8#include "gmock/gmock.h"
31 (
const std::string& label,
Range range),
60 (
const std::shared_ptr<Allocator>& transients_allocator),
66 (std::shared_ptr<Texture>
67 std::shared_ptr<Texture> destination,
75 (std::shared_ptr<Texture>
76 std::shared_ptr<DeviceBuffer> destination,
78 size_t destination_offset,
84 std::shared_ptr<Texture> destination,
85 IRect destination_rect,
88 bool convert_to_read),
92 (std::shared_ptr<Texture>
texture, std::string label),
void, SetLabel, (
const std::string& label), (
115 MOCK_METHOD(std::shared_ptr<BlitPass>, OnCreateBlitPass, (), (
void, SetLabel, (std::string_view label), (
185 (
const uint8_t* contents,
size_t length,
size_t slice),
189 (std::shared_ptr<const fml::Mapping> mapping,
size_t slice),
215 (
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CommandBuffer>>& buffers,
An object that allocates device memory.
virtual ISize GetMaxTextureSizeSupported() const =0
virtual std::shared_ptr< Texture > OnCreateTexture(const TextureDescriptor &desc)=0
virtual std::shared_ptr< DeviceBuffer > OnCreateBuffer(const DeviceBufferDescriptor &desc)=0
Blit passes encode blit into the underlying command buffer.
virtual bool EncodeCommands(const std::shared_ptr< Allocator > &transients_allocator) const =0
Encode the recorded commands to the underlying command buffer.
virtual bool OnCopyTextureToBufferCommand(std::shared_ptr< Texture > source, std::shared_ptr< DeviceBuffer > destination, IRect source_region, size_t destination_offset, std::string label)=0
virtual bool OnCopyBufferToTextureCommand(BufferView source, std::shared_ptr< Texture > destination, IRect destination_region, std::string label, uint32_t slice, bool convert_to_read)=0
virtual void OnSetLabel(std::string label)=0
virtual bool IsValid() const =0
virtual bool OnGenerateMipmapCommand(std::shared_ptr< Texture > texture, std::string label)=0
virtual bool OnCopyTextureToTextureCommand(std::shared_ptr< Texture > source, std::shared_ptr< Texture > destination, IRect source_region, IPoint destination_origin, std::string label)=0
virtual PixelFormat GetDefaultStencilFormat() const =0
Returns a supported PixelFormat for textures that store stencil information. May include a depth chan...
virtual bool SupportsOffscreenMSAA() const =0
Whether the context backend supports attaching offscreen MSAA color/stencil textures.
virtual bool SupportsImplicitResolvingMSAA() const =0
Whether the context backend supports multisampled rendering to the on-screen surface without requirin...
virtual bool SupportsFramebufferFetch() const =0
Whether the context backend is able to support pipelines with shaders that read from the framebuffer ...
virtual bool SupportsDecalSamplerAddressMode() const =0
Whether the context backend supports SamplerAddressMode::Decal.
virtual bool SupportsReadFromResolve() const =0
Whether the context backend supports binding the current RenderPass attachments. This is supported if...
virtual bool SupportsComputeSubgroups() const =0
Whether the context backend supports configuring ComputePass command subgroups.
virtual PixelFormat GetDefaultGlyphAtlasFormat() const =0
Returns the default pixel format for the alpha bitmap glyph atlas.
virtual PixelFormat GetDefaultColorFormat() const =0
Returns a supported PixelFormat for textures that store 4-channel colors (red/green/blue/alpha).
virtual bool SupportsDeviceTransientTextures() const =0
Whether the context backend supports allocating StorageMode::kDeviceTransient (aka "memoryless") text...
virtual bool SupportsCompute() const =0
Whether the context backend supports ComputePass.
virtual bool SupportsSSBO() const =0
Whether the context backend supports binding Shader Storage Buffer Objects (SSBOs) to pipelines.
virtual PixelFormat GetDefaultDepthStencilFormat() const =0
Returns a supported PixelFormat for textures that store both a stencil and depth component....
virtual bool SupportsTextureToTextureBlits() const =0
Whether the context backend supports blitting from one texture region to another texture region (via ...
A collection of encoded commands to be submitted to the GPU for execution. A command buffer is obtain...
std::function< void(Status)> CompletionCallback
An interface for submitting command buffers to the GPU for encoding and execution.
std::function< void(CommandBuffer::Status)> CompletionCallback
virtual fml::Status Submit(const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< CommandBuffer > > &buffers, const CompletionCallback &completion_callback={})
Submit one or more command buffer objects to be encoded and executed on the GPU.
To do anything rendering related with Impeller, you need a context.
virtual std::shared_ptr< CommandQueue > GetCommandQueue() const =0
Return the graphics queue for submitting command buffers.
virtual const std::shared_ptr< const Capabilities > & GetCapabilities() const =0
Get the capabilities of Impeller context. All optionally supported feature of the platform,...
virtual BackendType GetBackendType() const =0
Get the graphics backend of an Impeller context.
virtual std::shared_ptr< PipelineLibrary > GetPipelineLibrary() const =0
Returns the library of pipelines used by render or compute commands.
virtual void Shutdown()=0
Force all pending asynchronous work to finish. This is achieved by deleting all owned concurrent mess...
virtual std::shared_ptr< ShaderLibrary > GetShaderLibrary() const =0
Returns the library of shaders used to specify the programmable stages of a pipeline.
virtual std::shared_ptr< SamplerLibrary > GetSamplerLibrary() const =0
Returns the library of combined image samplers used in shaders.
virtual std::shared_ptr< CommandBuffer > CreateCommandBuffer() const =0
Create a new command buffer. Command buffers can be used to encode graphics, blit,...
virtual std::string DescribeGpuModel() const =0
virtual std::shared_ptr< Allocator > GetResourceAllocator() const =0
Returns the allocator used to create textures and buffers on the device.
virtual bool IsValid() const =0
Determines if a context is valid. If the caller ever receives an invalid context, they must discard i...
virtual uint8_t * OnGetContents() const =0
virtual bool SetLabel(const std::string &label)=0
virtual bool OnCopyHostBuffer(const uint8_t *source, Range source_range, size_t offset)=0
Render passes encode render commands directed as one specific render target into an underlying comman...
virtual void OnSetLabel(std::string label)=0
virtual bool OnEncodeCommands(const Context &context) const =0
virtual bool IsValid() const =0
virtual const std::unique_ptr< const Sampler > & GetSampler(SamplerDescriptor descriptor)=0
Retrieve a backend specific sampler object for the given sampler descriptor.
MOCK_METHOD(ISize, GetMaxTextureSizeSupported,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(std::shared_ptr< DeviceBuffer >, OnCreateBuffer,(const DeviceBufferDescriptor &desc),(override))
MOCK_METHOD(std::shared_ptr< Texture >, OnCreateTexture,(const TextureDescriptor &desc),(override))
MOCK_METHOD(void, OnSetLabel,(std::string label),(override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, EncodeCommands,(const std::shared_ptr< Allocator > &transients_allocator),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, OnCopyBufferToTextureCommand,(BufferView source, std::shared_ptr< Texture > destination, IRect destination_rect, std::string label, uint32_t slice, bool convert_to_read),(override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, OnGenerateMipmapCommand,(std::shared_ptr< Texture > texture, std::string label),(override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, OnCopyTextureToBufferCommand,(std::shared_ptr< Texture > source, std::shared_ptr< DeviceBuffer > destination, IRect source_region, size_t destination_offset, std::string label),(override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, OnCopyTextureToTextureCommand,(std::shared_ptr< Texture > source, std::shared_ptr< Texture > destination, IRect source_region, IPoint destination_origin, std::string label),(override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, IsValid,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, SupportsDecalSamplerAddressMode,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, SupportsOffscreenMSAA,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(PixelFormat, GetDefaultGlyphAtlasFormat,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, SupportsFramebufferFetch,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, SupportsSSBO,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, SupportsTextureToTextureBlits,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, SupportsImplicitResolvingMSAA,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, SupportsReadFromResolve,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, SupportsDeviceTransientTextures,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(PixelFormat, GetDefaultDepthStencilFormat,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(PixelFormat, GetDefaultStencilFormat,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, SupportsComputeSubgroups,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(PixelFormat, GetDefaultColorFormat,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, SupportsCompute,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(void, OnWaitUntilScheduled,(),(override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, OnSubmitCommands,(CompletionCallback callback),(override))
MOCK_METHOD(void, SetLabel,(const std::string &label),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, IsValid,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(std::shared_ptr< ComputePass >, OnCreateComputePass,(),(override))
MOCK_METHOD(std::shared_ptr< BlitPass >, OnCreateBlitPass,(),(override))
MOCK_METHOD(std::shared_ptr< RenderPass >, OnCreateRenderPass,(RenderTarget render_target),(override))
MockCommandBuffer(std::weak_ptr< const Context > context)
MOCK_METHOD(fml::Status, Submit,(const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< CommandBuffer > > &buffers, const CompletionCallback &cb),(override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, SetLabel,(const std::string &label),(override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, OnCopyHostBuffer,(const uint8_t *source, Range source_range, size_t offset),(override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, SetLabel,(const std::string &label, Range range),(override))
MOCK_METHOD(uint8_t *, OnGetContents,(),(const, override))
MockDeviceBuffer(const DeviceBufferDescriptor &desc)
MOCK_METHOD(std::shared_ptr< PipelineLibrary >, GetPipelineLibrary,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(std::shared_ptr< ShaderLibrary >, GetShaderLibrary,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(std::shared_ptr< CommandQueue >, GetCommandQueue,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(const std::shared_ptr< const Capabilities > &, GetCapabilities,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(std::shared_ptr< CommandBuffer >, CreateCommandBuffer,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(std::shared_ptr< SamplerLibrary >, GetSamplerLibrary,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(std::string, DescribeGpuModel,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(std::shared_ptr< Allocator >, GetResourceAllocator,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, IsValid,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(void, Shutdown,(),(override))
MOCK_METHOD(Context::BackendType, GetBackendType,(),(const, override))
MockRenderPass(std::shared_ptr< const Context > context, const RenderTarget &target)
MOCK_METHOD(bool, IsValid,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, OnEncodeCommands,(const Context &context),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(void, OnSetLabel,(std::string label),(override))
MOCK_METHOD(const std::unique_ptr< const Sampler > &, GetSampler,(SamplerDescriptor descriptor),(override))
MockSampler(const SamplerDescriptor &desc)
MOCK_METHOD(void, SetLabel,(std::string_view label),(override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, OnSetContents,(std::shared_ptr< const fml::Mapping > mapping, size_t slice),(override))
MockTexture(const TextureDescriptor &desc)
MOCK_METHOD(ISize, GetSize,(),(const, override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, OnSetContents,(const uint8_t *contents, size_t length, size_t slice),(override))
MOCK_METHOD(bool, IsValid,(),(const, override))
FlKeyEvent uint64_t FlKeyResponderAsyncCallback callback
std::function< ProfileSample(void)> Sampler
Sampler is run during SamplingProfiler::SampleRepeatedly. Each platform should implement its version ...
The Pixel formats supported by Impeller. The naming convention denotes the usage of the component,...
A lightweight object that describes the attributes of a texture that can then used an allocator to cr...