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2 * Copyright 2023 Google LLC
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
8#ifndef skgpu_graphite_Image_DEFINED
9#define skgpu_graphite_Image_DEFINED
14#include "include/core/SkSpan.h"
17#include <string_view>
19class SkYUVAInfo;
20class SkYUVAPixmaps;
21struct SkIRect;
23namespace skgpu::graphite {
24 class BackendTexture;
25 class Recorder;
26 class TextureInfo;
27 class YUVABackendTextureInfo;
28 class YUVABackendTextures;
29 enum class Volatile : bool;
32namespace SkImages {
33enum class GenerateMipmapsFromBase : bool { kNo, kYes };
35using TextureReleaseProc = void (*)(ReleaseContext);
37// Passed to imageRelease
39// Passed to fulfill; for non-YUVA promise images, the image context is used as the fulfill context,
40// while YUVA promise images have a per-plane fulfill context.
42// Returned from fulfill and passed into textureRelease
46 std::tuple<skgpu::graphite::BackendTexture, GraphitePromiseTextureReleaseContext> (*)(
51/** Creates an SkImage from a GPU texture associated with the recorder. The client is still
52 responsible for managing the backend texture's lifetime.
54 SkImage is returned if the format of backendTexture is recognized and supported.
55 Recognized formats vary by GPU back-end.
57 @param recorder The recorder
58 @param backendTexture texture residing on GPU
59 @param colorSpace This describes the color space of this image's contents, as
60 seen after sampling. In general, if the format of the backend
61 texture is SRGB, some linear colorSpace should be supplied
62 (e.g., SkColorSpace::MakeSRGBLinear()). If the format of the
63 backend texture is linear, then the colorSpace should include
64 a description of the transfer function as
65 well (e.g., SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB()).
66 @param origin Whether the Texture logically treats the origin as TopLeft or
67 BottomLeft
68 @param generateMipmapsFromBase If kYes then the pixel contents of the textures upper mipmap
69 levels are generated by successive downsampling of the base
70 level. If the texture is not mipmapped or isn't renderable then
71 image creation will fail. If kNo and the texture is mipmapped
72 then the contents of upper levels are assumed to already be
73 valid.
74 @return created SkImage, or nullptr
79 SkAlphaType alphaType,
80 sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace,
81 skgpu::Origin origin,
82 GenerateMipmapsFromBase generateMipmapsFromBase,
83 TextureReleaseProc = nullptr,
84 ReleaseContext = nullptr,
85 std::string_view label = {});
90 SkAlphaType alphaType,
91 sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace,
92 skgpu::Origin origin,
93 TextureReleaseProc = nullptr,
94 ReleaseContext = nullptr,
95 std::string_view label = {});
100 SkAlphaType alphaType,
101 sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace,
102 TextureReleaseProc = nullptr,
103 ReleaseContext = nullptr,
104 std::string_view label = {});
110 SkAlphaType alphaType,
111 sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace,
112 skgpu::Origin origin,
113 TextureReleaseProc trProc = nullptr,
114 ReleaseContext ctx = nullptr) {
115 return WrapTexture(recorder, tex, colorType, alphaType, colorSpace, origin, trProc, ctx);
121 SkAlphaType alphaType,
122 sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace,
123 TextureReleaseProc trProc = nullptr,
124 ReleaseContext ctx = nullptr) {
125 return WrapTexture(recorder, tex, colorType, alphaType, colorSpace, trProc, ctx);
129/** Create a new SkImage that is very similar to an SkImage created by WrapTexture. The difference
130 is that the caller need not have created the backend texture nor populated it with data when
131 creating the image. Instead of passing a BackendTexture to the factory the client supplies a
132 description of the texture consisting of dimensions, TextureInfo, SkColorInfo and Volatility.
134 In general, 'fulfill' must return a BackendTexture that matches the properties provided at
135 SkImage creation time. The BackendTexture must refer to a valid existing texture in the backend
136 API context/device, and already be populated with data. The texture cannot be deleted until
137 'textureRelease' is called. 'textureRelease' will be called with the textureReleaseContext
138 returned by 'fulfill'.
140 Wrt when and how often the fulfill, imageRelease, and textureRelease callbacks will be called:
142 For non-volatile promise images, 'fulfill' will be called at Context::insertRecording time.
143 Regardless of whether 'fulfill' succeeded or failed, 'imageRelease' will always be called only
144 once - when Skia will no longer try calling 'fulfill' to get a backend texture. If 'fulfill'
145 failed (i.e., it didn't return a valid backend texture) then 'textureRelease' will never be
146 called. If 'fulfill' was successful then 'textureRelease' will be called only once when the GPU
147 is done with the contents of the promise image. This will usually occur during a Context::submit
148 call but it could occur earlier due to error conditions. 'fulfill' can be called multiple times
149 if the promise image is used in multiple recordings. If 'fulfill' fails, the insertRecording
150 itself will fail. Subsequent insertRecording calls (with Recordings that use the promise image)
151 will keep calling 'fulfill' until it succeeds.
153 For volatile promise images, 'fulfill' will be called each time the Recording is inserted into a
154 Context. Regardless of whether 'fulfill' succeeded or failed, 'imageRelease' will always be
155 called only once just like the non-volatile case. If 'fulfill' fails at insertRecording-time,
156 'textureRelease' will never be called. If 'fulfill' was successful then a 'textureRelease'
157 matching that 'fulfill' will be called when the GPU is done with the contents of the promise
158 image. This will usually occur during a Context::submit call but it could occur earlier due to
159 error conditions.
161 @param recorder the recorder that will capture the commands creating the image
162 @param dimensions width & height of promised gpu texture
163 @param textureInfo structural information for the promised gpu texture
164 @param colorInfo color type, alpha type and colorSpace information for the image
165 @param origin Whether the Texture logically treats the origin as TopLeft or BottomLeft
166 @param isVolatile volatility of the promise image
167 @param fulfill function called to get the actual backend texture,
168 and the instance for the GraphitePromiseTextureReleaseProc
169 @param imageRelease function called when any image-centric data can be deleted
170 @param textureRelease function called when the backend texture can be deleted
171 @param imageContext state passed to fulfill and imageRelease
172 @return created SkImage, or nullptr
175 SkISize dimensions,
177 const SkColorInfo&,
178 skgpu::Origin origin,
184 std::string_view label = {});
187 SkISize dimensions,
189 const SkColorInfo&,
196/** This is similar to 'PromiseTextureFrom' but it creates a GPU-backed SkImage from YUV[A] data.
197 The source data may be planar (i.e. spread across multiple textures). In the extreme Y, U, V,
198 and A are all in different planes and thus the image is specified by four textures.
199 'backendTextureInfo' describes the planar arrangement, texture formats, and conversion to RGB.
200 Separate 'fulfill' and 'textureRelease' calls are made for each texture. Each texture has its
201 own GraphitePromiseFulfillContext. The GraphitePromiseImageReleaseProc will be made even on
202 failure. 'planeContexts' has one entry for each of the up to four textures, as indicated by
203 'backendTextureInfo'. Currently the mipmapped property of 'backendTextureInfo' is ignored.
204 However, in the near future it will be required that if it is kYes then the fulfillProc must
205 return a mip mapped texture for each plane in order to successfully draw the image.
207 @param recorder the recorder that will capture the commands creating the image
208 @param backendTextureInfo info about the promised yuva gpu texture(s)
209 @param imageColorSpace range of colors; may be nullptr
210 @param isVolatile volatility of the promise image
211 @param fulfill function called to get the actual backend texture for
212 a given GraphitePromiseTextureContext, and the instance
213 for the GraphitePromiseTextureReleaseProc
214 @param imageRelease function called when any image-centric data can be deleted
215 @param textureRelease function called when the backend texture can be deleted
216 @param imageContext state passed to imageRelease
217 @param planeContexts states passed to fulfill for each plane
218 @return created SkImage, or nullptr
222 sk_sp<SkColorSpace> imageColorSpace,
227 GraphitePromiseImageContext imageContext,
229 std::string_view label = {});
232/** Returns an SkImage backed by a Graphite texture, using the provided Recorder for creation and
233 uploads if necessary. The returned SkImage respects the required image properties' mipmap
234 setting for non-Graphite SkImages; i.e., if mipmapping is required, the backing Graphite texture
235 will have allocated mip map levels.
237 It is assumed that MIP maps are always supported by the GPU.
239 Returns original SkImage if the image is already Graphite-backed and the required mipmapping is
240 compatible with the backing Graphite texture. If the required mipmapping is not compatible,
241 nullptr will be returned.
243 Returns nullptr if no Recorder is provided, or if SkImage was created with another Recorder and
244 work on that Recorder has not been submitted.
246 @param Recorder the Recorder to use for storing commands
247 @param RequiredProperties properties the returned SkImage must possess (e.g. mipmaps)
248 @return created SkImage, or nullptr
251 const SkImage*,
255 const sk_sp<const SkImage>& img,
256 SkImage::RequiredProperties props = {}) {
257 return TextureFromImage(r, img.get(), props);
260/** Creates SkImage from SkYUVAPixmaps.
262 The image will remain planar with each plane converted to a texture using the passed Recorder.
264 SkYUVAPixmaps has a SkYUVAInfo which specifies the transformation from YUV to RGB. The
265 SkColorSpace of the resulting RGB values is specified by imgColorSpace. This will be the
266 SkColorSpace reported by the image and when drawn the RGB values will be converted from this
267 space into the destination space (if the destination is tagged).
269 This is only supported using the GPU backend and will fail if recorder is nullptr.
271 SkYUVAPixmaps does not need to remain valid after this returns.
273 @param Recorder The Recorder to use for storing commands
274 @param pixmaps The planes as pixmaps with supported SkYUVAInfo that
275 specifies conversion to RGB.
276 @param RequiredProperties Properties the returned SkImage must possess (e.g. mipmaps)
277 @param limitToMaxTextureSize Downscale image to GPU maximum texture size, if necessary
278 @param imgColorSpace Range of colors of the resulting image; may be nullptr
279 @return Created SkImage, or nullptr
282 const SkYUVAPixmaps& pixmaps,
284 bool limitToMaxTextureSize = false,
285 sk_sp<SkColorSpace> imgColorSpace = nullptr,
286 std::string_view label = {});
288/** Creates an SkImage from YUV[A] planar textures associated with the recorder.
289 @param recorder The recorder.
290 @param yuvaBackendTextures A set of textures containing YUVA data and a description of the
291 data and transformation to RGBA.
292 @param imageColorSpace range of colors of the resulting image after conversion to RGB;
293 may be nullptr
294 @param TextureReleaseProc called when the backend textures can be released
295 @param ReleaseContext state passed to TextureReleaseProc
296 @return created SkImage, or nullptr
297 */
300 const skgpu::graphite::YUVABackendTextures& yuvaBackendTextures,
301 sk_sp<SkColorSpace> imageColorSpace,
302 TextureReleaseProc = nullptr,
303 ReleaseContext = nullptr,
304 std::string_view label = {});
306/** Creates an SkImage from YUV[A] planar SkImages associated with the recorder.
308 The images should have kGraphite type, and the result will be nullptr if any are not. The
309 resulting SkImage will not take a ref on the given SkImages but will take a ref on the
310 underlying TextureProxies. The releaseProcs, if any, for those Textures will be the ones set
311 when the given SkImages were created.
313 @param recorder The recorder.
314 @param yuvaInfo Structure describing the YUVA format
315 @param images A set of SkImages containing YUVA data
316 @param imageColorSpace Range of colors of the resulting image after conversion to RGB;
317 may be nullptr
318 @return created SkImage, or nullptr
319 */
322 const SkYUVAInfo& yuvaInfo,
324 sk_sp<SkColorSpace> imageColorSpace);
326/** Returns subset of this image as a texture-backed image.
328 Returns nullptr if any of the following are true:
329 - Subset is empty
330 - Subset is not contained inside the image's bounds
331 - Pixels in the source image could not be read or copied
332 - The source image is texture-backed and context does not match the source image's context.
334 @param recorder the non-null recorder in which to create the new image.
335 @param img Source image
336 @param subset bounds of returned SkImage
337 @param props properties the returned SkImage must possess (e.g. mipmaps)
338 @return the subsetted image, uploaded as a texture, or nullptr
341 const SkImage* img,
342 const SkIRect& subset,
343 SkImage::RequiredProperties props = {});
345/** Creates a filtered SkImage on the GPU. filter processes the src image, potentially changing
346 color, position, and size. subset is the bounds of src that are processed by filter. clipBounds
347 is the expected bounds of the filtered SkImage. outSubset is required storage for the actual
348 bounds of the filtered SkImage. offset is required storage for translation of returned SkImage.
350 Returns nullptr if SkImage could not be created. If nullptr is returned, outSubset and offset
351 are undefined.
353 Useful for animation of SkImageFilter that varies size from frame to frame. Returned SkImage is
354 created larger than required by filter so that GPU texture can be reused with different sized
355 effects. outSubset describes the valid bounds of GPU texture returned. offset translates the
356 returned SkImage to keep subsequent animation frames aligned with respect to each other.
358 @param recorder the recorder in which the filtering operation is to be performed
359 @param filter how SkImage is sampled when transformed
360 @param subset bounds of SkImage processed by filter
361 @param clipBounds expected bounds of filtered SkImage
362 @param outSubset storage for returned SkImage bounds
363 @param offset storage for returned SkImage translation
364 @return filtered SkImage, or nullptr
368 const SkImageFilter* filter,
369 const SkIRect& subset,
370 const SkIRect& clipBounds,
371 SkIRect* outSubset,
374} // namespace SkImages
377#endif // skgpu_graphite_Image_DEFINED
#define SK_API
Definition: SkAPI.h:35
Definition: SkAlphaType.h:26
Definition: SkColorType.h:19
static SkColorType colorType(AImageDecoder *decoder, const AImageDecoderHeaderInfo *headerInfo)
@ kYes
Do pre-clip the geometry before applying the (perspective) matrix.
@ kNo
Don't pre-clip the geometry before applying the (perspective) matrix.
T * get() const
Definition: SkRefCnt.h:303
std::array< MockImage, 3 > images
Definition: mock_vulkan.cc:41
void * GraphitePromiseTextureReleaseContext
Definition: Image.h:43
void * GraphitePromiseTextureFulfillContext
Definition: Image.h:41
SK_API sk_sp< SkImage > TextureFromYUVAPixmaps(GrRecordingContext *context, const SkYUVAPixmaps &pixmaps, skgpu::Mipmapped buildMips, bool limitToMaxTextureSize, sk_sp< SkColorSpace > imageColorSpace)
SK_API sk_sp< SkImage > PromiseTextureFrom(skgpu::graphite::Recorder *, SkISize dimensions, const skgpu::graphite::TextureInfo &, const SkColorInfo &, skgpu::Origin origin, skgpu::graphite::Volatile, GraphitePromiseTextureFulfillProc, GraphitePromiseImageReleaseProc, GraphitePromiseTextureReleaseProc, GraphitePromiseImageContext, std::string_view label={})
SK_API sk_sp< SkImage > WrapTexture(skgpu::graphite::Recorder *, const skgpu::graphite::BackendTexture &, SkColorType colorType, SkAlphaType alphaType, sk_sp< SkColorSpace > colorSpace, skgpu::Origin origin, GenerateMipmapsFromBase generateMipmapsFromBase, TextureReleaseProc=nullptr, ReleaseContext=nullptr, std::string_view label={})
void(*)(GraphitePromiseImageContext) GraphitePromiseImageReleaseProc
Definition: Image.h:48
void * GraphitePromiseImageContext
Definition: Image.h:38
SK_API sk_sp< SkImage > TextureFromImage(GrDirectContext *, const SkImage *, skgpu::Mipmapped=skgpu::Mipmapped::kNo, skgpu::Budgeted=skgpu::Budgeted::kYes)
SK_API sk_sp< SkImage > SubsetTextureFrom(GrDirectContext *context, const SkImage *img, const SkIRect &subset)
SK_API sk_sp< SkImage > PromiseTextureFromYUVA(skgpu::graphite::Recorder *, const skgpu::graphite::YUVABackendTextureInfo &, sk_sp< SkColorSpace > imageColorSpace, skgpu::graphite::Volatile, GraphitePromiseTextureFulfillProc, GraphitePromiseImageReleaseProc, GraphitePromiseTextureReleaseProc, GraphitePromiseImageContext imageContext, GraphitePromiseTextureFulfillContext planeContexts[], std::string_view label={})
std::tuple< skgpu::graphite::BackendTexture, GraphitePromiseTextureReleaseContext >(*)(GraphitePromiseTextureFulfillContext) GraphitePromiseTextureFulfillProc
Definition: Image.h:47
SK_API sk_sp< SkImage > AdoptTextureFrom(GrRecordingContext *context, const GrBackendTexture &backendTexture, GrSurfaceOrigin textureOrigin, SkColorType colorType)
SK_API sk_sp< SkImage > TextureFromYUVATextures(GrRecordingContext *context, const GrYUVABackendTextures &yuvaTextures, sk_sp< SkColorSpace > imageColorSpace, TextureReleaseProc textureReleaseProc=nullptr, ReleaseContext releaseContext=nullptr)
void * ReleaseContext
Definition: SkImage.h:50
SK_API sk_sp< SkImage > MakeWithFilter(sk_sp< SkImage > src, const SkImageFilter *filter, const SkIRect &subset, const SkIRect &clipBounds, SkIRect *outSubset, SkIPoint *offset)
SK_API sk_sp< SkImage > TextureFromYUVAImages(skgpu::graphite::Recorder *recorder, const SkYUVAInfo &yuvaInfo, SkSpan< const sk_sp< SkImage > > images, sk_sp< SkColorSpace > imageColorSpace)
void(*)(GraphitePromiseTextureReleaseContext) GraphitePromiseTextureReleaseProc
Definition: Image.h:49
Definition: Image.h:33
void(*)(ReleaseContext) TextureReleaseProc
Definition: SkImageGanesh.h:45
Definition: GpuTypes.h:77
SeparatedVector2 offset
Definition: SkRect.h:32
Definition: SkSize.h:16