCenter.fY - 0.5f * tile_size.height(),
104 tile_size.width(),
105 tile_size.height());
107 const auto layerShaderMatrix = SkMatrix::RectToRect(
108 SkRect::MakeWH(fLayerSize.width(), fLayerSize.height()), tile);
110 const auto tm = fMirrorEdges ? SkTileMode::kMirror : SkTileMode::kRepeat;
111 auto layer_shader = fLayerPicture->makeShader(tm, tm, SkFilterMode::kLinear,
112 &layerShaderMatrix, nullptr);
114 if (fPhase && layer_shader && tile.isFinite()) {
115 // To implement AE phase semantics, we construct a mask shader for the pass-through
116 // rows/columns. We then draw the layer content through this mask, and then again
117 // through the inverse mask with a phase shift.
118 const auto phase_vec = fHorizontalPhase
119 ? SkVector::Make(tile.width(), 0)
120 : SkVector::Make(0, tile.height());
121 const auto phase_shift = SkVector::Make(phase_vec.fX, phase_vec.fY)
122 * std::fmod(fPhase * (1/360.0f), 1);
123 const auto phase_shader_matrix = SkMatrix::Translate(phase_shift.x(), phase_shift.y());
125 // The mask is generated using a step gradient shader, spanning 2 x tile width/height,
126 // and perpendicular to the phase vector.
127 static constexpr SkColor colors[] = { 0xffffffff, 0x00000000 };
128 static constexpr SkScalar pos[] = { 0.5f, 0.5f };
130 const SkPoint pts[] = {{ tile.x(), tile.y() },
131 { tile.x() + 2 * (tile.width() - phase_vec.fX),
132 tile.y() + 2 * (tile.height() - phase_vec.fY) }};
134 auto mask_shader = SkGradientShader::MakeLinear(pts, colors, pos,
135 std::size(colors),
138 // First drawing pass: in-place masked layer content.
139 fMainPassShader = SkShaders::Blend(SkBlendMode::kSrcIn , mask_shader, layer_shader);
140 // Second pass: phased-shifted layer content, with an inverse mask.
141 fPhasePassShader = SkShaders::Blend(SkBlendMode::kSrcOut, mask_shader, layer_shader)
142 ->makeWithLocalMatrix(phase_shader_matrix);
143 } else {
144 fMainPassShader = std::move(layer_shader);
145 fPhasePassShader = nullptr;
146 }
148 // outputW and outputH also use layer size percentage units.
149 const auto outputW = fOutputW * 0.01f * fLayerSize.width(),
150 outputH = fOutputH * 0.01f * fLayerSize.height();
152 return SkRect::MakeXYWH((fLayerSize.width() - outputW) * 0.5f,
153 (fLayerSize.height() - outputH) * 0.5f,
154 outputW, outputH);
155 }
157 void onRender(SkCanvas* canvas, const RenderContext* ctx) const override {
158 // AE allow one of the tile dimensions to collapse, but not both.
159 if (this->bounds().isEmpty() || (fTileW <= 0 && fTileH <= 0)) {
160 return;
161 }
164 paint.setAntiAlias(true);
166 if (ctx) {
167 // apply any pending paint effects via the shader paint
168 ctx->modulatePaint(canvas->getLocalToDeviceAs3x3(), &paint);
169 }
171 paint.setShader(fMainPassShader);
172 canvas->drawRect(this->bounds(), paint);
174 if (fPhasePassShader) {
175 paint.setShader(fPhasePassShader);
176 canvas->drawRect(this->bounds(), paint);
177 }
178 }
181 const SkSize fLayerSize;
183 SkPoint fTileCenter = { 0, 0 };
184 SkScalar fTileW = 1,
185 fTileH = 1,
186 fOutputW = 1,
187 fOutputH = 1,
188 fPhase = 0;
189 bool fMirrorEdges = false;
190 bool fHorizontalPhase = false;
192 // These are computed/cached on revalidation.
193 sk_sp<SkPicture> fLayerPicture; // cached picture for layer content
194 sk_sp<SkShader> fMainPassShader, // shader for the main tile(s)
195 fPhasePassShader; // shader for the phased tile(s)
200class MotionTileAdapter final : public DiscardableAdapterBase<MotionTileAdapter, TileRenderNode> {
202 MotionTileAdapter(const skjson::ArrayValue& jprops,
204 const AnimationBuilder& abuilder,
205 const SkSize& layer_size)
206 : INHERITED(sk_make_sp<TileRenderNode>(layer_size, std::move(layer))) {
208 enum : size_t {
209 kTileCenter_Index = 0,
210 kTileWidth_Index = 1,
211 kTileHeight_Index = 2,
212 kOutputWidth_Index = 3,
213 kOutputHeight_Index = 4,
214 kMirrorEdges_Index = 5,
215 kPhase_Index = 6,
216 kHorizontalPhaseShift_Index = 7,
217 };
219 EffectBinder(jprops, abuilder, this)
220 .bind( kTileCenter_Index, fTileCenter )
221 .bind( kTileWidth_Index, fTileW )
222 .bind( kTileHeight_Index, fTileH )
223 .bind( kOutputWidth_Index, fOutputW )
224 .bind( kOutputHeight_Index, fOutputH )
225 .bind( kMirrorEdges_Index, fMirrorEdges )
226 .bind( kPhase_Index, fPhase )
227 .bind(kHorizontalPhaseShift_Index, fHorizontalPhase);
228 }
231 void onSync() override {
232 const auto& tiler = this->node();
234 tiler->setTileCenter({fTileCenter.x, fTileCenter.y});
235 tiler->setTileWidth (fTileW);
236 tiler->setTileHeight(fTileH);
237 tiler->setOutputWidth (fOutputW);
238 tiler->setOutputHeight(fOutputH);
239 tiler->setPhase(fPhase);
240 tiler->setMirrorEdges(SkToBool(fMirrorEdges));
241 tiler->setHorizontalPhase(SkToBool(fHorizontalPhase));
242 }
244 Vec2Value fTileCenter = {0,0};
245 ScalarValue fTileW = 1,
246 fTileH = 1,
247 fOutputW = 1,
248 fOutputH = 1,
249 fMirrorEdges = 0,
250 fPhase = 0,
251 fHorizontalPhase = 0;
253 using INHERITED = DiscardableAdapterBase<MotionTileAdapter, TileRenderNode>;
256} // namespace
258sk_sp<sksg::RenderNode> EffectBuilder::attachMotionTileEffect(const skjson::ArrayValue& jprops,
259 sk_sp<sksg::RenderNode> layer) const {
260 return fBuilder->attachDiscardableAdapter<MotionTileAdapter>(jprops,
261 std::move(layer),
262 *fBuilder,
263 fLayerSize);
266} // namespace internal
267} // namespace skottie
SkPoint pos
#define SkASSERT(cond)
Definition SkAssert.h:116
@ kSrcOut
r = s * (1-da)
@ kSrcIn
r = s * da
uint32_t SkColor
Definition SkColor.h:37
static std::unique_ptr< SkEncoder > Make(SkWStream *dst, const SkPixmap *src, const SkYUVAPixmaps *srcYUVA, const SkColorSpace *srcYUVAColorSpace, const SkJpegEncoder::Options &options)
#define INHERITED(method,...)
sk_sp< T > sk_make_sp(Args &&... args)
Definition SkRefCnt.h:371
#define SG_ATTRIBUTE(attr_name, attr_type, attr_container)
Definition SkSGNode.h:100
static constexpr const T & SkTPin(const T &x, const T &lo, const T &hi)
Definition SkTPin.h:19
static constexpr bool SkToBool(const T &x)
Definition SkTo.h:35
void drawRect(const SkRect &rect, const SkPaint &paint)
SkMatrix getLocalToDeviceAs3x3() const
Definition SkCanvas.h:2222
static sk_sp< SkShader > MakeLinear(const SkPoint pts[2], const SkColor colors[], const SkScalar pos[], int count, SkTileMode mode, uint32_t flags=0, const SkMatrix *localMatrix=nullptr)
static SkMatrix RectToRect(const SkRect &src, const SkRect &dst, ScaleToFit mode=kFill_ScaleToFit)
Definition SkMatrix.h:157
static SkMatrix Translate(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy)
Definition SkMatrix.h:91
SkCanvas * beginRecording(const SkRect &bounds, sk_sp< SkBBoxHierarchy > bbh)
sk_sp< SkPicture > finishRecordingAsPicture()
sk_sp< SkShader > makeShader(SkTileMode tmx, SkTileMode tmy, SkFilterMode mode, const SkMatrix *localMatrix, const SkRect *tileRect) const
sk_sp< SkShader > makeWithLocalMatrix(const SkMatrix &) const
Definition SkShader.cpp:26
void attachDiscardableAdapter(sk_sp< T > adapter) const
const Paint & paint
float SkScalar
Definition extension.cpp:12
Optional< SkRect > bounds
Definition SkRecords.h:189
PODArray< SkColor > colors
Definition SkRecords.h:276
it will be possible to load the file into Perfetto s trace viewer disable asset Prevents usage of any non test fonts unless they were explicitly Loaded via prefetched default font Indicates whether the embedding started a prefetch of the default font manager before creating the engine run In non interactive keep the shell running after the Dart script has completed enable serial On low power devices with low core running concurrent GC tasks on threads can cause them to contend with the UI thread which could potentially lead to jank This option turns off all concurrent GC activities domain network JSON encoded network policy per domain This overrides the DisallowInsecureConnections switch Embedder can specify whether to allow or disallow insecure connections at a domain level old gen heap size
Definition switches.h:259
SkScalar ScalarValue
SkV2 Vec2Value
Definition Skottie.h:32
Definition ref_ptr.h:256
int32_t height
float fX
x-axis value
static constexpr SkPoint Make(float x, float y)
float fY
y-axis value
constexpr float y() const
constexpr float x() const
static constexpr SkRect MakeXYWH(float x, float y, float w, float h)
Definition SkRect.h:659
static constexpr SkRect MakeWH(float w, float h)
Definition SkRect.h:609
static constexpr SkSize Make(SkScalar w, SkScalar h)
Definition SkSize.h:56
SkScalar width() const
Definition SkSize.h:76
SkScalar height() const
Definition SkSize.h:77