Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
7#include "flutter/fml/trace_event.h"
8#include "flutter/impeller/renderer/command_buffer.h"
16@protocol FlutterMetalDrawable <MTLDrawable>
17- (void)flutterPrepareForPresent:(nonnull id<MTLCommandBuffer>)commandBuffer;
20namespace impeller {
22#pragma GCC diagnostic push
23#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunguarded-availability-new"
26 const std::shared_ptr<Context>& context,
27 CAMetalLayer* layer) {
28 TRACE_EVENT0("impeller", "SurfaceMTL::WrapCurrentMetalLayerDrawable");
30 if (context == nullptr || !context->IsValid() || layer == nil) {
31 return nullptr;
32 }
34 id<CAMetalDrawable> current_drawable = nil;
35 {
36 TRACE_EVENT0("impeller", "WaitForNextDrawable");
37 current_drawable = [layer nextDrawable];
38 }
40 if (!current_drawable) {
41 VALIDATION_LOG << "Could not acquire current drawable.";
42 return nullptr;
43 }
44 return current_drawable;
47static std::optional<RenderTarget> WrapTextureWithRenderTarget(
48 Allocator& allocator,
49 id<MTLTexture> texture,
50 bool requires_blit,
51 std::optional<IRect> clip_rect) {
52 // compositor_context.cc will offset the rendering by the clip origin. Here we
53 // shrink to the size of the clip. This has the same effect as clipping the
54 // rendering but also creates smaller intermediate passes.
55 ISize root_size;
56 if (requires_blit) {
57 if (!clip_rect.has_value()) {
58 VALIDATION_LOG << "Missing clip rectangle.";
59 return std::nullopt;
60 }
61 root_size = ISize(clip_rect->GetWidth(), clip_rect->GetHeight());
62 } else {
63 root_size = {static_cast<ISize::Type>(texture.width),
64 static_cast<ISize::Type>(texture.height)};
65 }
67 TextureDescriptor resolve_tex_desc;
68 resolve_tex_desc.format = FromMTLPixelFormat(texture.pixelFormat);
69 resolve_tex_desc.size = root_size;
70 resolve_tex_desc.usage =
72 resolve_tex_desc.sample_count = SampleCount::kCount1;
75 if (resolve_tex_desc.format == PixelFormat::kUnknown) {
76 VALIDATION_LOG << "Unknown drawable color format.";
77 return std::nullopt;
78 }
80 // Create color resolve texture.
81 std::shared_ptr<Texture> resolve_tex;
82 if (requires_blit) {
84 resolve_tex = allocator.CreateTexture(resolve_tex_desc);
85 } else {
86 resolve_tex = TextureMTL::Create(resolve_tex_desc, texture);
87 }
89 if (!resolve_tex) {
90 VALIDATION_LOG << "Could not wrap resolve texture.";
91 return std::nullopt;
92 }
93 resolve_tex->SetLabel("ImpellerOnscreenResolve");
95 TextureDescriptor msaa_tex_desc;
98 msaa_tex_desc.sample_count = SampleCount::kCount4;
99 msaa_tex_desc.format = resolve_tex->GetTextureDescriptor().format;
100 msaa_tex_desc.size = resolve_tex->GetSize();
101 msaa_tex_desc.usage = TextureUsage::kRenderTarget;
103 auto msaa_tex = allocator.CreateTexture(msaa_tex_desc);
104 if (!msaa_tex) {
105 VALIDATION_LOG << "Could not allocate MSAA color texture.";
106 return std::nullopt;
107 }
108 msaa_tex->SetLabel("ImpellerOnscreenColorMSAA");
110 ColorAttachment color0;
111 color0.texture = msaa_tex;
115 color0.resolve_texture = std::move(resolve_tex);
117 auto render_target_desc = std::make_optional<RenderTarget>();
118 render_target_desc->SetColorAttachment(color0, 0u);
120 return render_target_desc;
123std::unique_ptr<SurfaceMTL> SurfaceMTL::MakeFromMetalLayerDrawable(
124 const std::shared_ptr<Context>& context,
125 id<CAMetalDrawable> drawable,
126 std::optional<IRect> clip_rect) {
127 return SurfaceMTL::MakeFromTexture(context, drawable.texture, clip_rect,
128 drawable);
131std::unique_ptr<SurfaceMTL> SurfaceMTL::MakeFromTexture(
132 const std::shared_ptr<Context>& context,
133 id<MTLTexture> texture,
134 std::optional<IRect> clip_rect,
135 id<CAMetalDrawable> drawable) {
136 bool partial_repaint_blit_required = ShouldPerformPartialRepaint(clip_rect);
138 // The returned render target is the texture that Impeller will render the
139 // root pass to. If partial repaint is in use, this may be a new texture which
140 // is smaller than the given MTLTexture.
141 auto render_target =
142 WrapTextureWithRenderTarget(*context->GetResourceAllocator(), texture,
143 partial_repaint_blit_required, clip_rect);
144 if (!render_target) {
145 return nullptr;
146 }
148 // If partial repainting, set a "source" texture. The presence of a source
149 // texture and clip rect instructs the surface to blit this texture to the
150 // destination texture.
151 auto source_texture = partial_repaint_blit_required
152 ? render_target->GetRenderTargetTexture()
153 : nullptr;
155 // The final "destination" texture is the texture that will be presented. In
156 // this case, it's always the given drawable.
157 std::shared_ptr<Texture> destination_texture;
158 if (partial_repaint_blit_required) {
159 // If blitting for partial repaint, we need to wrap the drawable. Simply
160 // reuse the texture descriptor that was already formed for the new render
161 // target, but override the size with the drawable's size.
162 auto destination_descriptor =
163 render_target->GetRenderTargetTexture()->GetTextureDescriptor();
164 destination_descriptor.size = {static_cast<ISize::Type>(texture.width),
165 static_cast<ISize::Type>(texture.height)};
166 destination_texture = TextureMTL::Wrapper(destination_descriptor, texture);
167 } else {
168 // When not partial repaint blit is needed, the render target texture _is_
169 // the drawable texture.
170 destination_texture = render_target->GetRenderTargetTexture();
171 }
173 return std::unique_ptr<SurfaceMTL>(new SurfaceMTL(
174 context, // context
175 *render_target, // target
176 render_target->GetRenderTargetTexture(), // resolve_texture
177 drawable, // drawable
178 source_texture, // source_texture
179 destination_texture, // destination_texture
180 partial_repaint_blit_required, // requires_blit
181 clip_rect // clip_rect
182 ));
185SurfaceMTL::SurfaceMTL(const std::weak_ptr<Context>& context,
186 const RenderTarget& target,
187 std::shared_ptr<Texture> resolve_texture,
188 id<CAMetalDrawable> drawable,
189 std::shared_ptr<Texture> source_texture,
190 std::shared_ptr<Texture> destination_texture,
191 bool requires_blit,
192 std::optional<IRect> clip_rect)
193 : Surface(target),
194 context_(context),
195 resolve_texture_(std::move(resolve_texture)),
196 drawable_(drawable),
197 source_texture_(std::move(source_texture)),
198 destination_texture_(std::move(destination_texture)),
199 requires_blit_(requires_blit),
200 clip_rect_(clip_rect) {}
202// |Surface|
203SurfaceMTL::~SurfaceMTL() = default;
205bool SurfaceMTL::ShouldPerformPartialRepaint(std::optional<IRect> damage_rect) {
206 // compositor_context.cc will conditionally disable partial repaint if the
207 // damage region is large. If that happened, then a nullopt damage rect
208 // will be provided here.
209 if (!damage_rect.has_value()) {
210 return false;
211 }
212 // If the damage rect is 0 in at least one dimension, partial repaint isn't
213 // performed as we skip right to present.
214 if (damage_rect->IsEmpty()) {
215 return false;
216 }
217 return true;
220// |Surface|
222 return IRect::MakeSize(resolve_texture_->GetSize());
225// |Surface|
227 auto context = context_.lock();
228 if (!context) {
229 return false;
230 }
232 if (requires_blit_) {
233 if (!(source_texture_ && destination_texture_)) {
234 return false;
235 }
237 auto blit_command_buffer = context->CreateCommandBuffer();
238 if (!blit_command_buffer) {
239 return false;
240 }
241 auto blit_pass = blit_command_buffer->CreateBlitPass();
242 if (!clip_rect_.has_value()) {
243 VALIDATION_LOG << "Missing clip rectangle.";
244 return false;
245 }
246 blit_pass->AddCopy(source_texture_, destination_texture_, std::nullopt,
247 clip_rect_->GetOrigin());
248 blit_pass->EncodeCommands(context->GetResourceAllocator());
249 if (!context->GetCommandQueue()->Submit({blit_command_buffer}).ok()) {
250 return false;
251 }
252 }
254 ContextMTL::Cast(context.get())->GetGPUTracer()->MarkFrameEnd();
255#endif // IMPELLER_DEBUG
257 if (drawable_) {
258 id<MTLCommandBuffer> command_buffer =
259 ContextMTL::Cast(context.get())
260 ->CreateMTLCommandBuffer("Present Waiter Command Buffer");
262 id<CAMetalDrawable> metal_drawable =
263 reinterpret_cast<id<CAMetalDrawable>>(drawable_);
264 if ([metal_drawable conformsToProtocol:@protocol(FlutterMetalDrawable)]) {
265 [(id<FlutterMetalDrawable>)metal_drawable
266 flutterPrepareForPresent:command_buffer];
267 }
269 // If the threads have been merged, or there is a pending frame capture,
270 // then block on cmd buffer scheduling to ensure that the
271 // transaction/capture work correctly.
272 if ([[NSThread currentThread] isMainThread] ||
273 [[MTLCaptureManager sharedCaptureManager] isCapturing]) {
274 TRACE_EVENT0("flutter", "waitUntilScheduled");
275 [command_buffer commit];
276 [command_buffer waitUntilScheduled];
277 [drawable_ present];
278 } else {
279 // The drawable may come from a FlutterMetalLayer, so it can't be
280 // presented through the command buffer.
281 id<CAMetalDrawable> drawable = drawable_;
282 [command_buffer addScheduledHandler:^(id<MTLCommandBuffer> buffer) {
283 [drawable present];
284 }];
285 [command_buffer commit];
286 }
287 }
289 return true;
291#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
293} // namespace impeller
An object that allocates device memory.
Definition allocator.h:22
std::shared_ptr< Texture > CreateTexture(const TextureDescriptor &desc)
Definition allocator.cc:49
static ContextMTL & Cast(Context &base)
id< MTLCommandBuffer > CreateMTLCommandBuffer(const std::string &label) const
bool Present() const override
IRect coverage() const
id< MTLDrawable > drawable() const
Definition surface_mtl.h:57
static std::unique_ptr< SurfaceMTL > MakeFromTexture(const std::shared_ptr< Context > &context, id< MTLTexture > texture, std::optional< IRect > clip_rect, id< CAMetalDrawable > drawable=nil)
static id< CAMetalDrawable > GetMetalDrawableAndValidate(const std::shared_ptr< Context > &context, CAMetalLayer *layer)
Wraps the current drawable of the given Metal layer to create a surface Impeller can render to....
static std::unique_ptr< SurfaceMTL > MakeFromMetalLayerDrawable(const std::shared_ptr< Context > &context, id< CAMetalDrawable > drawable, std::optional< IRect > clip_rect=std::nullopt)
~SurfaceMTL() override
static std::shared_ptr< TextureMTL > Wrapper(TextureDescriptor desc, id< MTLTexture > texture, std::function< void()> deletion_proc=nullptr)
static std::shared_ptr< TextureMTL > Create(TextureDescriptor desc, id< MTLTexture > texture)
uint32_t * target
FlTexture * texture
constexpr PixelFormat FromMTLPixelFormat(MTLPixelFormat format)
Definition formats_mtl.h:23
static std::optional< RenderTarget > WrapTextureWithRenderTarget(Allocator &allocator, id< MTLTexture > texture, bool requires_blit, std::optional< IRect > clip_rect)
TSize< int64_t > ISize
Definition size.h:138
Definition ref_ptr.h:256
std::shared_ptr< Texture > resolve_texture
Definition formats.h:640
LoadAction load_action
Definition formats.h:641
std::shared_ptr< Texture > texture
Definition formats.h:639
StoreAction store_action
Definition formats.h:642
static constexpr Color DarkSlateGray()
Definition color.h:410
static constexpr TRect MakeSize(const TSize< U > &size)
Definition rect.h:146
A lightweight object that describes the attributes of a texture that can then used an allocator to cr...
#define TRACE_EVENT0(category_group, name)
Definition validation.h:73